A dump of some NYT Archive articles concerning the worst series of laws ever passed


These laws were responsible for the Holocaust. They were why Jews couldn't come to the United States to escape Hitler. Due to our selfishness and bigotry. Trump's administration has numerous times praised these laws that caused the holocaust. I view these people as no worse than Hitler. America had a duty, it walked away.

Anyway read this archive and see the similiarities with your own thinking. Basically exactly the same, except your angry now that some are wiser and know more of history than you and push back.

Fuck America.

look these people aren't actually seeking asylum. they are obviously taking advantage of the system. if they wanted asylum they could just go to mexico, a country that actually speaks their language and is more closer to them culturally. why woudln't they want to do that? because they aren't actually seeking asylum, they are just looking for an excuse to come to america.
look these people aren't actually seeking asylum. they are obviously taking advantage of the system. if they wanted asylum they could just go to mexico, a country that actually speaks their language and is more closer to them culturally. why woudln't they want to do that? because they aren't actually seeking asylum, they are just looking for an excuse to come to america.

Fine. They are making excuses. Do you honestly think the problem can be solved without addressing the demand side?
Fine. They are making excuses. Do you honestly think the problem can be solved without addressing the demand side?

We could solve this problem or not have had this problem to begin with if it weren’t for anti American liberals that want to sell out our country

We need to cut this whole thing off at the knees. This is what I would do:

First make it a felony to knowingly hire illegals, punishable by serious jail time.

Make it a felony to have a bank create a bank account for an illegal

No drivers licenses, no ability to purchase a plane ticket, no going to school, no ability to function in society

End anchor babies and chain migration

Offer a one year amnesty to get out of our country. They can take their money with them. After that we start raiding bank accounts and cleaning illegals out of their life savings. Then we imprison then for at least ten years. We take their kids and either ship em back to their shithole or we permanently take them away from their parents, legally change their names and raise them in foster care. Permanent family separation

Make it a crime to aid illegals. Imprison leaders of sanctuary cities. If you leave water In the desert, that’s a crime

We put pressure on the shit hole countries and possibly declare war on them given they are aiding an invasion into our country. If we annilhated their population, poof, no more illegals. They’re glass now.

Lastly we patrol the border with drones and shoot to kill anyone attempting to cross illegally
We could solve this problem or not have had this problem to begin with if it weren’t for anti American liberals that want to sell out our country

We need to cut this whole thing off at the knees. This is what I would do:

First make it a felony to knowingly hire illegals, punishable by serious jail time.

Make it a felony to have a bank create a bank account for an illegal

No drivers licenses, no ability to purchase a plane ticket, no going to school, no ability to function in society

End anchor babies and chain migration

Offer a one year amnesty to get out of our country. They can take their money with them. After that we start raiding bank accounts and cleaning illegals out of their life savings. Then we imprison then for at least ten years. We take their kids and either ship em back to their shithole or we permanently take them away from their parents, legally change their names and raise them in foster care. Permanent family separation

Make it a crime to aid illegals. Imprison leaders of sanctuary cities. If you leave water In the desert, that’s a crime

We put pressure on the shit hole countries and possibly declare war on them given they are aiding an invasion into our country. If we annilhated their population, poof, no more illegals. They’re glass now.

Lastly we patrol the border with drones and shoot to kill anyone attempting to cross illegally

Pretty sick shit dude. Illegal immigration isn’t a death penalty offense unless your ok with other countries executing Americans who over stay their visa? You haven’t the foggiest clue what such inhuman acts would set in motion or what the consequences would be.
Pretty sick shit dude. Illegal immigration isn’t a death penalty offense unless your ok with other countries executing Americans who over stay their visa? You haven’t the foggiest clue what such inhuman acts would set in motion or what the consequences would be.

Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. You’ve been fucking no where in this issue, we are being left with less and less options. Any other time in history if a mass horde of millions were indiscriminately crossing a border it would be see. As an act of war. They need to stay the fuck out .
Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. You’ve been fucking no where in this issue, we are being left with less and less options. Any other time in history if a mass horde of millions were indiscriminately crossing a border it would be see. As an act of war. They need to stay the fuck out .

I wonder if native Americans agree with you.
I wonder if native Americans agree with you.

I bet they do LOL, looked what happened to them with unchecked immigration

In any case, we got our country through right of conquest and also through purchase. We also didn’t come here to mooch off their Indian dollars, we came to forge a new civilization. We were makers and rugged individualists who had a collective purpose together. We stood for something. We manifested a new reality. That doesn’t happen often.

The illegals are just moochers
These laws were responsible for the Holocaust. They were why Jews couldn't come to the United States to escape Hitler. Due to our selfishness and bigotry. Trump's administration has numerous times praised these laws that caused the holocaust. I view these people as no worse than Hitler. America had a duty, it walked away.

Anyway read this archive and see the similiarities with your own thinking. Basically exactly the same, except your angry now that some are wiser and know more of history than you and push back.

Fuck America.


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Make it a crime to aid illegals. Imprison leaders of sanctuary cities. If you leave water In the desert, that’s a crime

We put pressure on the shit hole countries and possibly declare war on them given they are aiding an invasion into our country. If we annilhated their population, poof, no more illegals. They’re glass now.

Lastly we patrol the border with drones and shoot to kill anyone attempting to cross illegally

what should we do about legitimate requests for asylum.....say for people trying to run from the cartels?
We could solve this problem or not have had this problem to begin with if it weren’t for anti American liberals that want to sell out our country

We need to cut this whole thing off at the knees. This is what I would do:

First make it a felony to knowingly hire illegals, punishable by serious jail time.

Make it a felony to have a bank create a bank account for an illegal

No drivers licenses, no ability to purchase a plane ticket, no going to school, no ability to function in society

End anchor babies and chain migration

Offer a one year amnesty to get out of our country. They can take their money with them. After that we start raiding bank accounts and cleaning illegals out of their life savings. Then we imprison then for at least ten years. We take their kids and either ship em back to their shithole or we permanently take them away from their parents, legally change their names and raise them in foster care. Permanent family separation

Make it a crime to aid illegals. Imprison leaders of sanctuary cities. If you leave water In the desert, that’s a crime

We put pressure on the shit hole countries and possibly declare war on them given they are aiding an invasion into our country. If we annilhated their population, poof, no more illegals. They’re glass now.

Lastly we patrol the border with drones and shoot to kill anyone attempting to cross illegally

It's not liberals hiring illegals!It's capitalist!
Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. You’ve been fucking no where in this issue, we are being left with less and less options. Any other time in history if a mass horde of millions were indiscriminately crossing a border it would be see. As an act of war. They need to stay the fuck out .

I do appreciate your use of the old omelet analogy. Kim Jong-Un tried making an omelet after Trump walked-out of the talks back in Hanoi. Then he got to enjoy some of it when Trump set foot on NK soil.