A GOP candidate in Pennsylvania called for '20 strong men' to remove school boards

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Gee another feral savage white man who wants to physically remove an elected school board

A GOP candidate running for local office in northeastern Pennsylvania pledged to confront the pro-mask school board in his district with "20 strong men" in tow.

Speaking at the Freedom Rally against mask mandates in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Steve Lynch suggested that instead of going to school boards with "freaking data," people should go in with the intent to remove them.

"I'm going in with 20 strong men, and I'm gonna give them an option - they can leave, or they can be removed," said Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County executive.

The only "strong" thing about Lynch and his team...

...is the smell.

But they are sewer dwellers...so it figures.
Gee another feral savage white man who wants to physically remove an elected school board

A GOP candidate running for local office in northeastern Pennsylvania pledged to confront the pro-mask school board in his district with "20 strong men" in tow.

Speaking at the Freedom Rally against mask mandates in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Steve Lynch suggested that instead of going to school boards with "freaking data," people should go in with the intent to remove them.

"I'm going in with 20 strong men, and I'm gonna give them an option - they can leave, or they can be removed," said Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County executive.


They may not believe that evolution is real, but they sure as hell exemplify the opposite -- devolution -- don't they?
Gee another feral savage white man who wants to physically remove an elected school board

A GOP candidate running for local office in northeastern Pennsylvania pledged to confront the pro-mask school board in his district with "20 strong men" in tow.

Speaking at the Freedom Rally against mask mandates in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Steve Lynch suggested that instead of going to school boards with "freaking data," people should go in with the intent to remove them.

"I'm going in with 20 strong men, and I'm gonna give them an option - they can leave, or they can be removed," said Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County executive.


This is the mindset of the people who Obama described as clinging to their guns and religion. "Might makes right."
Gee another feral savage white man who wants to physically remove an elected school board

A GOP candidate running for local office in northeastern Pennsylvania pledged to confront the pro-mask school board in his district with "20 strong men" in tow.

Speaking at the Freedom Rally against mask mandates in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Steve Lynch suggested that instead of going to school boards with "freaking data," people should go in with the intent to remove them.

"I'm going in with 20 strong men, and I'm gonna give them an option - they can leave, or they can be removed," said Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County executive.


The American Taliban is trying to steam up
Gee another feral savage white man who wants to physically remove an elected school board

A GOP candidate running for local office in northeastern Pennsylvania pledged to confront the pro-mask school board in his district with "20 strong men" in tow.

Speaking at the Freedom Rally against mask mandates in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Steve Lynch suggested that instead of going to school boards with "freaking data," people should go in with the intent to remove them.

"I'm going in with 20 strong men, and I'm gonna give them an option - they can leave, or they can be removed," said Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County executive.


A female principle was threaten by 4 men for complying with a mask mandate

They even brought zip ties to threaten her with

I hope they all get prison time

They are actually trying to kill democracy
A female principle was threaten by 4 men for complying with a mask mandate

They even brought zip ties to threaten her with

I hope they all get prison time

They are actually trying to kill democracy

Notice what he is whining about

In his speech, Lynch also asked men to "wake up" and "make men great again."
I didn't realize how many there were during the Obama years, but trump really brought them crawling out of the woodwork.
They are a minority, thank the goddess, that found a mouth piece in Trump. He understood their mentality, he fueled their fears and they loved it.