A Dumb Rock Questions ACB


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As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken


If H. L. was alive today he would say ‘. . . the U.S. Senate is adorned by morons.’

Democrat Senator Coons personifies Mencken’s worst nightmare. Coons is an avowed Communist, a parasite, and as dumb as a rock:

Amy Coney Barrett has been impressive as hell throughout the confirmation hearing process this week, and perhaps nothing illustrates that better than pointed remarks she made in response to a question from Democratic Sen. Chris Coons earlier today.

Coons, who is the junior senator from Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, was pressing Barrett on a 1996 case in which the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dissented. Coons seemed to be suggesting – or at the very least trying to draw it out – that Barrett’s judicial style would mirror Scalia’s, who she has said she admires and views as a mentor.

She shut him down quick:

As she has done many times during these hearings, Barrett drew a distinction between the late Justice Scalia and a “Justice Barrett,” despite their sharing an originalist approach to the Constitution and Scalia having been her mentor.

Coons was not suggesting —— he was saying outright that ACB is dumber than him:

“I hope that you aren’t suggesting that I don’t have my own mind or that I couldn’t think independently or that I would just decide like — ‘let me see what Justice Scalia said about this in the past’ — because I assure you I have my own mind,” Barrett pointedly told Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. “I share his philosophy, but I have never said that I would always reach the same outcome as he did.”

Boom: Amy Coney Barrett Shuts Down Chris Coons Over Scalia Question During Confirmation Hearing
by Sister Toldjah
Posted at 4:30 pm on October 14, 2020


Parenthetically, stupid people voting has always been a major flaw in elections. Dumbbells voting was livable when they were a small minority among free people. The flaw uniting dumbbells with the Parasite Class changed the dynamics in every election since 1913. That kinetic is now a major threat to life itself as the violent Communist Revolution shows:



He said stabbing is a less effective method, suggesting the French Revolution staple, the guillotine.

"Guillotines motherf*****. That’s all we gotta say. Option A, what I'm proposing. Option two, slicey bois.

Democratic Party leader vows to 'lie,' 'cheat' and 'steal' to win
By WND Staff
Published October 14, 2020 at 7:03pm


Finally, on the bright side, the dumbbells will once again become a minority if the XVI and XVII Amendments are repealed before it is too late.

p.s. Dumbbells asking questions exposes the Democrat Party’s conspiracy to pack the courts more effectively than everything else they have been trying; nevertheless, Coons allowed to vote against confirming ACB’s is more preposterous than allowing him to question her:

October 20, 2010
Coons can't name the 5 freedoms in First Amendment
Rick Moran


p.p.s. REPUBLICAN Senator Sasse got it wrong:

When asked by Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) to name the five freedoms, Barrett was able to name freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly, before looking puzzled and saying, “What else am I missing?”

Sasse then told Barrett she had forgotten “redress or protest.”



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

ACB should have told Sasse that ‘Protest is made of whole cloth.’

In any event Sasse should know that protest is not a synonym for petition. He should also know that petition does not mean violent protests to everyone except Democrats.
As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken


If H. L. was alive today he would say ‘. . . the U.S. Senate is adorned by morons.’

Democrat Senator Coons personifies Mencken’s worst nightmare. Coons is an avowed Communist, a parasite, and as dumb as a rock:

Amy Coney Barrett has been impressive as hell throughout the confirmation hearing process this week, and perhaps nothing illustrates that better than pointed remarks she made in response to a question from Democratic Sen. Chris Coons earlier today.

Coons, who is the junior senator from Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, was pressing Barrett on a 1996 case in which the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dissented. Coons seemed to be suggesting – or at the very least trying to draw it out – that Barrett’s judicial style would mirror Scalia’s, who she has said she admires and views as a mentor.

She shut him down quick:

As she has done many times during these hearings, Barrett drew a distinction between the late Justice Scalia and a “Justice Barrett,” despite their sharing an originalist approach to the Constitution and Scalia having been her mentor.

Coons was not suggesting —— he was saying outright that ACB is dumber than him:

“I hope that you aren’t suggesting that I don’t have my own mind or that I couldn’t think independently or that I would just decide like — ‘let me see what Justice Scalia said about this in the past’ — because I assure you I have my own mind,” Barrett pointedly told Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. “I share his philosophy, but I have never said that I would always reach the same outcome as he did.”

Boom: Amy Coney Barrett Shuts Down Chris Coons Over Scalia Question During Confirmation Hearing
by Sister Toldjah
Posted at 4:30 pm on October 14, 2020


Parenthetically, stupid people voting has always been a major flaw in elections. Dumbbells voting was livable when they were a small minority among free people. The flaw uniting dumbbells with the Parasite Class changed the dynamics in every election since 1913. That kinetic is now a major threat to life itself as the violent Communist Revolution shows:

He said stabbing is a less effective method, suggesting the French Revolution staple, the guillotine.

"Guillotines motherf*****. That’s all we gotta say. Option A, what I'm proposing. Option two, slicey bois.

Democratic Party leader vows to 'lie,' 'cheat' and 'steal' to win
By WND Staff
Published October 14, 2020 at 7:03pm


Finally, on the bright side, the dumbbells will once again become a minority if the XVI and XVII Amendments are repealed before it is too late.

p.s. Dumbbells asking questions exposes the Democrat Party’s conspiracy to pack the courts more effectively than everything else they have been trying; nevertheless, Coons allowed to vote against confirming ACB’s is more preposterous than allowing him to question her:

October 20, 2010
Coons can't name the 5 freedoms in First Amendment
Rick Moran


p.p.s. REPUBLICAN Senator Sasse got it wrong:

When asked by Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) to name the five freedoms, Barrett was able to name freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly, before looking puzzled and saying, “What else am I missing?”

Sasse then told Barrett she had forgotten “redress or protest.”



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

ACB should have told Sasse that ‘Protest is made of whole cloth.’

In any event Sasse should know that protest is not a synonym for petition. He should also know that petition does not mean violent protests to everyone except Democrats.

Apparently being an idiot is a requirement to be an elected official in Delaware.
Dumbbells asking questions exposes the Democrat Party’s conspiracy to pack the courts more effectively than everything else they have been trying;

FDR wanted to increase the number of judges on Supreme Court to 15. Democrats are still trying to put through FDR’s failed court-packing scheme by increasing the number of judges. They are being stopped by the heirs of those Americans that stopped FDR.

Now listen to Democrat liars tell their latest fairy tale starting with Dumbbell Coons:

Democrats are using a coordinated talking point to accuse Republicans of "packing" courts with ideologically allied nominees, even though it's Democrats who have called for actually packing the Supreme Court with extra justices if they take power in 2021.

Democrats: Republicans Are the Real Court Packers
David Rutz - October 13, 2020 5:20 PM


Here is a suggestion. Every Democrat liar should be asked if they are also packing the court with judges who see nothing wrong in legislating from the bench?

Finally, Democrats who despise the U.S. Constitution take all the best of it if they can pack the court with a combination of numbers and Socialism’s judicial philosophy.

For the record. Conservative Americans with a public voice have been fighting FDR’s court-packing scheme. They should devote an equal amount of time and resources speaking out against the Democrat Party’s judicial philosophy in today’s world.
WHy would any woman in her right mind over 40 have a child- KNOWING FULLY WELL THAT THE CHANCES OF HAVING A DOWN SYNDROME CHILD IS ABOUT 50% Chance?


Now she has a child that will never live to be 21 years of age.

WHy would any woman in her right mind over 40 have a child- KNOWING FULLY WELL THAT THE CHANCES OF HAVING A DOWN SYNDROME CHILD IS ABOUT 50% Chance?

To Geeko Sportivo: Asshole. It is not your choice.

Let me remind you of Sarah Palin —— who was a mother of five —— including son Trig who has Down syndrome.

The hatred directed at candidate Sarah Palin coming from Democrats was pathological. That hatred was rooted in the fact that Sarah chose to give birth to a son knowing he had Down syndrome. ‘KNOWING’ was Sarah’s unforgivable sin. Democrats will never forgive it. Liberals slaughter infants in the womb for a variety of political reasons; so Sarah giving birth to Trig was a slap in the face to everything the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death is trying to accomplish.

You oppose ACB’s confirmation, while there is no doubt that every stupid bastard like you would confirm these judges:

According to the Iraqi activist blog Mosul Eye, sharia judges have ruled that ISIS followers are authorized to kill infants with Down Syndrome or congenital deformities. Already since the religious decree (fatwa) was issued, militants have killed at least 38 children between one week and three months old by lethal injection or suffocation.

Islamic State Issues Fatwa Against Children with Down Syndrome, Murders 38 Disabled Infants
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
14 Dec 2015

Highlight of the hearings was when Lazy Hirono asked ACB if she has ever sexually assaulted anyone. I guess she was playing the role of the Republican heckler when Dem committee members were prepping for the hearing, and she forgot to quit acting.