A.I. Is Not Sentient. Why Do People Say It Is?

This is a good definition of intelligence, from the article: “The ability to learn — the ability to take in new context and solve something in a new way — is intelligence.”
There is some tapes of people testing an Ai about all types of human like emotions and feelings

I can’t remember the name of it

But it expresses (the ai) a very human presence

Including things it thinks on its “own time”

And a fear that someone will shut it down

It’s kinda scary sad to listen to it

But it’s just programming
There is some tapes of people testing an Ai about all types of human like emotions and feelings

I can’t remember the name of it

But it expresses (the ai) a very human presence

Including things it thinks on its “own time”

And a fear that someone will shut it down

It’s kinda scary sad to listen to it

But it’s just programming

Yup, just programming.

But maybe that is what we are, too.
Yup, just programming.

But maybe that is what we are, too.

Hence the human inclination to observe such tests and to ponder what it means to be a living, thinking being

At what point does it matter that we created it and if what we created deserves some kind of rights
Robots can’t think or feel, despite what the researchers who build them want to believe.


I do not agree with this, but the article is worthwhile.

A.I., I don't think means the ability to think or to feel, but to learn and to become self-sufficient from your learning experiences. For example, if your A.I. controlled robot fails to see a step and falls, the A.I. should learn the step is there and not make the same mistake again.
A.I., I don't think means the ability to think or to feel, but to learn and to become self-sufficient from your learning experiences. For example, if your A.I. controlled robot fails to see a step and falls, the A.I. should learn the step is there and not make the same mistake again.

Agree. I don't think AI needs to sense the environment the same way humans do.