A letter I sent to President Trump 12/05/2019 via contact whitehouse online

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
A letter I sent to President Trump 12/05/2019 via contact whitehouse online

I sent Obama a letter when he was in office and he wrote me back immediately and was eager to ignore the fact that thousands of years prove marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual union to which we all owe our existence and that union that stands alone above any other are quite obviously heterosexual unions. I even contacted all kinds of officials and lawyers involved with the US Supreme court of mockery made of marriage. Unfortunately the supreme court values lies and not fact as precedence for making their ruling.

Ok here is my brief letter I sent to president Trump:

President Trump,

You get Trudeau is two faced (took you long enough) but you say Canada's economy is doing well???

Up here in Canada I hear people claiming you a liar yet when I ask what have you lied about I never get a straight answer ... I'm puzzled at your statement on Canada's economy.

Also a few years ago during your pageant years I tried to contact you relentlessly to put an end to that nightmare but you allowed it to escalate and now these lgbt sickos are forcing lies through legislation like mad up here in Canada too. It was like busting the lock on an insane asylum and letting the lunatics run amok.

You will not be in office forever and if the lgbt gets away with this, then what is stopping the muslims from doing the same thing with globalist crime organization support?!! ~Think!

3rd enjoy a video I share with you and yes this is me in the video titled "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ISLAMAPHOBE YET OFFICIALS LIE TO YOU LIKE GARBAGE": https://www.bitchute.com/video/GsVwKaCxzEM4/

Have mercy on Canadians, I'm confident voting had nothing to do with election results. It just doesn't make sense we have a tyrant still infiltrating our pm chair.

Enjoy your day President Trump.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada