A Fusion Between Mao and Capitalism: Xi Jinping Is Setting China on an Unprecedented


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A Fusion Between Mao and Capitalism: Xi Jinping Is Setting China on an Unprecedented Path


Will China’s real estate giant #Evergrande Collapse? To rise from the economic devastation of the Cultural Revolution, leaders in #China rebuilt their economy on the principles of capitalism, a move that lifted millions out of poverty and led to rapid success and growth for the country. But doing so has changed more than just the economic status of China; it has changed the hearts of its people, shifting them from blind devotion to communism to a people comfortable with capitalism, a change that threatens #Xijinping ’s authority over the country. After the trade wars with Trump limited Xi’s path toward global domination, he is turning the country inward, back toward a more closed society where communist rule would go unchallenged. His vision is a new path towards a fusion between Mao and Capitalism. How did it come about?