A Friendly note to Senator Craig

Ted Haggard

Verified User
Greetings Brother Craig,

I don't know if you or your staff monitor this board. But, I thought I'd pass along some friendly advice, that might save you trouble in the future. Not that I have any personal experience with this topic, but...ahem, I have a "friend" I met in gay rehabilitation clinic, that passed along some knowledge to me.

1) Use the men's restrooms at small, regional airports. These airports don't generally have their own police force, and law enforcement generally ignores them. I mean, c'mon brother: The Minneapolis International Airport? That wasn't smart. That's high profile.

2) Men's restrooms in churches - particularly evangelical and fundamentalist churches. You'd be suprised what happens in there, both before and after our Sunday prayer sessions for President Bush and for victory in the War on Evil Doers. ;) Or, so I've heard. I don't have any personal experience, like I said.

3) If you're ever in Washington DC, or one of our lovely 50 State capitals, try the men's restroom in the Republican National Committee offices, or in the State GOP Party offices. You'd be amazed how productive that can be.

Best of Luck, and warmest regards,
