A Klieg Light Would Not Help Diogenes


Verified User
Every time media mouths tell the public a swamp creature is a straight arrow I know the fix is in. Remember when James Comey and Robert Mueller were straight arrows. Both were sold as honorable, dedicated civil servants who would die before they tell a lie.

And have you noticed the spin on William Barr? “At this stage of his life he does not need or want the job.” He is only taking the job because the country needs him. Unfortunately, the record tells us that career swamp creatures always lie like rugs covering a rotting floor. Barr is longtime swamp creature.

If you believe horseshit smells like roses Diogenes can douse his lantern.


Hallelujah and amen! The Greek finally found a man for all seasons. Barr cannot imagine Mueller giving good cause to doubt him:

I hate to be the one to tell Barr he can find good cause if he looks here:

Now Corsi's stepson subpoenaed by Mueller
Po violated campaign finance law sted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/15/2019 @ 4:53 pm


See this thread for more about Mueller and Jerome Corsi:


The top people in the FBI are snakes. Mueller is snake. He has been a snake throughout his pubic career, yet William Barr calls him a friend. What does that tell you about Barr? It tells me that a big snake was called in to coverup for a basket full of fellow career snakes.

Either Donald Trump is a naive poor judge of character, or Barr is the best AG available among a bad litter. The entire Mueller investigation was designed to shield Hillary Clinton against a charge of treason. It works. The filthy old hag is untouchable. They will not even touch her for minor crimes:

A complaint that alleges Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee violated campaign finance law by steering money for opposition research through a law firm is still pending with the Federal Election Commission.

Allegations That Clinton Campaign Funded Trump-Russia Research Still Pending At Now-Closed FEC
Legal Newsline


William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Every senator voting on Barr’s confirmation signed aboard Hillary’s coverup. They all know their parts. The plot calls for the public to suspend disbelieve —— ‘Democrats would stop Barr’s confirmation if they could.’

NOTE: It is essential that Democrat senators not vote to confirm, but the way they blew kisses at Barr tells me they are as pleased as punch he is a shoo-in.

Bottom line: AG Barr will report on Mueller’s report. You will not find Hillary Clinton, or the Steele Dossier, mentioned in either report. Hell, even Putin is helping the coverup for his choice in 2016. What better way to protect Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One Deal than for the Kremlin to keep Hillary out of sight:

MOSCOW, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday the idea that U.S. President Donald Trump could have worked for Russia was stupid.

Visualize anybody believing the Kremlin’s reason for putting in a good word for President Trump. Blaming Trump for the things Hillary Clinton is guilty of began at the beginning of the 2016 campaign season:

When individuals get past media’s undying support for Hillary Clinton one fact cannot be discredited. Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?

NOTE: Bill Clinton began helping the Soviet Union goes as far back as the Vietnam War. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Russia a lot more help than talking against her country during a war. Think uranium.


The entire coverup falls apart if Hillary Clinton’s name appears anywhere in Mueller’s report. “She was never mentioned” will be a critical talking point for Democrats until the coverup fades away; much like Suzy Five Shows lies protecting Hillary Clinton faded away after Benghazi. The mere mention of her name in any definitive report opens up the email scandal.

Not calling attention to Hillary is a glaring flaw in the FBI’s lies. In short: Everyone will know she got away with treason just as she got away with Benghazi, the Branch Davidian Massacre, and countless other crimes beginning when she was Arkansas’s first lady.

Diogenes would not find an honest man in the U.S. Senate, the Department of Justice, the FBI, or the CIA, if he searched with a Klieg light.


I will close with an observation about political blackmail.

Democrat liars, crooks, traitors, and perverts no longer fear blackmail knowing the media will cover for them.

Democrats implying that Putin was blackmailing President Trump comes straight out of Saul Alinsky’s play book. Accuse opponents of your crimes. The play works for Democrats every time. Had Hillary Clinton won the election nothing would have been said about Putin and Clinton.

During the 2016 campaign MSM repeatedly said Putin wanted Trump to win. Talking heads never said anything about Hillary’s exposure:

Limbaugh: Russia could 'blackmail' Clinton with hacked emails
By Mark Hensch - 07/26/16 05:58 PM EDT



Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton
American intelligence officers are asking not 'if' but 'when' the Kremlin will dip into its arsenal of Clinton collateral
By Austin Bay • 06/16/16 8:30am



New Confirmation Hillary Delivered Secrets to America’s Enemies
George Neumayr
January 12, 2017, 3:37 pm


The minds of media decision makers are so warped they must be convinced that whitewashing Hillary Clinton’s bad name at this late date will give her a get-out-of-jail-free card. They would not try it if they were not so corrupt themselves.

Lets not forget Hillary Clinton’s espionage/treason in the overall scheme of things. Accusations with or without evidence against President Trump does not negate the rock solid evidence against Hillary and her email server. Her only defense has been “no intent” when her criminal intent reads like a habitual criminal’s rap sheet.

NOTE: Media mouths never gave Putin’s hold over Hillary one minute of coverage, yet the mouths never stopped talking about collusion between Trump and Russia (Putin). The Mueller investigation has been a continuation of Russia’s campaign strategy to put Hillary in the White House.

The fact is: URANIUM ONE gave Putin all the ammunition he needed to put the squeeze on President Hillary Clinton. Naturally, media mouths never asked this question: What did the Mad Russian have on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton BEFORE she gave Russia control over 20 percent of our country’s uranium reserves?

The second question is: With the Uranium One Deal in Putin’s pocket, how much more blackmail material did he have on President Hillary Clinton to make her payoff like a rigged slot machine?

I do not have answers to my speculative questions, but I do know that Putin had nothing on candidate Donald Trump, nor does he have anything on President Trump.

QUESTION: If media power does not come from the people then where does it come from? ANSWER: BLACKMAIL. It works because Hollywood and television conned Americans into believing dirty pictures and incriminating letters are a blackmailer’s favorite tools.

Every American knows what media does to a politician who refuses to go along with the liberal agenda, but they never associate blackmail with the press. Indeed, politicians do not have to pay hush money for media silence when rolling over for blackmailers is cheaper than money. If politicians did not understand how blackmail worked in print they certainly learned it from television.

Blackmail was journalism’s business model long before television. Every corporation relying on consumer trust was told: “Advertise or we crucify your product.” The auto industry alone spent a fortune on product advertising every year not to mention tobacco industry before it was banned on TV. (Tobacco advertising in print is protected by the First Amendment.)

Ralph Nader upset the blackmail applecart when he attacked the auto industry in his book:


Nader’s exposé came along and did exactly the opposite of what Detroit paid to prevent. Maybe social media will do the same thing to the federal government.
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“She was never mentioned” will be a critical talking point for Democrats until the coverup fades away; much like Suzy Five Shows lies protecting Hillary Clinton faded away after Benghazi.

I did not pull the cork, but I did put the champagne in the fridge:




Justice delayed is justice denied. In Suzy’s case I will take justice after a seven year delay.

Covering up the murders in Benghazi was the worst government scandal in my lifetime because Americans fighting for their lives were deliberately left to die when help was available and ready to deploy. There is the slightest chance that Suzy will slip-up and tell us who ordered the first stand down order in Benghazi:

Pelosi: ‘What Does Putin Have On The President, Politically, Personally Or Financially?’
9:49 AM 01/26/2019
Mike Brest


Nutso should be asking:

What did the Mad Russian have on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton BEFORE she gave Russia control over 20 percent of our country’s uranium reserves?

The second question is: With the Uranium One Deal in Putin’s pocket, how much more blackmail material did he have on President Hillary Clinton to make her payoff like a rigged slot machine?
William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Conservatives should think Chief Justice John Robert’s before they jump on Barr’s bandwagon:

Every time media mouths tell the public a swamp creature is a straight arrow I know the fix is in. Remember when James Comey and Robert Mueller were straight arrows. Both were sold as honorable, dedicated civil servants who would die before they tell a lie.

And have you noticed the spin on William Barr? “At this stage of his life he does not need or want the job.” He is only taking the job because the country needs him. Unfortunately, the record tells us that career swamp creatures always lie like rugs covering a rotting floor. Barr is longtime swamp creature.

If you believe horseshit smells like roses Diogenes can douse his lantern.


Hallelujah and amen! The Greek finally found a man for all seasons. Barr cannot imagine Mueller giving good cause to doubt him:

I hate to be the one to tell Barr he can find good cause if he looks here:

Now Corsi's stepson subpoenaed by Mueller
Po violated campaign finance law sted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/15/2019 @ 4:53 pm


See this thread for more about Mueller and Jerome Corsi:


The top people in the FBI are snakes. Mueller is snake. He has been a snake throughout his pubic career, yet William Barr calls him a friend. What does that tell you about Barr? It tells me that a big snake was called in to coverup for a basket full of fellow career snakes.

Either Donald Trump is a naive poor judge of character, or Barr is the best AG available among a bad litter. The entire Mueller investigation was designed to shield Hillary Clinton against a charge of treason. It works. The filthy old hag is untouchable. They will not even touch her for minor crimes:

A complaint that alleges Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee violated campaign finance law by steering money for opposition research through a law firm is still pending with the Federal Election Commission.

Allegations That Clinton Campaign Funded Trump-Russia Research Still Pending At Now-Closed FEC
Legal Newsline


William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Every senator voting on Barr’s confirmation signed aboard Hillary’s coverup. They all know their parts. The plot calls for the public to suspend disbelieve —— ‘Democrats would stop Barr’s confirmation if they could.’

NOTE: It is essential that Democrat senators not vote to confirm, but the way they blew kisses at Barr tells me they are as pleased as punch he is a shoo-in.

Bottom line: AG Barr will report on Mueller’s report. You will not find Hillary Clinton, or the Steele Dossier, mentioned in either report. Hell, even Putin is helping the coverup for his choice in 2016. What better way to protect Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One Deal than for the Kremlin to keep Hillary out of sight:

MOSCOW, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday the idea that U.S. President Donald Trump could have worked for Russia was stupid.

Visualize anybody believing the Kremlin’s reason for putting in a good word for President Trump. Blaming Trump for the things Hillary Clinton is guilty of began at the beginning of the 2016 campaign season:

When individuals get past media’s undying support for Hillary Clinton one fact cannot be discredited. Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?

NOTE: Bill Clinton began helping the Soviet Union goes as far back as the Vietnam War. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Russia a lot more help than talking against her country during a war. Think uranium.


The entire coverup falls apart if Hillary Clinton’s name appears anywhere in Mueller’s report. “She was never mentioned” will be a critical talking point for Democrats until the coverup fades away; much like Suzy Five Shows lies protecting Hillary Clinton faded away after Benghazi. The mere mention of her name in any definitive report opens up the email scandal.

Not calling attention to Hillary is a glaring flaw in the FBI’s lies. In short: Everyone will know she got away with treason just as she got away with Benghazi, the Branch Davidian Massacre, and countless other crimes beginning when she was Arkansas’s first lady.

Diogenes would not find an honest man in the U.S. Senate, the Department of Justice, the FBI, or the CIA, if he searched with a Klieg light.


I will close with an observation about political blackmail.

Democrat liars, crooks, traitors, and perverts no longer fear blackmail knowing the media will cover for them.

Democrats implying that Putin was blackmailing President Trump comes straight out of Saul Alinsky’s play book. Accuse opponents of your crimes. The play works for Democrats every time. Had Hillary Clinton won the election nothing would have been said about Putin and Clinton.

During the 2016 campaign MSM repeatedly said Putin wanted Trump to win. Talking heads never said anything about Hillary’s exposure:

Limbaugh: Russia could 'blackmail' Clinton with hacked emails
By Mark Hensch - 07/26/16 05:58 PM EDT



Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton
American intelligence officers are asking not 'if' but 'when' the Kremlin will dip into its arsenal of Clinton collateral
By Austin Bay • 06/16/16 8:30am



New Confirmation Hillary Delivered Secrets to America’s Enemies
George Neumayr
January 12, 2017, 3:37 pm


The minds of media decision makers are so warped they must be convinced that whitewashing Hillary Clinton’s bad name at this late date will give her a get-out-of-jail-free card. They would not try it if they were not so corrupt themselves.

Lets not forget Hillary Clinton’s espionage/treason in the overall scheme of things. Accusations with or without evidence against President Trump does not negate the rock solid evidence against Hillary and her email server. Her only defense has been “no intent” when her criminal intent reads like a habitual criminal’s rap sheet.

NOTE: Media mouths never gave Putin’s hold over Hillary one minute of coverage, yet the mouths never stopped talking about collusion between Trump and Russia (Putin). The Mueller investigation has been a continuation of Russia’s campaign strategy to put Hillary in the White House.

The fact is: URANIUM ONE gave Putin all the ammunition he needed to put the squeeze on President Hillary Clinton. Naturally, media mouths never asked this question: What did the Mad Russian have on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton BEFORE she gave Russia control over 20 percent of our country’s uranium reserves?

The second question is: With the Uranium One Deal in Putin’s pocket, how much more blackmail material did he have on President Hillary Clinton to make her payoff like a rigged slot machine?

I do not have answers to my speculative questions, but I do know that Putin had nothing on candidate Donald Trump, nor does he have anything on President Trump.

QUESTION: If media power does not come from the people then where does it come from? ANSWER: BLACKMAIL. It works because Hollywood and television conned Americans into believing dirty pictures and incriminating letters are a blackmailer’s favorite tools.

Every American knows what media does to a politician who refuses to go along with the liberal agenda, but they never associate blackmail with the press. Indeed, politicians do not have to pay hush money for media silence when rolling over for blackmailers is cheaper than money. If politicians did not understand how blackmail worked in print they certainly learned it from television.

Blackmail was journalism’s business model long before television. Every corporation relying on consumer trust was told: “Advertise or we crucify your product.” The auto industry alone spent a fortune on product advertising every year not to mention tobacco industry before it was banned on TV. (Tobacco advertising in print is protected by the First Amendment.)

Ralph Nader upset the blackmail applecart when he attacked the auto industry in his book:


Nader’s exposé came along and did exactly the opposite of what Detroit paid to prevent. Maybe social media will do the same thing to the federal government.

I stopped reading at “A Klieg Light” :rofl2:

Do you really think anyone reads your cut and paste horseshit, moron?
William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

If Hillary Clinton was not so sure she was going to win the election she never would have tried the Russia story at all:

Then-Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta tweeted about an unsubstantiated Slate story that claimed the Trump Tower had a secret line of communication with Russia before the story was published.

The Gateway Pundit reported a review of the communications just prior to the Nov. 6, 2016, election show Podesta and Clinton were attempting “to frame candidate Trump with ties to Russia.”

Significantly, a Clinton campaign news release spotlighting the Slate story said the campaign assumed federal authorities would investigate “this direct connection between Trump and Russia.”

Hillary, Podesta pushed 'collusion' story before election
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/01/2019 @ 7:32 pm


Clinton’s confidence came from media reporting and polling:

When individuals get past media’s undying support for Hillary Clinton one fact cannot be discredited. Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?

To this day the same people who lied for Hillary are stuck with their lies in order to keep Hillary —— and themselves —— out of prison.


Last edited:
Every time media mouths tell the public a swamp creature is a straight arrow I know the fix is in. Remember when James Comey and Robert Mueller were straight arrows. Both were sold as honorable, dedicated civil servants who would die before they tell a lie.

And have you noticed the spin on William Barr? “At this stage of his life he does not need or want the job.” He is only taking the job because the country needs him. Unfortunately, the record tells us that career swamp creatures always lie like rugs covering a rotting floor. Barr is longtime swamp creature.


Bottom line: AG Barr will report on Mueller’s report. You will not find Hillary Clinton, or the Steele Dossier, mentioned in either report. Hell, even Putin is helping the coverup for his choice in 2016. What better way to protect Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One Deal than for the Kremlin to keep Hillary out of sight:


The entire coverup falls apart if Hillary Clinton’s name appears anywhere in Mueller’s report. “She was never mentioned” will be a critical talking point for Democrats until the coverup fades away; much like Suzy Five Shows lies protecting Hillary Clinton faded away after Benghazi. The mere mention of her name in any definitive report opens up the email scandal.

Not calling attention to Hillary is a glaring flaw in the FBI’s lies. In short: Everyone will know she got away with treason just as she got away with Benghazi, the Branch Davidian Massacre, and countless other crimes beginning when she was Arkansas’s first lady.

Did I call it? Or did I call it? Barr did his job:

The Mueller Report will always be theater of the absurd:

In a refrain that was to be heard countless times by Democrats and media members Thursday, a CBS reporter accused Attorney General William Barr of acting as if he were President Trump’s personal attorney in his recounting of Robert Mueller’s evidence regarding the allegation of obstruction of justice.

See Barr's riposte to reporter who questions his integrity
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 04/18/2019 @ 6:34 pm


Bottom line: AG Barr will report on Mueller’s report. You will not find Hillary Clinton, or the Steele Dossier, mentioned in either report.

I was off by a tad. A redaction is as good as an omission. The Steele Dossier, and Hillary Clinton by extension, was redacted. What more can Democrats ask for? Obviously, asking absurd questions to the end of time is the Democrat Party’s game plan.

So why are Democrats demanding the full un-redacted report? Democrats will hang themselves with their own tongues if they get what they are demanding. Trump is in the clear for all-time because he did not obstruct justice, nor did he do dirty with the Russians. Not so with Hillary Clinton. Opening up an investigation into the Steele Dossier will hang Hillary for sure after the Republicans retake the House in 2020.

Finally, if I had any faith in AG Barr I would credit him with doing rope-a-dope on the Democrats. I cannot go that far simply because protecting Hillary Clinton is still the bottom line to the Justice Department and their media mouthpieces. Obama’s attorneys general, Eric Holder & Loretta Lynch, could not have done a better job of protecting Hillary than did AG Barr.
I deserve credit for being the first one to identify AG Barr as a phoney. Proof of my perspicacity:

Every time media mouths tell the public a swamp creature is a straight arrow I know the fix is in. Remember when James Comey and Robert Mueller were straight arrows. Both were sold as honorable, dedicated civil servants who would die before they tell a lie.

And have you noticed the spin on William Barr? “At this stage of his life he does not need or want the job.” He is only taking the job because the country needs him. Unfortunately, the record tells us that career swamp creatures always lie like rugs covering a rotting floor. Barr is longtime swamp creature.


William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Every senator voting on Barr’s confirmation signed aboard Hillary’s coverup. They all know their parts. The plot calls for the public to suspend disbelieve —— ‘Democrats would stop Barr’s confirmation if they could.’

How can the IG Report say that Comey’s actions were a “dangerous example for over 35,000 current FBI employees—and the many thousands more former FBI employees” and the DOJ determine that those actions are not prosecutable? Is this not a clear message from the DOJ to those 35,000+ FBI employees that there are no legal consequences if they ever decide to do what James Comey did?

This not only stinks to high heaven, it absolutely makes no sense - unless you believe in the existence of a “Deep State” that is in control of our government.

This is not a conspiracy theory – this is solid evidence that the entire justice system of our country is corrupt.

August 30, 2019
DOJ opens the door for future FBI political corruption
By Neil Braithwaite


The entire coverup falls apart if Hillary Clinton’s name appears anywhere in Mueller’s report. “She was never mentioned” will be a critical talking point for Democrats until the coverup fades away; much like Suzy Five Shows lies protecting Hillary Clinton faded away after Benghazi. The mere mention of her name in any definitive report opens up the email scandal.

Not calling attention to Hillary is a glaring flaw in the FBI’s lies. In short: Everyone will know she got away with treason just as she got away with Benghazi, the Branch Davidian Massacre, and countless other crimes beginning when she was Arkansas’s first lady.

You can bet your ass that Hillary Clinton ordered this guy's appointment:

Revealed: Biden's nominee for ATF head is an anti-gun lobbyist who was at the Ruby Ridge standoff and Waco massacre—and lied about cult members shooting down helicopters
By Katelyn Caralle
Published: 14:29 EDT, 9 April 2021 | Updated: 15:03 EDT, 9 April 2021



And how come every American is supposed to cry crocodile tears whenever the Kent State shootings is mentioned? Four demonstrators were killed and nine wounded, while more than 80 men, women, and children were killed in the Branch Davidian Compound slaughter on Hillary Clinton’s orders. Hell, that massacre is never mentioned. Even today, you will never hear television mouths refer to it as the Waco Massacre let alone talk about it. Not one television mouth ever accused then-First Lady Hillary Clinton of being responsible for the Waco Massacre even though a mass killing in this country belongs in her minus column. (It is no wonder that Democrats want to disarm the American people.)


This is the Hillary Clinton the Parasite Class knows and loves:

It was Hillary Clinton, not Bill, Janet Reno, Webb Hubbell, or Vince Foster – who ordered the Waco massacre in 1993 that led to the death of 76 Americans, including 21 children and two pregnant women.

The Waco attack motivated Timothy McVeigh to launch the Oklahoma City bombings two years later on April 19, 1995.

First Lady Hillary Clinton pressured Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell to use military force in resolving the Waco standoff due to the saturated media coverage the standoff was receiving, distracting from her new health care reform (Hillarycare).

Politicalears.com reports:

Appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live, fmr. White House aide Linda Tripp suggested that Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster– at Mrs. Clinton’s direction– transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian compound, which culminated in a military style attack.

“Give me a reason not to do this,” Janet Reno is said to have begged aides shortly before orders were issued in the final assault– during which 85 Branch Davidians were burned alive.

Tripp’s allegations lend weight to charges made previously by Special Forces expert and Waco investigator, Steve Barry– who claimed Hillary Clinton set up a special “crisis center” in the White House to deal with Waco. Serving with her was Vincent Foster– who, according to his widow, was subsequently “fueled by horror at the carnage at Waco for which the White House had ultimately been responsible.”

In the 1999 documentary Waco: A New Revelation, former House Waco investigator T. March Bell recalled:

One of the interesting things that happens in an investigation is that you get anonymous phone calls.

We in fact received anonymous phone calls from Justice Department managers and attorneys who believe that pressure was placed on Janet Reno by Webb Hubbell, pressure that came from the first lady of the United States.

Foster himself was found dead, from a gun-shot wound to the head, in a Virginia park three months later. Could he have known too much about Waco?

Journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard maintains that Foster had been “drafting a letter involving Waco” on the very day of his death. Moreover Evans-Pritchard says that Foster kept a Waco file in a locked cabinet that was off limits to everyone, including his secretary.

Prior to Waco, Foster was “dignified, decent, caring, smart” says Linda Tripp; in its aftermath, “Vince was falling apart.”

Tripp was with the former White House deputy counsel when the news about Waco broke on television…

I was with him — well, we had CNN all the time, not to plug, but it was always on in the White House. And a special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face turned white, and he was absolutely crushed knowing, knowing the part he had played. And he had played the part at Mrs. Clinton’s direction.

There was a marked contrast between Foster’s heartfelt emotion to the Waco tragedy and Hillary Clinton’s.

Hillary Clinton Ordered Waco Massacre Leading To 76 Deaths
March 5, 2016
Sean Adl-Tabatabai

You can bet your ass that Hillary Clinton ordered this guy's appointment:

Tucker Carlson hangs Chipman out to dry:

p.s. Inmates are in charge of the institution is a much overworked phrase. After studying Chipman’s face when he is talking told me he is running the very institution where he belongs in a padded cell for the rest of his life —— not making policy for sane Americans.
Lefties have been attacking me and my sources for 21 years. They never stop trying because they cannot defend Socialism/Communism that makes any sense.

That's because Socialism/Communism doesn't make any sense. It has never succeeded anywhere as far as I know.