A Little About Me As Of Late

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
As for me I grow tired. For decades I have shared facts backing my claims on the foundations of especially primary issues I address exposing lies and deceptions and for this I have been banned, shadow banned or treated with such bias as to have me removed from hundreds of sites so liars can spew their lies and deceptions without being easily revealed for the idiots they prove to be time and time again for attempting such. I have been stalked, tormented, slandered, harassed to join illuminati, harassed to join a notorious biker gang, stalked to join WEF etc. living homeless for years because I will not allow myself to be harnessed to join them or oppressed of which I could have been by making millions long ago with originals on guitar only to be threatened to be sued for not complying with the WEF agenda (which is why I chose not too many years ago) or even have gainful employment only to face being threatened to have that employment taken away unless I comply with WEF rhetoric. This has been going on for at least 15 years of the 24 years I have been fighting the good fight around when liberals decided to make their policies "attack anyone who exposed their sick and filthy lies and deceptions with slander to use as excuse to try and make criminals out of people and have them removed off of social networking sites." To this very day not one person on this planet has even contested what the facts I share prove on especially the foundation of primary issues I address yet the public still faces the lies of leftist WEF sock puppets that I exposed long ago. I have never been and never will be defeated, I'm just hidden from the public as are many of you finding out that you are too eh MP Michelle Rempel Garner for example even...

Since June 3rd 2022 I started living homeless in a tent due to being stabbed in the back by ex family and ex friends who were likely blackmailed or bribed to do such for the WEF agenda. Like I was saying lately I am growing tired and it could be because my food gets poisoned, I am a feedbag for ticks and mosquitos of which I have welts and open wounds all over my body, I face near starvation allot of which is when I might accept food when offered but have faced serious consequence for accepting such so better off I starve for the most part I suppose. Nothing like feeling like you are starving when someone offers you something so you consume it only to find it was a prank to make you sick puking and diarrhea within minutes of consuming of which leaves you worse off then you were an hour before thus could leave one struggling for their life but apparently this is funny to some. I need to see a dentist severely but it's not looking good for me. My worn tent leaks and floods causing my sleeping gear and clothing to become moldy and smell like mildew of which I rarely have the money to do laundry. The rags I wear were given to me or bought at a thrift store. I wash my stuff in the lake where my stuff gets caked in algae and it really doesn't help. Halton Ontario works refuses to assist with getting a new tent etc. and I am stuck only getting less than 350 bucks per month every month of which when illegal invaders claim refugee status they make a hundred dollars more in two days from the Canadian government than I get for an entire month yet Trudeau lies to Canadians claiming he is doing what he does with Canadian tax dollars for Canadians. I still work out when I can (usually when I get meat from a food bank) and muscularily am still in shape like I were 20 years younger. On rare occasions I drink or smoke thc but still have not even the temptation to try hard drugs even though the federal government pushes it upon Canadians for free because I know you will lose me and I will likely die. I am likely to die of starvation or freezing this up coming winter because even if I can find a place to build an insulated shelter for the winter, with the ridiculous cost of everything I will likely not be able to afford enough fuel to stay warm. It's sad because living like this, to be close to everything means you are near a downtown core which means you are likely to be ransacked of which I choose to live on the outskirts (for the most part) of which I have to spend hours travelling by foot to get anywhere and back and lately even to catch a bus it takes an hour to get there and now costs a whopping $4.25 per fare. The real kicker is that I miss my old beat up guitar I had to leave back in Midland to escape the notorious biker gang who was intent on getting me to join then by keeping me up day and night for weeks to weaken me to get me to join which was turning me into a stick person so I had to get out of there and headed to Parry Sound without my guitar. I would have tried to bring m6y guitar but with all of the telepaths reading my mind in Midland constantly, if I had the intent to leave when I left my tent that day they would have known it and likely attempted to prevent me from leaving so I made the choice to just go without going back for my guitar. I haven't played guitar in almost a year now and it use to keep me going but has been replaced with numbness on a daily basis.

Also Halton region multi office complex with the Ontario Works facility stole my Birth certificate which I need to get access back to my bank account since all was stolen in Midland almost a year ago. I got my health card so I could get my birth certificate, now I need my birth certificate so I can get my Ontario photo card so that I can then get my bank card along with access back into my bank account. Halton has it's main office on Bronte road in Oakville of which I have always (since homeless) used the OW office in various locations as my mailing address without incident until I came to Halton. Because they use one building for many different government offices, unbeknownst to me, the Ontario Works there doesn't have it's own mailing room and the mailing room for the entire building uses that as an excuse to steal your mail such as your birth certificate and sell it to some illegal invader for hundreds of dollars. Hey again illegal invaders claiming refugee status get over two hundred dollars per day from tax payers so sure they have lots of cash to pay for a stolen birth certificate to some thief working in the mail room. I have been waiting for that birth certificate for over half of a year just to have some black woman with the hair do of the Bidens press secretary ask me all kinds of questions about picking up my mail, going into the mail room for one minute then coming out suddenly acting conspicuous like she found it while trying to convince me it wasn't there. I am convinced she is a thief because it has been two months since my case manager in Parry Sound mailed it to that office and it is nowhere to be found.

25 years ago I never would have guessed I had it in me to endure all of this but being me, it has been a piece of cake and my pleasure to fight the good fight no matter the prices I have paid. I am only on 2 online sites now of which Thinkspot recently deleted my history. I joined Thinkspot in 2021 and this year I posted a video I made and released to Rumble about the climate crisis hoax and they immediately blocked me from viewing my own post and froze it while claiming that me sharing my own video was spam of which I have shared plenty of my own videos over the years there without a problem. They also sent me a threatening email but I basically responded telling them to go screw themselves. I also released plenty of material other than videos on Thinkspot since 2021 but I recently looked and noticed that thinkspot deleted everything I released from 2021, 2022 and 2023 so I don't see much point in sticking around there when they are so eager to try and hide my history for WEF imbeciles or so that they can try and take credit for my work I suppose. Thinkspot I find abusive towards it's members. Around the time thinkspot blocked my video on Rumble I joined a site called Quora and shared that rumble video there too and they cited it as spam and permanently banned me from the site for sharing a video containing facts that expose much including the climate crisis as the hoax it proves to be then soon after Thinkspot did the same citing it as spam but didn't delete my account. So the last of the two sites I am on is called Justplainpolitics of which there are woke imbeciles there who try to hijack your threads that expose their woke lies and deceptions by trying to make their lies of me the issue (they do this to others as well of which is the standard Liberal tactic). Recently one of these woke imbeciles who lacks something called validity when it comes to the foundation of an issue and thus tries to make their lies of you the issue attempted to label me an admitted sexual predator for informing a student volunteer at a library in Collingwood last year (I shared that story with all of you after intellectually slaughtering the lgbt on several occasions throughout June) that the undone strap on her dress was allowing the giant slit under her arm to reveal her private body parts so she could prevent the whole library from making a spectacle of her. It was the decent thing to do as a responsible adult (not an act that qualifies anyone a sexual predator) as I have always been one to go above and beyond for decades now to look out for our youth. Anyway the JustPlainPolitics site has a rule called 12 b where you can't label members as child abusers, but the management allowed this yet condemned me (upon that idiot making a complaint) for responding with referring to him as child abusive shit for him advocating students exposing their privates while volunteering because the guy attempted to slander me as an admitted sexual predator and he obviously advocates such for attacking me for being against it. I got banned for a week and he doesn't even get a warning so red flag. I really don't see the point being on a site that inflames leftist bullshit while trying to condemn me for standing against their retarded bullshit. Then there are no sites left thanks to scum bags like Justin Trudeau attempting to make everyone cater to his sick and filthy lies and deceptions he now tries to pass off as ideology while using his liberal policy to attack anyone who opposes their disgusting filthy lies and deceptions.

Anyway, I'll just have to seek out new stomping grounds. I'll have to move to a reliable county who doesn't have an incompetent mail room with a thief who steals mail. I guess I might even take up dumpster diving for food as things are getting pretty rough but oh well, that's life. You don't have to give a shit about me for me to continue to fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet as I already have for over 24 years now. The more crap that these insane leftists and their WEF puppet master pull, the more infuriated I become with such disgusting inexcusable behavior thus feeds my fire as it has for decades.

One last thought, since the notorious biker gang pulled that ritual thing on me almost a year ago I have noticed allot of people have gotten allot smarter strangely enough. It's like people are starting to think for themselves instead of waiting for me to lead. On the other hand it's like the deceptive types have gotten allot more deceitful too but they appear to be oblivious that the general public are on to their charades yet keep trying to fool themselves. It's only a matter of time before the levy breaks one way or another.

I am done on this site today due to bias moderation, goodbye.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Burlington Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!
There are other forums, you know. You don't even cuss and insult people so you might could make it at Falena's, maybe.

I know I can't, Oh no! Them motherfuckers need some serious bitchsmackin' 'round there.

They mighta banned cultsmasher a few more times than me, but not many.
4x I socked in just to cuss Falena out. Bitch got my IP flagged for spam and all this crap. You have to appeal it.
It was dishonest as all get out on her part. To clarify, she got that IP flagged BEFORE I socked in 4x to cuss her the fuck out.
I was banned from here for a lonng time for 12b (which was a bait job by Dutch and enforced by Rana and sketch AF)
I just wanted him to STFU with the Pedo Nazi retardation.
But anyways, during that time, I stayed at Falena's. You gotta bring the facts there.
And no cool insults. I made it until about 10 days b4 my ban was up here, and I couldn't take the fucking walking on eggshells
anymore and let them know exactly what the fuck I thought. That's when they realized who I was, 5 2/3 mos later. :rofl2:

And banned me not because of what I did, but because of who I am. What I did warranted maybe a day ban, but

it was perm from the jump, 1st infraction after 5 2/3 mos, because prejudice and SJWness.
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Thought I'd toss this in here.

Sounds like you two could use it.