A gun will keep you warm at night


Villified User
Alabama man sleeps with gun and shoots himself

Apr 30, 9:14 PM (ET)

NORTHPORT, Ala. (AP) - A 24-year-old man likely will rethink his habit of sleeping with a gun after police said his 40-caliber pistol discharged and hit him in the shoulder on Wednesday. A police detective said the wound was not life threatening.

The shooting at his apartment complex was ruled an accident.

Sleeping with a gun under your pillow is psychotic. Sleeping with a safety-off gun under your pillow is retardedness, and such people should get the Darwin award.
Haha this is like 2 miles from my apartment. And no Watermark, sleeping with a pistol under your pillow is not psychotic. I do it but my safety is always on.
Owning a gun should be considered a crime against humanity, and you should be brought to the Hague, tried, and hung like the scum of the Earth you are if you own one. Tortured to death if you own more than one.
Owning a gun should be considered a crime against humanity, and you should be brought to the Hague, tried, and hung like the scum of the Earth you are if you own one. Tortured to death if you own more than one.

I think your ideology is a crime against humanity. You should be met with a reception from the firing squad committee!!!

Is that really weird?

Lots of people here do that.

James Bond is the only guy I've ever know to do it, and that blonde chick was still able to remove the clip in Die Another Day. I just fail to see how having it under your pillow is any better than having it in the nearest drawer to your bedside...
Haha this is like 2 miles from my apartment. And no Watermark, sleeping with a pistol under your pillow is not psychotic. I do it but my safety is always on.
I couldn't sleep with it under the pillow, I'm always adjusting the pillow in my sleep, the gun would fall behind the bed onto the floor and be totally inaccessible if I needed it.

I keep it in the Gun Vault by the bed. It takes about two seconds to open, even if I just woke up.
Alabama man sleeps with gun and shoots himself

Apr 30, 9:14 PM (ET)

NORTHPORT, Ala. (AP) - A 24-year-old man likely will rethink his habit of sleeping with a gun after police said his 40-caliber pistol discharged and hit him in the shoulder on Wednesday. A police detective said the wound was not life threatening.

The shooting at his apartment complex was ruled an accident.


Wow, he came awfully close to being a Darwin award recipent. Me thinks this young man should do the human race a favor and have a vasectomy.
Man watch this be one of my friends. I'm gonna ask around and see what this dude's deal was. If he was a gangster or an NRA type.
Man watch this be one of my friends. I'm gonna ask around and see what this dude's deal was. If he was a gangster or an NRA type.

or just plain stupid? I mean sleeping with a loaded gun, chambered, safety off? How the fuck did he ever get out of the 3rd grade? Definately a paste eater.