A Dixie Apology - Waiting for his Approval


Will work for Scooby snacks
Dixie, if your finally willing, this apology awaits your signature and approval:


An Apology for Iraq

WHEREAS, I openly supported President Bush’s war on Iraq for four years and constantly denied the ever deteriorating situation there;

WHEREAS, I openly scorned anyone who raised doubts about the existence of WMD or imminent threats from Iraq;

WHEREAS, I was wrong about virtually EVERYTHING I ever said on Iraq;

WHEREAS, every reason Bush and I gave to invade Iraq has proven to be false and untrue;

WHEREAS, Saddam’s Iraq did not have stockpiles of WMD, nuclear programs, or collaborative ties to Al Qaeda;

WHEREAS, nearly 30,000 American and coalition soldiers have died or been wounded as a result of the many false reasons Bush and I gave for invading Iraq;

WHEREAS, at least 150,000 Iraqis have died in a civil war Bush and I set the stage for;

WHEREAS, the American taxpayer has expended nearly half a trillion dollars on my war;

WHEREAS, I called everyone who turned out to be right about Iraq: traitors, surrender monkeys, and terrorist-lovers;

BE IT RESOLVED, that I hereby apologize to:

-the families of American and coalition soldiers that I played an indirect role in killing and wounding;

-Al Gore, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and all other Americans who warned me this war was unnecessary.

-The French, the Germans, the Canadians, and other nations that I insulted, when it turns out their judgment was the correct one

-And to the families of dead Iraqi citizens, whom have suffered worse conditions because of my and Bush’s actions, than they did under the secular Bath regime.



Dixie's Resolution to Prissy:

WHERAS, you are too ignorant to see danger or understand it;
WHERAS, you like bright and shiny objects;
WHERAS, you are a pathetic moron without sense to come in from the rain;
WHERAS, you are a simple-minded retarded fool without a life;
WHERAS, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass;
WHERAS, you would kill your mother if it got a democrat elected;
WHERAS, you can't accept that every one doesn't agree with your pinhead ass;
WHERAS, you need psychological help for your obsession with me;
WHERAS, you refuse to pull your pinhead out of your pinhead ass;

BE IT RESOLVED, that I hereby don't give a flying fuck what you think, do or say, here or anywhere on the face of this planet, and be it further resolved that you are beyond any reasonable comprehension or help, and your status should be relegated to permenant insiginficance on this message board, and elsewhere, until such time as Hell freezes over, or a liberal gets elected president and abolishes the first ammendment.




WHERAS, the previous resolution failed to acknowledge the obvious;
WHERAS, all attempts at civil discourse have failed;
WHERAS, there is no need to bother reading what you have to say;
WHERAS, you can kiss my ass and die a slow painful death;

BE IT RESOLVED, Prissy will once again be placed on my ignore list.


Yes, I do, and since you don't even really believe in my maker yourself, why the fuck are you suddenly so concerned about my answers to him?

Six more american families that don't have fathers or husbands, thanks in part to you Dixie:

The US military is reporting the deaths of 6 US troops in Iraq. Four were killed by a roadside bomb in Sunni-majority Diyala Province where the US has been fighting Sunni Arab guerrillas. Another was killed "north of Baghdad" (i.e. Sunni territory). The sixth was a non-combat death.
BE IT RESOLVED, once again Cypress has handed you your a$$.
Dixie is an adept of the Odekerk school of rhetorical debate. This is an intellectual discipline derived from the famous Wimp Lo style of Kung Fu, noted for such deadly moves as "my face to your fist" and "my nuts to your foot."
Dixie is an adept of the Odekerk school of rhetorical debate. This is an intellectual discipline derived from the famous Wimp Lo style of Kung Fu, noted for such deadly moves as "my face to your fist" and "my *%# to your foot."

LOL :cof1: