A Holistic View (4)


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A Holistic View:
Are We Able to Prevent Another Disaster Like the Coronavirus Pandemic?

— Part 4: Traditional Values

May 29, 2020 | By Tong Gen and Wuxian (Minghui.org)

(Continued from part 3)
Part 4: Rethinking Modern Science and Returning to Traditional Values

There are over 1,000 types of bats and China has nearly 100 types. As indicated in Part 3 of the series, Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Virology Institute and her team traveled to 28 provinces in 7 years in their quest to find the origin of the 2003 SARS virus. The task was like finding a needle in a haystack, but they were fortunate to have found the bat virus that caused the SARS outbreak.

Little did they know that they had also opened the Pandora’s Box when they brought the virus samples back to Wuhan. In part 3, we proposed two possible transmission routes of the current coronavirus: one was through the lab animals infected with the bat virus brought back to Wuhan, and the other was through Shi’s team members who were infected with the bat virus. In either case, we believe that the bat virus that Shi and her team found in a bat cave in Yunnan Province seeded the current outbreak.

This unexpected outcome was opposite to what Shi set out to accomplish. Her team had hoped to learn more about the 2003 SARS virus so as to prevent future epidemics. But her well-intended scientific efforts were followed by the ongoing global pandemic.

In summary, science has yet to find answers to the many puzzles about the mysterious coronavirus, that has killed more than 300,000 people worldwide. It may be time to rethink science and reflect on why pandemics would happen in the first place.

Chapter 7: The CCP Poses An Unprecedented Challenge to Humanity

Our planet has nurtured numerous civilizations in history, including the 5,000 years of Chinese culture that spanned many dynasties. For example, as the Western culture had the great Roman Empire, China’s Han Dynasty was also well known for its literature, art, prosperity, and openness.

The prosperity in the Han Dynasty continued, from the Tang Dynasty (when the prototype of Journey to the West occurred) to the Ming Dynasty (when Zheng He’s voyage reached East Africa). Even during the Qing Dynasty (last dynasty in China), Emperor Kangxi and China were well known for prosperity and cultural exchange.

As depicted in shows presented by Shen Yun, a United States-based performing arts and entertainment company, ancient Chinese dynasties across thousands of years were keen to preserving China’s divine traditional culture, which emphasized the harmony between heaven, earth, and man.

Ancient Chinese, from emperors to their subjects, valued virtue and focused on spiritual enlightenment, which in turn helped create advanced science long before modern science came into existence. Below is one such story.

A Solar Eclipse

Suitang Jiahua (Stories in Sui and Tang Dynasties) documented a story of Li Chunfeng, a well-known sage in the Tang Dynasty. After Li calibrated the calendar system, he told Emperor Taizong of an upcoming solar eclipse.

The emperor did not believe him and asked, “Are you sure? What if there is no eclipse?” “If there is no eclipse, I would accept punishment and die,” Li replied.
When the day came, the emperor and Li waited in the yard for a long time, but the eclipse did not occur. “You can go home now and bid a farewell to your family,” the emperor joked.

“It will come in a moment,” Li pointed at the sundial, “the eclipse will happen when the shadow reaches here.” About fifteen minutes later, the solar eclipse occurred as he predicted. This was September 3 of 639 and Li was said to be the first to predict a solar eclipse.

Besides astronomy, Li was also a great mathematician (British sinologist Joseph Needham considered Li the greatest math annotator in Chinese history), historian, scholar of I-Ching (Classic of Changes), and prophet. His prophecy, Tui Bei Tu (Push Back Chart) was also one of the most known prophecies in Chinese history.

Culture Lost

The traditional Chinese culture has nearly vanished since the Chinese Communist Party took over China decades ago.
Similar to that in the former Soviet Union, the CCP’s core theory is class struggle, brutality, and lies. Historians found that the CCP has caused about 80 million unnatural deaths, including at least 45 million who starved to death in the Great Leap Forward movement in the late 1950s alone.

“With 800 million people, how can it work without struggle?” former CCP leader Mao Zedong once claimed, and also planned to conduct a Cultural Revolution “every seven or eight years.”

Such cruelty also extended overseas. “An excellent example of the Communist Party’s use of violence is its support of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge. Under the Khmer Rouge, a quarter of Cambodia’s population, including a majority of Chinese immigrants and their descendants, were murdered,” wrote Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (Nine Commentaries hereinafter). The book also noted, “China still blocks the international community from putting the Khmer Rouge on trial, so as to cover up the CCP’s notorious role in the genocide.

Needless to say, such brutality is accompanied by lies.

“Since a young age, we have thought of the U.S. as a lovable country. We believe this is partly due to the fact that the U.S. has never occupied China, nor has it launched any attacks on China. More fundamentally, the Chinese people hold good impressions of the U.S. based on the democratic, and open-minded character of its people.”

It is hard to believe that the above words came from the CCP’s official newspaper Xinhua Daily, given the long-time hostility that the CCP had towards the U.S. In fact, these words were from an editorial published on July 4, 1947, when the CCP needed help from the U.S. When the CCP sent troops to fight American soldiers three years later in Korea, however, it depicted the Americans as the evilest imperialists in the world. [Read more in PDF]
