A Different Afghanistan


I didn't even know Afghanistan had a king that was alive, it's interesting to hear about his life and how Afghanistan used to be. I have to admit in my lifetime I've only seen the place in terrible strife with the Soviet invasion, Taliban/Al-Qaida, tribal wars and now the Taliban again. You kind of wondered if the place was ever possible to be peaceful, yet it was different once upon a time.


Hopefully someday it can return to being more like what it once was leading to be under this king.
Kings ? what happened to bringing them democracy ?

The king was making them more democratic, read the article.

And you'll note that I said that hopefully it (life) will return to being more like what it was under the king, not that the king needs to be in power. He is dead so no chance of that anyway.
Np Dano, I realize that most Bush supporters are Authoratarian in nature. It is just that most will not admit to it.