A great American who deserves remembering

Shirley Chisholm Quotations

• I was the first American citizen to be elected to Congress in spite of the double drawbacks of being female and having skin darkened by melanin. When you put it that way, it sounds like a foolish reason for fame. In a just and free society it would be foolish.

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That I am a national figure because I was the first person in 192 years to be at once a congressman, black and a woman proves, I think, that our society is not yet either just or free.
• Of my two "handicaps" being female put more obstacles in my path than being black.

• My God, what do we want? What does any human being want? Take away an accident of pigmentation of a thin layer of our outer skin and there is no difference between me and anyone else. All we want is for that trivial difference to make no difference.

• Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread and deepseated, that it is invisible because it is so normal.

• We Americans have a chance to become someday a nation in which all racial stocks and classes can exist in their own selfhoods, but meet on a basis of respect and equality and live together, socially, economically, and politically.

• In the end antiblack, antifemale, and all forms of discrimination are equivalent to the same thing - antihumanism.

• The United States was said not to be ready to elect a Catholic to the Presidency when Al Smith ran in the 1920's. But Smith's nomination may have helped pave the way for the successful campaign John F. Kennedy waged in 1960. Who can tell? What I hope most is that now there will be others who will feel themselves as capable of running for high political office as any wealthy, good-looking white male.

• At present, our country needs women's idealism and determination, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else.

• I am, was, and always will be a catalyst for change.

• There is little place in the political scheme of things for an independent, creative personality, for a fighter. Anyone who takes that role must pay a price.

• One distressing thing is the way men react to women who assert their equality: their ultimate weapon is to call them unfeminine. They think she is anti-male; they even whisper that she's probably a lesbian.

• ... rhetoric never won a revolution yet.

• Prejudice against blacks is becoming unacceptable although it will take years to eliminate it. But it is doomed because, slowly, white America is beginning to admit that it exists. Prejudice against women is still acceptable. There is very little understanding yet of the immorality involved in double pay scales and the classification of most of the better jobs as "for men only." (1969)

• Tremendous amounts of talent are being lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt.

• Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth. (attributed -- also attributed to Marian Wright Edelman)

• I am not antiwhite, because I understand that white people, like black ones, are victims of a racist society. They are products of their time and place.

• The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says: It's a girl.

• When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom profit that loses.

• It is not heroin or cocaine that makes one an addict, it is the need to escape from a harsh reality. There are more television addicts, more baseball and football addicts, more movie addicts, and certainly more alcohol addicts in this country than there are narcotics addicts.
She was a sharp lady and I loved her perspective.

We could use a Shirley around today.

Many youngsters here dont remember her and this may be the forst time they have ever been exposed to her words.
She was a sharp lady and I loved her perspective.

We could use a Shirley around today.

Many youngsters here dont remember her and this may be the forst time they have ever been exposed to her words.

Not just youngsters. :) Thanks, Desh, that was great, and much of what she said during the '60s remains so today, unfortunately. We do need people like her, right here and now.
"Ohh, I figured that link was about Anna Nichole-smith"

Dumbass.... with a Whitehouse.gov url??? Now if you had said Monica Lewinsky, then that might have made sense.
Oh you have not heard about Anna and George ? A match made in heaven, their IQ's even match. And George loves wearing her stilleto heels.