APP - A leftwing keynesian success story

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

I can't believe that this isn't getting more headline news and that the left isn't espousing its greatness all over JPP. I have been told that this sort of "democratic socialism" is rock solid unlike the "undemocratic socialism" of Venezuela and N. Korea.

Of course Connecticut looks to be just as bankrupt as Venezuela so maybe one of our economic experts can explain. From what I can see there isn't a republican in sight in Connecticut to blame so.............................
My brother lived there for one year and we visited in the summer. I noticed signs on the highway stating it was illegal to drive on them.
So I asked him about it as it was pretty odd.
Seems this was the solution to lawsuits related to car damage from chronic potholes that the state could not / would not keep ahead of.
This was 25 years ago or more and they couldn't manage their affairs even then. Doesn't surprise me it's still going on.

I can't believe that this isn't getting more headline news and that the left isn't espousing its greatness all over JPP. I have been told that this sort of "democratic socialism" is rock solid unlike the "undemocratic socialism" of Venezuela and N. Korea.

Of course Connecticut looks to be just as bankrupt as Venezuela so maybe one of our economic experts can explain. From what I can see there isn't a republican in sight in Connecticut to blame so.............................
Nice Strawman. Name one Supply Side prediction that has been proven correct other than the trickling part?

Say what you want about Keynesian Capitalism but unlike the lassiez faire and supply side versions it actually works.
My brother lived there for one year and we visited in the summer. I noticed signs on the highway stating it was illegal to drive on them.
So I asked him about it as it was pretty odd.
Seems this was the solution to lawsuits related to car damage from chronic potholes that the state could not / would not keep ahead of.
This was 25 years ago or more and they couldn't manage their affairs even then. Doesn't surprise me it's still going on.
Yeah well have you ever driven on the roads in you Supply Side Paradise of Texas or Mississippi? You get off the interstate or limited access highways and you don't have to worry about potholes that much cause most of the roads are gravel.
Nice Strawman. Name one Supply Side prediction that has been proven correct other than the trickling part?

Say what you want about Keynesian Capitalism but unlike the lassiez faire and supply side versions it actually works.

Kindly stay on topic and not divert from the thread which is that all of this spending is bankrupting the state of Connecticut. Unless you are defining going bankrupt as working?