A Date Which Will Live In Appreciation


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When Ronald Reagan visited West Berlin in 1987 he urged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall. But no one expected it to happen.

Two years later, in November 1989, that is just what happened

31st anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the photographer who captured it
Alan Sparrow
2 hours ago


To Democrats, November 9, 1989 is their “date which will live in infamy,” .

On the other side of the Democrat coin they will always consider April 29, 1975 their most honored date of appreciation:


Finally, if there is ever an international holiday it should be November 9.
I never knew about “Little Pearl Harbor” until I ran across Suzi Marsh’s article. I do not know how I never heard about it in all the years since 1945. The coverup accounts for 14 years, but even after the facts came out in 1959 the coverup continued to do the job. I say that because of all the war movies produced about WWII not one was ever made about that day in Bari, Italy. I assume that Washington parasites told Hollywood parasites that not a penny of subsidy money could be used make a such a movie.

Later, Rhoads would go on to help establish the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research where, partially inspired by Alexander’s work, the first chemotherapy eventually took shape. Meanwhile, the lieutenant’s report on the Bari incident would not be made public until 1959. Even today, this chapter in history remains largely forgotten, although its legacy went on to save many lives.

After reading Ms. Marsh's piece I would list December 2 as a date of infamy right next to Dec. 7. The death and suffering unleashed on that terrible day —— and long afterward —— is beyond comprehension to any decent man or woman.

I warn you. Read the article and look at the photographs at your peril:

Had the Germans lashed out unexpectedly with a devastating chemical attack? Or was something even more sinister at play? The truth was so shocking that the leading Allied powers immediately moved to suppress it. And for more than 15 years, the report into what happened at “Little Pearl Harbor” remained classified. Eventually, the extent of the cover-up was revealed – along with a terrible secret that could have changed the course of the war.

The Allies Suffered A “Little Pearl Harbor” In WWII – And It Led To A Big U.S. Cover-Up
Suzi Marsh
By Suzi Marsh
September 16, 2020

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I never knew about “Little Pearl Harbor” until I ran across Suzi Marsh’s article. I do not know how I never heard about it in all the years since 1945. The coverup accounts for 14 years, but even after the facts came out in 1959 the coverup continued to do the job. I say that because of all the war movies produced about WWII not one was ever made about that day in Bari, Italy. I assume that Washington parasites told Hollywood parasites that not a penny of subsidy money could be used make a such a movie.

Later, Rhoads would go on to help establish the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research where, partially inspired by Alexander’s work, the first chemotherapy eventually took shape. Meanwhile, the lieutenant’s report on the Bari incident would not be made public until 1959. Even today, this chapter in history remains largely forgotten, although its legacy went on to save many lives.

After reading Ms. Marshall piece I would list December 2 as a date of infamy right next Dec 7. The death and suffering unleashed on that terrible day —— and long afterward —— is beyond comprehension to any decent man or woman.

I warn you. Read the article and look at photographs at your peril:

Had the Germans lashed out unexpectedly with a devastating chemical attack? Or was something even more sinister at play? The truth was so shocking that the leading Allied powers immediately moved to suppress it. And for more than 15 years, the report into what happened at “Little Pearl Harbor” remained classified. Eventually, the extent of the cover-up was revealed – along with a terrible secret that could have changed the course of the war.

The Allies Suffered A “Little Pearl Harbor” In WWII – And It Led To A Big U.S. Cover-Up
Suzi Marsh
By Suzi Marsh
September 16, 2020


I've never heard that story before, thanks for sharing