A heart felt thank you.


Shaken, not stirred!
I want to thank Elon Musk for opening the X (formerly known as Twitter) flood gates for all the incredibly absurd, dishonest and at times bizarre mantras, tropes, conspiracies and the lot from the MAGA crowd. It's the best thing he could do for the Democratics, Independents and Progressives in the upcoming elections. Way to go, Elon! ;)
Left loses mind over Elon’s Twitter takeover: ‘Like the gates of hell opened’

All anyone who isn't deeply committed to all things radical left has to do is go and register--or try to register--on a political board where the left dominates. They will ban your ass so fast the door won't hit you on the way out. Many such political boards openly tell those thinking about registering to forget it and not bother if they aren't fully committed to all things left.

It is the left that doesn't want debate or conversation. They want consensus. Either you are with them, or you go to the gulag.
Left loses mind over Elon’s Twitter takeover: ‘Like the gates of hell opened’

All anyone who isn't deeply committed to all things radical left has to do is go and register--or try to register--on a political board where the left dominates. They will ban your ass so fast the door won't hit you on the way out. Many such political boards openly tell those thinking about registering to forget it and not bother if they aren't fully committed to all things left.

It is the left that doesn't want debate or conversation. They want consensus. Either you are with them, or you go to the gulag.

Getting "Dixie Chick'd" actually became a verb. Bud Light is the modern day version of that.

And there is plenty in-between from the right.
Getting "Dixie Chick'd" actually became a verb. Bud Light is the modern day version of that.

And there is plenty in-between from the right.

The radical Right is too inarticulate, in addition to being stupid, to ban most Leftists straight off. The Left on the other hand, are generally fairly well educated, but simply a combination of stupid intellectually and dogmatically myopic. Thus, on the radical Right you're mostly dealing with dumbasses like in the movie Idiocracy, while on the radical Left you are dealing with brainwashed liberal arts types who have turned their world views and politics into religious dogma.
"One is a special number"

Which is why X as a Free Mind space can not be allowed to exist, and Musk must be hammered for his opposition to the New Slavers....the WOKE Death Cult.
Left loses mind over Elon’s Twitter takeover: ‘Like the gates of hell opened’

All anyone who isn't deeply committed to all things radical left has to do is go and register--or try to register--on a political board where the left dominates. They will ban your ass so fast the door won't hit you on the way out. Many such political boards openly tell those thinking about registering to forget it and not bother if they aren't fully committed to all things left.

It is the left that doesn't want debate or conversation. They want consensus. Either you are with them, or you go to the gulag.

Sorry T.A., but Murdoch's biased rag can't BS past the FACT that Musk's current attitude and actions violate the very policies he puts forth. The interview with Don Lemon exposed that: Observe and learn:



The radical Right is too inarticulate, in addition to being stupid, to ban most Leftists straight off. The Left on the other hand, are generally fairly well educated, but simply a combination of stupid intellectually and dogmatically myopic. Thus, on the radical Right you're mostly dealing with dumbasses like in the movie Idiocracy, while on the radical Left you are dealing with brainwashed liberal arts types who have turned their world views and politics into religious dogma.

Fascinating how your take your convoluted mental flatulence as some sort of profound, accurate analysis of a subject. Pity it's just basic projection of the MAGA mindset that your orange god loves so much.
Sorry T.A., but Murdoch's biased rag can't BS past the FACT that Musk's current attitude and actions violate the very policies he puts forth. The interview with Don Lemon exposed that: Observe and learn:




You're not sorry, you're pathetic. Attacking the source is simply ad hominin. What you listed essentially makes X much like this board. You can't shut someone up just because you are butt hurt over their views or posts.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Sorry T.A., but Murdoch's biased rag can't BS past the FACT that Musk's current attitude and actions violate the very policies he puts forth. The interview with Don Lemon exposed that: Observe and learn:




You're not sorry, you're pathetic. Attacking the source is simply ad hominin. What you listed essentially makes X much like this board. You can't shut someone up just because you are butt hurt over their views or posts.

Attacking the source is simply ad hominin

So I post FACTS....FACTS laid out by MUSK (the CEO) by which is violated by MAGA/Alt-Right "alternative facts" that appear on 'X' that he just blows off with arrogance. That's called hypocrisy, that's called "double standard" ... or the old "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. That is NOT "ad hominin", genius. Please look up the definition and learn how to apply it properly.

And I do genuinely feel sorry for people like you ... proud, willfully ignorant MAGA/alt-right trolls who would eat shit and call it ice cream before admitting error on any level.
Attacking the source is simply ad hominin

So I post FACTS....FACTS laid out by MUSK (the CEO) by which is violated by MAGA/Alt-Right "alternative facts" that appear on 'X' that he just blows off with arrogance. That's called hypocrisy, that's called "double standard" ... or the old "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. That is NOT "ad hominin", genius. Please look up the definition and learn how to apply it properly.

And I do genuinely feel sorry for people like you ... proud, willfully ignorant MAGA/alt-right trolls who would eat shit and call it ice cream before admitting error on any level.

No, you posted the rules of X. Twitter had rules too before Musk. The difference was, like I've posted elsewhere, before Musk took control and made it X, Twitter's rules outlawed opposed and contrary opinions and positions to the dogma of the radical Left. Post Musk and it becoming X, it went back to being the 'Wild West' much like this very board you are posting on is.

You cannot, here on this board, get someone banned simply because they disagree with you. You can't get them banned for being an asshole either. It is YOU that doesn't get it. You should move to some sophomoric, radical Leftist political board where only likeminded posts are allowed.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Attacking the source is simply ad hominin

So I post FACTS....FACTS laid out by MUSK (the CEO) by which is violated by MAGA/Alt-Right "alternative facts" that appear on 'X' that he just blows off with arrogance. That's called hypocrisy, that's called "double standard" ... or the old "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. That is NOT "ad hominin", genius. Please look up the definition and learn how to apply it properly.

And I do genuinely feel sorry for people like you ... proud, willfully ignorant MAGA/alt-right trolls who would eat shit and call it ice cream before admitting error on any level.

No, you posted the rules of X. Twitter had rules too before Musk. The difference was, like I've posted elsewhere, before Musk took control and made it X, Twitter's rules outlawed opposed and contrary opinions and positions to the dogma of the radical Left. Post Musk and it becoming X, it went back to being the 'Wild West' much like this very board you are posting on is.

You cannot, here on this board, get someone banned simply because they disagree with you. You can't get them banned for being an asshole either. It is YOU that doesn't get it. You should move to some sophomoric, radical Leftist political board where only likeminded posts are allowed.

Deconstructing your idiocy sentence per sentence:

1 - THOSE ARE THE FACTS, YOU FOOL! Musk is the CEO, which means he has final approval as to the rules and regulations for his company/product. You can't BS your opinion over that. If you refuse to accept that which is in front of you, that makes you a babbling MAGA fool in denial.

2 - No shit, sherlock! This moot point has no bearing on what I previously stated as FACT in relation to what Musk said during his interview, and what the site does now under his rule.

3 - You can repeat your OPINION, but that is NOT the truth! What Twitter did was ENFORCE THE VERY RULES AND REGULATIONS THAT EXIST UNDER MUSK'S OWNERSHIP. Difference is, MUSK IS ALLOWING VIOLATION OF THOSE VERY RULES. That is why you have a flood gate of right wing/alt-right propaganda, hate speech and the like ... with Musk giving his personal support on some. Matters of fact & history, which are bullet proof against the usual idiocy of MAGA/alt-right revisionism.

4 - See #3, as you agree with me without realizing it.

5 - A moot point that has no bearing or contradiction to what I've previously stated.

6 - See #5.

7 - Worthless opinion that has no logical bearing on what has previously transpired.

8 - See #7.
You're not sorry, you're pathetic. Attacking the source is simply ad hominin. What you listed essentially makes X much like this board. You can't shut someone up just because you are butt hurt over their views or posts.

But his inner fascist sure wishes he could. :awesome:
Deconstructing your idiocy sentence per sentence:

1 - THOSE ARE THE FACTS, YOU FOOL! Musk is the CEO, which means he has final approval as to the rules and regulations for his company/product. You can't BS your opinion over that. If you refuse to accept that which is in front of you, that makes you a babbling MAGA fool in denial.

2 - No shit, sherlock! This moot point has no bearing on what I previously stated as FACT in relation to what Musk said during his interview, and what the site does now under his rule.

3 - You can repeat your OPINION, but that is NOT the truth! What Twitter did was ENFORCE THE VERY RULES AND REGULATIONS THAT EXIST UNDER MUSK'S OWNERSHIP. Difference is, MUSK IS ALLOWING VIOLATION OF THOSE VERY RULES. That is why you have a flood gate of right wing/alt-right propaganda, hate speech and the like ... with Musk giving his personal support on some. Matters of fact & history, which are bullet proof against the usual idiocy of MAGA/alt-right revisionism.

4 - See #3, as you agree with me without realizing it.

5 - A moot point that has no bearing or contradiction to what I've previously stated.

6 - See #5.

7 - Worthless opinion that has no logical bearing on what has previously transpired.

8 - See #7.

you should still go somewhere else if censorship is your preference.


why do you people always miss the point of things?
But his inner fascist sure wishes he could. :awesome:

I do wish you MAGA mooks would learn your definitions and how to properly apply them:

Per Merriam-Webster:

Fascism - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Last I checked, it was your orange god and his MAGA toadies in the GOP who are telling women that the STATE determines whether or not they will bring a pregnancy to term whether by rape or incest. It is the brown & black people who are the real threat to "replace" white Americans and "poison the blood" or the "homeland". Etc., Etc.

Come back when you can copy and paste ANTHING I've posted/stated over the years that even remotely infers such trash. Push back that pointy hood and get crack'in, toodles.