A Field Of Morons


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Build it and they will come.

moron (noun)

1. A person regarded as very stupid.

2. Psychology. A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

Hamilton is right:



The moron truly believes that Americans do not know which political party has a long history of rigging elections. Democrats honed their skills in state and local election going all the way back to political machines.

Stealing the election from Richard Nixon in 1960 was the first media conspiracy. (Television was not in every home until 1960.) Rigging the 1960 election became the Democrat Party’s template for rigging presidential elections.

NOTE: Hillary Clinton was convinced that illegal alien voters combined with tried and true larceny was more than enough to win it for her. Despite all of the media forces lined up against Donald Trump he managed to defeat Clinton anyway. It is going to get a lot harder this time even if he directs all of his efforts and campaign spending toward stopping Democrats from rigging another election in November.

The phoney impeachment charges leveled against President Trump predicted the length Democrats will go in order to get Trump out of office. The reason for their monomania is obvious. Trump’s reelection will be an infinitely larger cataclysm to Democrats than Nixon winning in 1968 and 1972.

It is going to get a lot worse for Democrat parasites in his [Trump’s] second term when he increases the scope of his attacks.


As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken

Notice that Schiff cannot name a Democrat that should replace Trump because his choices are limited to a field of morons. Three certified morons are attending the Senate Trial —— Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Amy Klobuchar



(CNSNews.com) - House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff (D.-Calif.) told the Senate during the impeachment proceedings on Wednesday that it must remove President Donald Trump from office and not allow him to run for re-election.

If the Senate allows Trump to run for re-election, Schiff insisted that we could not know if the election was “fairly won.

“Instead, we are here today to consider a much more grave matter, and that is an attempt to use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election,” Schiff told the Senate.

“For precisely this reason,” Schiff said, “the president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.”

Later in his presentation, Schiff repeated this point.

“A president this unapologetic, this lawless, this unbound to the Constitution and the oath of office," said Schiff, "must be removed from that office lest he continue to use the vast prejudicial powers at his disposal to seek advantage in the next election.”

Schiff Tells Senators They Must Not Allow Trump to Run for Re-Election
By CNSNews.com Staff | January 24, 2020 | 2:28pm EST
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“A president this unapologetic, this lawless, this unbound to the Constitution and the oath of office," said Schiff, "must be removed from that office lest he continue to use the vast prejudicial powers at his disposal to seek advantage in the next election.”

Schiff Tells Senators They Must Not Allow Trump to Run for Re-Election
By CNSNews.com Staff | January 24, 2020 | 2:28pm EST

Schiff is at it again!

Rep. Adam Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager, warned on Monday that if President Trump's dealings with Ukraine are not impeachable offenses, then nothing would stand in his way from attempting bolder power grabs -- going so far to claim Trump could use Alaska as a bargaining chip with "the Russians" for support in 2020.

Schiff warns that Trump could sell Alaska to Russia if unchecked
By Edmund DeMarche


Blame everybody else for the polices Democrats initiate. Schiff blamed Donald Trump for colluding with Russia when Hillary Clinton did the colluding. Accusing Trump of giving away U.S. Territory is the latest accusation.

Pencil Neck must have been talking to former DEMOCRAT Presidents Jimmy Carter and Obama. Start with Jimmy Carter who broke the lease on the engineering marvel Americans designed, built and paid for:

On this day in 1977, President Jimmy Carter signs a treaty that will give Panama control over the Panama Canal beginning in the year 2000. The treaty ended an agreement signed in 1904 between then-President Theodore Roosevelt and Panama, which gave the U.S. the right to build the canal and a renewable lease to control five miles of land along either side of it.

September 07
Carter agrees to transfer Panama Canal to Panama


After Jimmy Carter surrendered control of the Panama Canal, I joked to friends that Mexicans want California. Sure enough, not long after the Panama Canal humiliation Mexican Americans, and other separatists, kicked their movement into high gear. I admit I was not entirely correct; Mexico wants the entire Southwest not just California. Emboldened by success, I asked “What is next? Alaska?” Damned if I was not ahead of the curve on that one, too.

Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control.


California will form the nucleus of what he calls "The Californian Republic," and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of "The Texas Republic," a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an "Atlantic America" that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls "The Central North American Republic." Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.

"It would be reasonable for Russia to lay claim to Alaska; it was part of the Russian Empire for a long time." A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall. "It's not there for no reason," he says with a sly grin.

Interest in his forecast revived this fall when he published an article in Izvestia, one of Russia's biggest national dailies. In it, he reiterated his theory, called U.S. foreign debt "a pyramid scheme," and predicted China and Russia would usurp Washington's role as a global financial regulator.

Americans hope President-elect Barack Obama "can work miracles," he wrote. "But when spring comes, it will be clear that there are no miracles."

DECEMBER 29, 2008
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
Updated Dec. 29, 2008 12:01 am ET


Panarin is clearly a crackpot fortuneteller. After digging deeper, I found that many Russians were quite serious about possessing Alaska any way they can. Then it dawned on me. Democrats who oppose developing natural resources in Alaska are determined to keep them safe for their Russian friends.

NOTE: Democrats NEVER regret anything they do to this country in pursuit of their Utopia.

The main problem is that chumps never wise up —— they move effortlessly into the next senseless inanity, or they claim the real thing was not tried. Example: The Soviet Union failed because real Communism was not tried.

Finally, Igor Panarin’s predictions would be a laugh riot were it not for Democrats like Adam Schiff legitimating the Russian’s predictions:

'Mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation' will trigger a civil war in the United States
If At First You Don’t Secede…
By Jim O'Neill Saturday, September 5, 2009

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