A little post Holiday Season thinker


Shaken, not stirred!
The Three Wise Men, “The Magi,” were from western Iran (Persia). The way the story was told was that these three from “The East” brought gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh to the Christ baby. It must have been a beautiful moment.

Here’s how the followers of the baby Jesus returned the favor, 1,953 years later. First, they staged a coup to overthrow the democratically-elected prime minister of Iran. Then they replaced him with a brutal dictator, the Shah of Iran. Eventually the people rose up and overthrew the Shah. The American believers in Christ then gave Saddam Hussein, who hated the Iranians, weapons of mass destruction (including chemical weapons) in the 1980s so Iraq could invade Iran and kill over a million Iranians. Then the American Christians decided to invade their former ally Iraq and take it over, threatening Iran once again. A few years later a new American president, backed by his Evangelical base, tore up the nuclear treaty with Iran and placed sanctions on Iran to make life miserable for its people. And when that wasn’t enough, the professed Christian in the White House ordered the assassination of one of the country’s leaders, a fighter of the evildoers who called themselves Christians.By that time, in the Year of our Lord 2020, most people had forgotten the story of the Iranian men on their camels who rode to honor the Christ who had come to earth to bring peace. The holy day marking this event of the Three Wise Men from Iran meeting the Baby Jesus is this Monday. No need to celebrate it now. In fact, it’s probably best if you see three Iranian men coming your way in the next month, it might be wise to duck. And if you’re an Iranian and you see three Christians from the USA coming down your street, you have my blessing to stop them.

And give them a copy of the full chapter from the Koran that honors and tells the story of “Mary, the Mother of Jesus,” a woman revered by all Muslims. They just can’t help themselves from liking us. Sad that we are unable to reciprocate with anything other than murder.

- Michael Moore January 2020 FaceBook