A cure for alzhiemers?

Well, by all the little gods why couldn't they find this about 2 years earlier so that my extremely funny and intelligent great uncle could have died with his brain intact?

has also shown that nicotine found in cigaretts..has this same effect...so to all the nay sayers who condemn smokers...who cares what ya all think..it may smell but it does save ya from alzheimers...or so they say!
has also shown that nicotine found in cigaretts..has this same effect...so to all the nay sayers who condemn smokers...who cares what ya all think..it may smell but it does save ya from alzheimers...or so they say!

I'd say you should be the first patient who gets this new treatment.

Your babbling incoherency, and unjustified worship of George Bush, seems to be the classic signs of alzheimers or dementia.
"Tests show that the new drug, being developed at St Andrews University, stops brain cells from dying in mice suffering from a condition similar Alzheimer's disease. "

thank God for government sponsored research.
I'd say you should be the first patient who gets this new treatment.

Your babbling incoherency, and unjustified worship of George Bush, seems to be the classic signs of alzheimers or dementia.
HA HA HA, I agree fully. (as I have already stated BEFORE I read your post.)
has also shown that nicotine found in cigaretts..has this same effect...so to all the nay sayers who condemn smokers...who cares what ya all think..it may smell but it does save ya from alzheimers...or so they say!
Yep and if the health care bill passes I can feel good about helping the poor uninsured children every time I light up.
I'd say you should be the first patient who gets this new treatment.

Your babbling incoherency, and unjustified worship of George Bush, seems to be the classic signs of alzheimers or dementia.

LOL I would have guess Korsakoff's just to keep it interesting. :p

Anyway this is great news if it can be shown to work clinically!

Yep and if the health care bill passes I can feel good about helping the poor uninsured children every time I light up.

don't agree with me...donny and cippie will attack you...can't have dissention in the ranks...they really get off calling me names and such..it is amusing!
Get a new gig....

I'd say you should be the first patient who gets this new treatment.

Your babbling incoherency, and unjustified worship of George Bush, seems to be the classic signs of alzheimers or dementia.

Bashing GW is really getting boring along with your darla humor! Must you bring GW into every post...do you have a secret crush on him?...I think donny has one on you...he is always right behind your posts...don't stop fast or donny will get a brown nose!
Right lets bash Billy clinton :D
Ahh those were the good ol days.
Lets call the anti war types unamerican and rename french fries.
Bashing GW is really getting boring along with your darla humor! Must you bring GW into every post...do you have a secret crush on him?...I think donny has one on you...he is always right behind your posts...don't stop fast or donny will get a brown nose!
If you want to make that accusation, you have to include everyone on the board. It seem none of them think you have a brain in your head (if that is what you call that lump above your shoulders.) and it really doesn't matter which of us says it first. it is true regardless.