A little good news for a change!!!!!


Once in awhile you hear about something that just reinforces the otherwise rapidly disappearing notion that there's still a little justice in the world.

And no, it's not about Trump tripping on a tall staircase and tumbling head over asshole all the way down, ending up in a motionless heap at the bottom, rendered permenantly unable to continue in his role as.... whatever it is he's been doing for the past 2+ years.

But this is almost as satisfying.... :thup:


Suspected rhino poacher killed by elephant then eaten by lions in South Africa, authorities say

Park authorities in South Africa said they recovered the remains of a suspected rhino poacher they believe was killed by an elephant before his remains were devoured by a pride of lions earlier this week.

In a statement released by South African National Parks on Friday, the park service said the family of the victim said they were informed of his death by his alleged accomplices.

The family said they were told the victim had been "killed by an elephant" while he and his alleged accomplices were in Kruger National Park, which is located in northeastern South Africa and is one of Africa's largest game reserves, to poach rhino on Tuesday.

The family then notified local police, who arranged a search party shortly thereafter, the park service said.

It wasn't until Thursday morning that officials were able to find the victim's body after receiving further information when four of the victim's alleged accomplices were arrested the day before.

"During this search, which was boosted with a further compliment of Field Rangers, the remains of a body were discovered," the park service said. "Indications found at the scene suggested that a pride of lions had devoured the remains leaving only a human skull and a pair of pants."

The managing executive of Kruger National Park, Glenn Phillips, extended his condolences to the victim's family in a statement.

"Entering Kruger National Park illegally and on foot is not wise, it holds many dangers and this incident is evidence of that," Phillips said in a release. "It is very sad to see the daughters of the [deceased] mourning the loss of their father, and worse still, only being able to recover very little of his remains."

The victim's four alleged accomplices are currently in custody and will "appear in court in due course," the park service added.



Of course, the news isn't ALL good.

Sadly, by the time the lions started tearing him into pieces, he was already dead, so he didn't get to experience any of that. Would've been much more satisfying had the elephant only severely injured him, rendering him immobile but still conscious, so that he would've had a few minutes to really reflect in how badly he fucked up pursuing that particular line of employment.

Oh well.

Can't have everything.