A Limey Sneak Plays The Incremental Card


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Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says it's going to take a one-world government to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

It has been a long time since the New World Order crowd had a real shot at a global government administered by the Unite Nations. The coronavirus scam dealt them a new hand:

That means at least a temporary form of global government, Brown said.

Former British PM wants temporary 'world government'
By WND Staff
Published March 26, 2020 at 5:28pm


Brown’s one-world government paying for SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM in every parasite shit-hole country will need a lot more money than 2.2 TRILLION American tax dollars.

Parasites in our Congress, and their television mouthpieces, have been lying about the scam from day one. Every traitor knows that the XVI Amendment is the only way to pay for a global government. They also know that there is no such thing as a temporary tax —— or a temporary one-world government.

. . . no tax is ever repealed. Americans are still paying a tax to fight the Spanish-American War.


In truth, the United Nations became a quasi-government on the day U.S. membership was ratified in 1945. Consider the following if you doubt it:

The U.N. dictates immigration policies to every nation.

The U.S. fights wars for the U.N. (Afghanistan.)

The U.S. military fights Peace Without Victory wars for the U.N. (Korea and Desert Storm.)

U.S. military personnel are forced to serve in United Nations peacekeeping missions:

Phyllis Schlafly
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
Nov. 2, 1995



The U.N. has a judiciary that is gaining legitimacy incrementally.

The EPA is a de facto U.N. agency.

The U.N. (An ORGANIZATION) claims ownership of the oceans and the atmosphere.

The U.N. has its own bank financed by tax dollars. (International Monetary Fund.)

U.N. officials bask in diplomatic immunity.

Finally, the U.S. Senate harbored a nest of traitors throughout most of my lifetime. Sad to say that our traitors no longer run the risk of being hanged for selling military secrets to enemies at the gate. Traitors only have to do the same things traitors have been doing for thousands of years.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. Marcus Tillius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)

NOTE: Today, sly whispers are openly shouted about coronavirus.
The coronavirus scam is a conspiracy engineered by parasites after billions [NOW TRILLIONS] of tax dollars to pay for socialized medicine that would ultimately pay for universal healthcare. The conspiracy can be seen in television’s wall-to-wall coverage covering up the real objective. POPULATION CONTROLS.


This report is good news:

COVID-19 Is Killing The Case For Socialized Medicine
I & I Editorial Board
March 27, 2020


Frankly, I am a skeptic. I do not believe a word media is saying because I have not heard about one coronavirus symptom that specifically identifies COVID-19 that is not present in every minor respiratory illness. In fact, as near as I can determine, the well-known reported symptoms are common in a variety of illnesses that can be treated with over the counter drugs like aspirin or grandma’s chicken soup.

Maybe that is why the number of symptoms is going up in order to make it easier for coronavirus to qualify as a global pandemic. To be fair and balanced, smelling fishy is clearly a COVID-19 symptom.

I did notice that the number of famous people reported with coronavirus is increasing. The minute I see a headline I am outta there.



The message is: If the rich and famous can get it you already have a DOA tag on your big toe. In fact, I wish coronavirus was real so it could kill off a few of those famous assholes advertising the scam.
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says it's going to take a one-world government to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

It has been a long time since the New World Order crowd had a real shot at a global government administered by the United Nations. The coronavirus scam dealt them a new hand:

Cliff Kincaid over at Canada Free Press takes it further:

Since “climate change” has not ushered in world government, the global health crisis will have to do. Hence, Greta Thunberg has announced it’s “extremely likely” she has had coronavirus. She wasn’t tested but quickly recovered, she says. Now, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics.

“Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus” is the British Guardian headline over a story about the former Labor prime minister.

Globalist organizations led by the World Federalists are leading the charge

Globalist organizations led by the World Federalists are leading the charge. This year, however, they think the timing is on their side. Their “UN2020” movement is taking advantage of this year being the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. They believe the coronavirus can be exploited to get the nations of the world united behind the push for “another, better path for humanity.”

Their “plan of action,” as set forth in a draft of their “People’s Declaration,” is unfolding mostly behind-the-scenes as the 75th anniversary of the United Nations “provides a much-needed opportunity for system-wide stocktaking, strengthening and renewal.”

The World Federalists are sometimes regarded as small and without much influence, but the fact is that prominent personalities such as Walter Cronkite, the former CBS Evening News anchorman, were world federalists. What’s more, President Clinton and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton endorsed the group’s activities during the time of the Clinton Administration.

Former Clinton official Strobe Talbott wrote a book,


“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”—Strobe Talbot, Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, Time, July 20th, 1992.

Do not forget Hillary Clinton’s first loyalty if she gets the V.P. nomination. Move the cursor to 7:48

The Great Experiment, describing his own background in the pro-world government World Federalist Movement and naming a network of friends and close associates that included billionaire leftist hedge fund operator George Soros. The purpose of Talbott’s book was to promote “global governance,” a euphemism for world government, and was defined in the subtitle as “The Quest for a Global Nation.”

With a pandemic sweeping the globe, they think this is their time to strike. A draft of their declaration urges mechanisms such as an “Independent Commission on Global Governance” or a “United Nations Parliamentary Assembly” to be pushed by sympathetic governments.

“Humanity at a Crossroads: global governance at a time of global uncertainty”

“Far quicker than most of us could have imagined, a world-encompassing health crisis…has shaken the global order to its core,” it says, adding that “...no longer can we behave as if our current institutions are sufficient to secure our future…To meet growing demands, a revitalized UN system would need a reliable source of funding.”

Entitled “Humanity at a Crossroads: global governance at a time of global uncertainty,” the document calls for consideration of proposals such as an international carbon tax, a fossil fuel consumption tax, a global tax on select mineral resource extraction or usage, a minimum international corporate tax, a financial transaction tax, and “other fiscal policy options.”

But here’s their bottom line, in their own words: “A global tax body to enforce these options should also be considered.”

My 1997 book, Global Taxes for World Government, available for free at my America’s Survival website www.usasurvival.org, describes this movement.

U.N.s World Health Organization has been widely accused of a pro-China bias

On Capitol Hill, Senator Edward J. Markey, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been joined by other liberals in calling on President Donald Trump to introduce a United Nations Security Council resolution that declares pandemics a clear threat to international peace and security. As part of this resolution, they want to “Mandate that, in the event of a declared health emergency, all countries ensure on-the-ground access by World Health Organization (WHO) officials, as well as require that all countries transparently disseminate timely public health information to the WHO and to their own people.”

Of course, the U.N.s World Health Organization has been widely accused of a pro-China bias and stalling on the declaration of a public health emergency surrounding coronavirus. Equally significant, its director general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a member of the “High-Level Task Force for Innovative Financing for Health Systems,” a group which recommended global taxes for the U.N. They call them “solidarity levies” on airline tickets, tobacco and currency transactions.

Tedros’s praise for President Trump, saying he is doing a “great job” in fighting the pandemic, is a recognition of reality. Tedros understands that Trump’s leadership has more than compensated for the lack of expertise from the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control. Tedros’ job is on the line, as an online petition with 563,013 signatures as of Thursday afternoon is urging his resignation.

Whether that resignation comes or not, it will be important for President Trump to continue to resist calls for more globalism to fix the problems caused by globalism.

One-Worlders Exploit Pandemic for Global Government
By Cliff Kincaid
March 27, 2020

Frankly, I am a skeptic. I do not believe a word media is saying because I have not heard about one coronavirus symptom that specifically identifies COVID-19 that is not present in every minor respiratory illness. In fact, as near as I can determine, the well-known reported symptoms are common in a variety of illnesses that can be treated with over the counter drugs like aspirin or grandma’s chicken soup.

Maybe that is why the number of symptoms is going up in order to make it easier for coronavirus to qualify as a global pandemic. To be fair and balanced, smelling fishy is clearly a COVID-19 symptom.

I see that the parasites hit the mother lode. Every heart attack can be blamed on the coronavirus. Imagine what that will do to the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 with no proof!

That's No Heart Attack. It's a Case of Coronavirus
Doctors scramble to figure out the link between heart disease and the virus
By Neal Colgrass, Newser Staff
Posted Mar 29, 2020 6:00 PM CDT


I still say:

Ron Paul will always occupy a soft spot in my heart for authoring:


Then-Congressman Ron Paul’s original bill has been reintroduced in every Congress since 1997 under different titles, but it never got out of committee regardless of which party was in charge. H.R. 204 is slowly coming closer to passage as more and more Americans finally see that the United Nations is this country’s enemy. Despite all of the politically powerful people and their influence the American Sovereignty Restoration Act is inching its way toward passage.


Dr. Paul is still one of the good guys, but as a doctor he surely knows that the coronavirus is a conspiracy with one objective —— LEGISLATE AND FUND SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.

I see that the parasites hit the mother lode. Every heart attack can be blamed on the coronavirus. Imagine what that will do to the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 with no proof!

Retired Congressman Ronald Earnest Paul (1935 - ?) still punches pretty good:

Dr. Ron Paul, retired Republican congressman from Texas and three-time presidential candidate, thinks that America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic is being exploited to bloat government budgets and increase government power.

Paul is best known for his libertarian views — he was the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president in 1988 — and mistrust of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States.

But in an interview with Wealth Research Group editor Lior Gantz posted Friday on YouTube, Paul took things a step further, calling recent measures to control the spread of COVID-19 a “grab bag” for some in government.

Paul, a physician, conceded that the coronavirus pandemic is serious, and he no doubt understands the gravity of the situation as his own son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, is under quarantine after he tested positive for the virus on March 22.

What Ron Paul said he is worried about is that some in government have inflated the risk and response for their own political gain.

“I think it’s blown way out of proportion to the danger,” Paul told Gantz.

“It seems that some people benefit from crises like this, people who want more government power and more control over people and want to get big appropriations and get their special deals passed, and that’s what happening now,” Paul said of the federal and state governments’ coronavirus response. “It’s a grab bag. …

“It’s used as an excuse by those who have a special interest to use that. I think that is sad.”

As of Monday, 29 states have been put under “stay at home” orders, restricting citizens’ rights to assemble, do business or even be out on the streets in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus.

There is no end in sight for these extreme measures, with President Donald Trump announcing Sunday that social distancing measures were being extended through April 30.

As a result of the ongoing restrictions, jobless claims have climbed to five times the previous record as businesses are shuttered or restricted across America in enforced social distancing.

To mitigate the damage, Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act on Friday.

“I just signed the CARES Act, the single biggest economic relief package in American History — twice as large as any relief bill ever enacted,” the president said on Twitter following the bill’s signing. “At $2.2 Trillion Dollars, this bill will deliver urgently-needed relief for our nation’s families, workers, and businesses.”

Relief package my ass. Ol’ Yellow Stain signed the largest single gift to Socialist parasites in American history.

Donald J. Trump

I just signed the CARES Act, the single biggest economic relief package in American History – twice as large as any relief bill ever enacted. At $2.2 Trillion Dollars, this bill will deliver urgently-needed relief for our nation’s families, workers, and businesses.


Over time, the coward’s generosity with everybody else’s money will make the cost of every welfare state program look like a few coins dropped in a tin cup.

While in some respects this bill was absolutely necessary to offset damage directly caused by government restrictions to combat the pandemic, Paul said the economic downturn is a holdover from existing problems.

“I think there’s way too much concern given with potential danger of coronavirus, and very little concern and a serious understanding of why we’re in a real bad economic mess,” he said.

Paul has long opposed the Federal Reserve’s influence and published a 2009 treatise titled “End the Fed.” As recently as August 2019 in his column for the Ron Paul Institute, Paul warned that cutting interest rates and printing money were repeating the mistakes of the 2008 financial crisis.

In addition to the hefty federal spending on the coronavirus relief bill, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates to 0 percent on March 15.

“It’s impossible, it won’t solve the problems,” Paul said of the government spending and slashing of interest rates, “because we got into this by too much spending, too much debt, too much inflation, too much manipulation, too much drive for zero interest rates, and that’s what they’re doing.

“They’re solving the problem by spending even more, printing even more, and get the interest rates below zero and they think that’s going to solve the problem but it isn’t.”

What Paul said rings true — some of these issues were in place long before the coronavirus surfaced in the United States. He also made an astute point that this kind of crisis can easily be exploited to grow the power and scope of government.

A.K.A. ‘Grow the power and scope of the Parasite Class’.

Although he is right to be skeptical of government financial interventions, the crisis is unprecedented in that most of the damage was caused by direct orders from federal and state governments. The response, then, must be a balance of government righting its own wrongs while not overreaching even further.

Governments are by nature prone to inflation, and people in power are by definition desirous of increased control over their constituents. Therefore, it is important that this crisis not become an excuse for both to run amok.

The coronavirus is undeniably a serious threat, but it is important that the government not be allowed to grow unchecked in power and spending as a result.

Long after the last restrictions are lifted and the last major outbreak abates, America will be left with the political aftermath. It’s of the utmost importance to balance both the need to keep America healthy with the need to keep America free.

Dr. Ron Paul Hits Nail on the Head in No-Nonsense Coronavirus Interview
By Christine Favocci
Published March 30, 2020 at 10:04am

Last edited:
I see that the parasites hit the mother lode. Every heart attack can be blamed on the coronavirus. Imagine what that will do to the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 with no proof!

The parasites can choose from a boatload of causes to jack up the coronavirus death total:

With millions of Americans concerned about coronavirus, radio host Rush Limbaugh is providing some perspective on the actual number of fatalities from COVID-19 compared to those from other causes.

On his Wednesday broadcast, Limbaugh cited a list from worldometers.info that rounded up the worldwide deaths from Jan. 1 through March 25 of 2020:

"Coronavirus: 21,000 deaths.

Seasonal flu: 113,000.

Malaria: 228,000.

Suicide: 249,000.

Traffic fatalities, 313, almost 314,000 deaths.

HIV/AIDS, 391,000 deaths.

Alcohol related deaths, 581,000.

Smoking-related deaths, 1,162,000.

Cancer deaths, 1,909,000 deaths.

Deaths attributed to starvation, 2,382,000 deaths.

And death by abortion, 9,900,000."

"I'm not trying to make any correlation," Limbaugh explained.

"I'm not trying to say, 'Hey, we're overreacting to coronavirus death.' I'm just giving you the stats here. You can react to these stats however you wish."

He added: "You still have some really shocking numbers. Because we don't talk about it. We got suicide hotlines. We try to teach people to drive safely. We do whatever we do with HIV/AIDS. We tell people to drink responsibly, tell people not to smoke, try to devise cancer treatments, we try to feed people."

Limbaugh even mentioned efforts by his hometown of Palm Beach, Florida: "The town website where I live is chiding people for being on the beach, for standing too close together while their dogs arepooping. I mean, you wouldn't believe it. I've seen it all."

'Shocking' list of what's killed the most people in 2020
Coronavirus is at bottom of list compared to everyday killers
Joe Kovacs By Joe Kovacs
Published April 1, 2020 at 5:09pm


Bottom line: United Nations scum will never surrender their newfound absolute authority to control behavior, not only here but worldwide. Absolute authority is now in the hands of a few thousand elected officials starting with President Trump and going down to governors, mayors, local bureaucrats, and police departments. Naturally, the SCOTUS relish every coronavirus dictate.

New World Order filth were floored when they saw how many Americans could be frightened into surrendering their liberty on nothing more than the word of medical industry parasites hustling TRILLIONS of tax dollars. Had the scum known how it easy it is they would have done it decades ago.

Incidentally, do not look for our scum to bomb the piss out of China because they got sick eating bat shit soup. After all, the Chinks conspired with the United Nations to give the New World Order crowd the authority they long sought.





Finally, the most trusted television mouths on FOX cite the number of coronavirus deaths every hour on the hour like nobody dies from anything else.
Incidentally, do not look for our scum to bomb the piss out of China because they got sick eating bat shit soup.

Finally, the most trusted television mouths on FOX cite the number of coronavirus deaths every hour on the hour like nobody dies from anything else.

At least Brit Hume singled out NYC:

Brit Hume of Fox News read about New York City’s unscientific methods in a Twitter thread initiated by a thoughtful user named Adam Townsend (@adamscrabble).

Hume tweeted April 1: “Very informative thread. Explains why NY’s Covid 19 fatality numbers are inflated. They don’t distinguish between those who die with the disease and those who die from it.”

April 3, 2020
New York City is lying about Chinese virus death rates
By Matthew Vadum

Incredible that the senile fat fart should so expect general American ignorance of the outside as to attack the WHO just to draw attention away from his crimes, at the cost of the world's ability to act against !he lurgy. To hell with people, eh? Ratings, ratings, ratings!
The parasites can choose from a boatload of causes to jack up the coronavirus death total:

You gotta love this one:

LAKE ELSINORE, CA—Local man Brett Garfield was tragically killed in a skydiving accident yesterday. His death was quickly ruled death by coronavirus by medical experts. Garfield wasn't tested for coronavirus, but he exhibited many of the symptoms, such as suffering and dying, so he was immediately added to the rapidly growing coronavirus death statistics.

"Brett's 42-year-long life was tragically cut short yesterday, presumably by coronavirus, as he plummetted into the ground at a high rate of speed," said a Riverside County health official. "Darn you, coronavirus! How many more will you take from us? HOW MANY MORE!?!?"

As Garfield's body was scraped off the ground with a giant medical spatula, which is how they take care of these things, a coroner stood by and took notes on his clipboard. "Yep, looks like coronavirus to me. If he'd only socially distanced himself from the ground or worn a mask, he'd have been OK. Add him to the numbers, boys."

"I guess you could say he" -- at this point, he put his sunglass on for dramatic effect -- "didn't understand the gravity of the situation."

The coroner spent the rest of the day ruling the death of a bus crash victim, a man hit by a freight train, and a guy crushed by a vending machine as coronavirus fatalities.

Skydiving Accident Ruled Death By Coronavirus
April 16th, 2020


NOTE: Every death requires a death certificate. That is the only reason parasites are not claiming coronavirus is the cause of death in every abortion.
NOTE: Every death requires a death certificate. That is the only reason parasites are not claiming coronavirus is the cause of death in every abortion.

At last. The dam built by lies is cracking:

Pennsylvania has had to remove hundreds of coronavirus deaths from its official death count this week, following questions of accuracy and highlighted discrepancies by area coroners.

The PA health department decided to include “probable” coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to their death tolls, dating back days and even weeks ago. But the death toll spike raised questions from coroners who came forward to highlight a discrepancy in death totals, which were not adding up to the number of all-cause deaths.

The scrutiny triggered multiple revisions and statements from the department, including the removal of 200 “probable” COVID-19 deaths and a claim of computer “glitching.”

“Pennsylvania started to include ‘probable deaths’ in its fatalities. As a result, the total number of coronavirus deaths grew by 276, then 360, in successive nights, almost doubling the number of deaths in the state in two days,” a Fox News report explained. ” The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) subsequently removed 200 deaths from its count after facing mounting questions about the accuracy of the count.”

Health Secretary Rachel Levine, who decided to include “probable deaths” in the department’s total count, acknowledged to the Philadelphia Inquirer that such deaths may change over time.

“We realize that this category can be confusing, since it does change over time,” Levine told the outlet.

“At times, there are things we need to review, and potentially revisit the way the data is being analyzed,” she said. “And this is one of those times.”

It’s unclear when the department started including probable deaths in the COVID-19 death tolls. Though Levine announced Tuesday that such deaths would be included, “department spokesperson Nate Wardle told the Inquirer that ‘probable deaths’ had been included in the count far earlier than that,” Fox noted. Wardle, however, later retracted the statement to align with Levine’s announcement.

And it was weeks ago when questions concerning accuracy bubbled to the surface, as coroners highlighted discrepancies.

“There’s a discrepancy in the numbers,” said Charles E. Kiessling Jr., president of the Pennsylvania Coroners Association and coroner in Lycoming County. “I’m not saying there’s something going on… I’m not a conspiracy theory guy. But accuracy is important.”

“Kiessling said it was a matter of public safety that the DOH clarify the discrepancy. Coroners have complained over the past month regarding discrepancies in the death figures,” Fox reported. “As of early Thursday, Kiessling said the DOH had not yet reached out to his office about the matter. Levine later said she would contact coroners next week, giving the department time to understand ‘the different nuances’ of the issue.”

“This is why I’m so upset,” Kiessling added. “Our job is to investigate… We do this every day.”

As noted by The Daily Wire last week, New York City is also including untested patients into their COVID-19 death totals: “New York City added a huge number of deaths to the total number of deaths caused by the coronavirus after deciding to include over 3,700 victims who had not tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have the virus because of their symptoms and medical history.”

Earlier this month, White House coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx explained that COVID-19 deaths in the United States have “very liberal” recording guidance, noting that anyone who tests positive for the virus and dies would be included in their numbers of coronavirus deaths.

“I think in this country, we are taking a very liberal approach to mortality,” she said at press briefing. “And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks. … If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that.”

“There are other countries, that if you have a pre-existing condition, and let’s say the virus called you to go to the ICU (intensive care unit) and then have a heart or kidney problem,” Dr. Birx explained. “Some countries are recording that as a kidney issue, or a heart issue, and not a COVID-19 death.”

In the U.S., Dr. Birx suggested, “we’re still recording it” as a COVID-19 death.

April 25th, 2020
Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags
By Amanda Prestigiacomo

This thread is hysterical, there are eleven posts and ten of them are from the same person who began the "exchange," beautiful, do you think he know a forum means exchanging views and not preaching?
This thread is hysterical, there are eleven posts and ten of them are from the same person who began the "exchange," beautiful,

To archives: Thanks for reading them.

do you think he know a forum means exchanging views and not preaching?

To archives: “He” knows it is a message board.

message board (noun)

a place on a website where you can leave messages for other people to read.