A list of countries where Communism HAS been tried.


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A list of countries where Communism HAS been tried.

It's true when people online and in colleges and universities in the west say that "Communism has never been tried".

They are right of course, Communism, which is based on Marx's Communist manifesto, has never been tried.

Except in Russia, China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Yemen, Czech Republic, Germany (East), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rep. of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia, Angola, Benin, Dem Rep. of Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Mozambique.

Other than those few times, Communism has NEVER been tried, and every time it was tried in any of those countries, it failed, miserably, and created an insane bloodthirsty dictatorship that tortured, gulaged, killed, stole fro and staved its own people.

The gross number that is estimated for the totality of people who were murdered, starved or just died thanks to Communism being implemented in their country, is around 100 million people.

The most disastrously effected country by Communism was the People's Republic of China, where under Mao Zedong some 45 – 60 million people were starved to death and murdered.

In the USSR, under Lenin and later Stalin, at least 50 million people were starved and murdered.

In Cambodia, under Pol Pot, one quarter of the whole population (some 2 million people) was starved and murdered.

In other countries like in Cuba and North Korea, the Communist dictators mainly used their absolutist power to accumulate huge personal wealth, while the local population was reduced to starving.


Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

But all of this history and facts won't deter people, mainly young impressianble people online and in western university campuses who never been to a Communist country in their lives, to say that Communism has never been tried, and if it's tried just one more time it will definitely work this time.


"The Black Book of Communism."

"How many did Communist regimes murder?", Rudolph Rummel

As the Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Richer

2.89M subscribers

The rich are getting richer, and the poor are... also getting richer. What's driving this wealth creation process? In this video, Daniel Hannan explains why it is
capitalism — and capitalism alone — that has led to the unprecedented
enrichment that is the central fact of Western life.
China. They are ruled by the Communist Party.

"1. China
China, well-known as the world's biggest manufacturer, is the leading producer of cars. The country’s 2019 production resulted in the completion of almost 26 million motor vehicles, or about 28% of all cars and trucks produced.2 Approximately 83% of China’s production went toward making personal passenger cars, while the other 4.3 million vehicles produced were for commercial use.2 With sales of 6.2 million vehicles in 2019, SAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. (600104.SS) is the largest manufacturer of vehicles in China."
As the Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Richer

A few others:

The economy us not a zero sum game where if someone gets rich, someone else correspondingly grows poorer. It is infinate.

Corporations do not pay taxes; they pass them onto their consumers. Next time a politician says he is going to increase corporate taxes, ask why he is making YOU pay more.

When Bill Gates invented Microsoft, he expanded the economy in a very large way creating millions of good paying jobs and millionaires along the way. Gates isn't the problem.

NO nations have ever TAXED their nations into prosperity.

That image might work best with a geographically educated readership.

The Leftists and Fuzzy Brained Liberals can't be assumed to know that the dark area is Socialist Venezuela, and the reason it is dark is because Socialism has impoverished the country and eliminated it's entire socio-economic vibrancy and richness. There is no night life and there are few who can afford electricity at night.

That image might work best with a geographically educated readership.

The Leftists and Fuzzy Brained Liberals can't be assumed to know that the dark area is Socialist Venezuela, and the reason it is dark is because Socialism has impoverished the country and eliminated it's entire socio-economic vibrancy and richness. There is no night life and there are few who can afford electricity at night.

Great points. They would be scratching their heads. :laugh:
China. They are ruled by the Communist Party.

"1. China
China, well-known as the world's biggest manufacturer, is the leading producer of cars. The country’s 2019 production resulted in the completion of almost 26 million motor vehicles, or about 28% of all cars and trucks produced.2 Approximately 83% of China’s production went toward making personal passenger cars, while the other 4.3 million vehicles produced were for commercial use.2 With sales of 6.2 million vehicles in 2019, SAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. (600104.SS) is the largest manufacturer of vehicles in China."

Do the Chinese value money more than freedom?
This is a pretty good video I ran across a while back :

Excellent look at the reality of Socialism in Cuba.

The Marxists in America who would still advocate Socialism for the USA after watching this video just want to punish the American people and make US suffer.

They don't really advocate Socialism like the fuzzy brains do. These guys know how bad Socialism is. They just want us to be humbled and hurt and humiliated.

This video is a real eye opener!

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You must be what, 85 years old, balding, long in the tooth?

Nobody born after 1960 worries about or talks about communism anymore.

Do you think this video explains why someone might believe that?

Is Communism Moral?

2.89M subscribers

Capitalism has produced freedom and crushed poverty. Communism has produced poverty and crushed freedom. So why is there still a debate as to which system is more moral? Dennis Prager explains.
Communism requires a society that is completely altruistic to operate. That is, unless everyone--everyone--in society is willing to give up what they've produced, and willing to take what society gives them in return--which is often less than they produced--then Communism cannot work. Thus it requires altruism from everyone in society.

But that goes entirely against human nature. Those that produce more see it as unfair to them that those that do little get the same as they do for working hard. That creates envy of a new sort. Instead of the poor envying the rich and productive, the would be rich and productive envy the poor. The result is that instead of society being lifted up, it is torn down to the least common denominator. Why do more when you get nothing for it but possibly some moral, religious-like, satisfaction of helping others many of whom you might see as totally undeserving of that help?

So, the only way Communism can get around that conundrum is by instituting a totalitarian rule on society and forcing the altruism necessary on it.
Communism requires a society that is completely altruistic to operate. That is, unless everyone--everyone--in society is willing to give up what they've produced, and willing to take what society gives them in return--which is often less than they produced--then Communism cannot work. Thus it requires altruism from everyone in society.

But that goes entirely against human nature. Those that produce more see it as unfair to them that those that do little get the same as they do for working hard. That creates envy of a new sort. Instead of the poor envying the rich and productive, the would be rich and productive envy the poor. The result is that instead of society being lifted up, it is torn down to the least common denominator. Why do more when you get nothing for it but possibly some moral, religious-like, satisfaction of helping others many of whom you might see as totally undeserving of that help?

So, the only way Communism can get around that conundrum is by instituting a totalitarian rule on society and forcing the altruism necessary on it.

Like Ronnie Van Zant said baby, I ain't the One.
I can actually read Bullshit Blob's post, such as it is.

How has he managed to avoid my rather large "Ignore" list?

Guess it's time to take care of that now..