A good reason to sleep late on Thursday

Wow. It's so sexy that you're into the stars. Dreamers like skygazing. You're a sexy dreamer.

Whatever... It's cool. If you don't like it you are welcome to cower in the corner of your basement in fear that the meteor shower is actually some Jewish/Islamist/Atheist/International Fascist (Nationalist) plot.
nothing beats the november 2001 meteor shower.

The sky was literally covered with meteros constantly for hours. Not just a random one here and there, the WHOLE FUCKING SKY. Giant fireballs that at times made it bright as day outside. I wish I smoked weed back then, it would have been epic :(

Instead I sat out on my front lawn while eating top ramen. One of the best memories of my life thus far.
Whatever... It's cool. If you don't like it you are welcome to cower in the corner of your basement in fear that the meteor shower is actually some Jewish/Islamist/Atheist/International Fascist (Nationalist) plot.

But i do like it. I do. I do. It's so cool. You're enlightened for finding it for us.