APP - A discordance in the polls


Former Vice President

The left will try to make a big deal out of Obama's approval ratings which are largely being driven by the black vote. They will blindly approve of anything he does solely because of his color and ignore that their lives have materially worsened under him.

The left will tell themselves that Obama's approval ratings will transfer good will to Crooked Hillary and catapult her into the White House. But, I don't think so. It was clear during the democrat primary that the left on JPP didn't pay attention to that Hillary had trouble cobbling together Obama's coalition. She struggled with the youth vote and turnout was very low compared to what Obama drew.

Couple that with the fact that 70% are unhappy with the direction of the country and many see her as part of what got us here, I think it spells trouble for her. I am sure that JPP lefties will of course disagree. No doubt, Trump isn't the best candidate. I believe Ted Cruz could have trounced her. But, Trump can still win. We will see.