A Little Over a Week Left


New member
Next Saturday at 5 pm EST I will be married.

I am drunk, but I feel the need to go visit my boy, my best friend. He's been dead almost 19 years now. I wish he could be there, as my best man.

I miss you Luis. :.(
Didn't I tell you to send me your address? :)

The ceremony is going to be at Sand Key Park, Clearwater, Fl. Reception across the street, at the Marriott. Open bar and buffet. If you are coming let me know. :)
i have never been anywhere with an open bar or I was too young to drink :/ It's one of my life goals.
Didn't I tell you to send me your address? :)

The ceremony is going to be at Sand Key Park, Clearwater, Fl. Reception across the street, at the Marriott. Open bar and buffet. If you are coming let me know. :)
Um. No. I would have seriously sent it.


If you did, I must have missed that post. Damn. I like Florida and open bars both.
Didn't I tell you to send me your address? :)

The ceremony is going to be at Sand Key Park, Clearwater, Fl. Reception across the street, at the Marriott. Open bar and buffet. If you are coming let me know. :)

Nice place. One of my favs for the area.

married.... Congratualtions you poor bastard :clink:
Congrats RString, my big day is tommorow! We're both drunk of course and I'm sitting at home b myself now just waiting to see her at 4:30. I can't wait for all this wedding planning crap to be over and go celebrate in Maine!
Congrats RString, my big day is tommorow! We're both drunk of course and I'm sitting at home b myself now just waiting to see her at 4:30. I can't wait for all this wedding planning crap to be over and go celebrate in Maine!
You too? Nobody is inviting me to their weddings! Bastiges...
wow, does Damo have a bad party animal reputations or something. Dancing half naked wearing a lampshade or something ?
wow, does Damo have a bad party animal reputations or something. Dancing half naked wearing a lampshade or something ?

He's the guy who brags about Salsa dancing and how he loves it, then goes out and looks like a tool. I don't want to know that gu, but unfortunatly I do :(
He's the guy who brags about Salsa dancing and how he loves it, then goes out and looks like a tool. I don't want to know that gu, but unfortunatly I do :(
Wow, you really are a bastige. You promised you wouldn't use that light-stick salsa dancing video against me!