A Harrowing Experience


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From FoxNews Detroit:
Three contractors from Taylor were working to restore a property on Detroit's west side Wednesday when they were confronted by a gunman, according to police. Two brothers and a friend were parked in their work van near Joy and Southfield roads when they say a man walked towards the vehicle from behind. The man pulled out a gun, pointed it at the van and fired multiple times but the gun misfired.


The events that followed would have turned out quite differently but for the misfire.
Journalists Daniel Krieger and Michael Schwirtz wrote for The New York Times 30 April 2014:
An off-duty New York City police officer shot a motorist six times at a stoplight in Westchester County this week, in what an official called a “completely random” attack. ...For reasons that are still not clear, the officer, identified as Brendan Cronin, 27, of Yonkers, pointed a 9 millimeter Glock handgun at another car parked at a stoplight and fired, Chief Benefico said. A person who has been briefed on the matter said that before the shooting Officer Cronin had been drinking alcohol with other officers, who were also off duty. The victim, who the authorities said was a 47-year-old resident of nearby New Rochelle, told investigators that he was sitting in the passenger side of a vehicle when he heard popping sounds and realized he had been shot, Chief Benefico said. The driver of the vehicle, who was not injured, drove the victim to Montefiore Hospital in New Rochelle.

After the shooting, the police said, Officer Cronin drove off. He was stopped a short distance away in New Rochelle by a Pelham police officer.


It has oft been repeated that these are just isolated incidents. But they are happening so often that they can be taken out of the realm of "isolated incidents", and moved to the realm of "reckless endangerment".