A look into the FUTURE. (The future, Conan?)


Junior Member
Yes, the FUTURE.

In 2009, a Democratic president will have to make a choice. The choice will be what to follow the advice of the commanders who tell them the current strategy is not working. They will pull out, more than a year after Petrayas gave his report, and chaos will ensue. The country will collapse into anarchy, as opposed to us remaining in an unwinable fight for the remainder of our natural lives.

Republicans blame the Democrats for losing the war.

This is Bush's plan - to play politics with the war and the lives of soldiers so he can't be held responsible for the loss of a war that we couldn't win by passing it onto the next man/woman. What do you think?
I think that whomever is president will try to keep ionfluence in the gulf to try and secure a supply of oil for our addiction. How they go about it now is another matter.
And yes I think Bush is setting the dems up for a political fall if nothing else. It will be spun against them no matter which way they go.
THe current plan is to run out the clock so that when we pull out they will blame the next president... who most belive will be a Democrat!
Yes, the FUTURE.

In 2009, a Democratic president will have to make a choice. The choice will be what to follow the advice of the commanders who tell them the current strategy is not working. They will pull out, more than a year after Petrayas gave his report, and chaos will ensue. The country will collapse into anarchy, as opposed to us remaining in an unwinable fight for the remainder of our natural lives.

Republicans blame the Democrats for losing the war.

This is Bush's plan - to play politics with the war and the lives of soldiers so he can't be held responsible for the loss of a war that we couldn't win by passing it onto the next man/woman. What do you think?

There's not going to be any happy outcome in iraq. Whether we stay forever, or leave. Staying forever, just gives Bin Laden his wish come true. A way to bleed a superpower dry, through draining blood and money. Like he did to the Soviets in afghanistan. Leaving, will result ultimately in some authoritarian government, a fractured nation, or some nominally anti-american Shia government in Baghdad.

Of course Bush looks at it all politically: he's going to pass the mess he created off to the next Prez, so the next prez has to make the tough choices.
There's not going to be any happy outcome in iraq. Whether we stay forever, or leave. Staying forever, just gives Bin Laden his wish come true. A way to bleed a superpower dry, through draining blood and money. Like he did to the Soviets in afghanistan. Leaving, will result ultimately in some authoritarian government, a fractured nation, or some nominally anti-american Shia government in Baghdad.

Of course Bush looks at it all politically: he's going to pass the mess he created off to the next Prez, so the next prez has to make the tough choices.

Bush will pretend to belive there can be a posative outcome to the war in Iraq so that when the new president takes over he, and Republicans in general, can blame that person for the bad outcome.
I've actually thought of this before and you're probably right. But then if the Repubs pulled out and the country (Iraq) went to shit, the Dems would be blaming them for the situation for going there in the first place and probably saying the pullout wasn't done "right".
Both parties would love to capitalize on this time bomb, I don't know the solution.
Oh yes bush will claim to leave Iraq just hunkey dory when he hands the reigns over to a dem.
If only they had stayed the course... The killing fields of Iraq would have been avoided, the anger from us ignoring the promise to stay created many more terrorists than otherwise would have been created. Millions died for our lack of resolve and now they attack us at home!

Sound like the future speech of a candidate for President?
Intelligent people will always blame those responsible for such a reckless policy: Bush, Cheney, Wolfowicz, et al.

Hannity, Dixie & their ilk will ALWAYS blame the Democrats, for making it impossible to "win" the war with all of their retreat & defeat talk, including calling the troops Nazis....
If only they had stayed the course... The killing fields of Iraq would have been avoided, the anger from us ignoring the promise to stay created many more terrorists than otherwise would have been created. Millions died for our lack of resolve and now they attack us at home!

Sound like the future speech of a candidate for President?

yes it does, another Republican candidate in 2012 running against Dems and trying to distance himself from Bush.
And perhaps some of the current ones before next November....
RP is already trying that tack, but He is a nut and another Republican hope will bury him in the primaries.
A look into the future...............!

2012...we will still be in the ME...Iraq will be a oil provider...as well as Iran ..we will also have troops stationed in Iran...US troops as well as Russian troops will be going off base to enjoy the company of the foxy and fun ME girls...Liberals will still be complaining about smoke in their eyes, restrictions on bath houses etc... and cattle farts messing up the environment...all will be well on the Western Front!:clink:
Too many are giving bush and those who pull his strings to make his mouth move FAR too much credit for having any sort of strategy at all. Too much intelligence is assigned to people who have proven they don't have any.

They simply have no clue what they're doing or what else to do.
Wait and see...blackascoal...........

Too many are giving bush and those who pull his strings to make his mouth move FAR too much credit for having any sort of strategy at all. Too much intelligence is assigned to people who have proven they don't have any.

They simply have no clue what they're doing or what else to do.

You will be eating crow about 2012...if'n ya are still alive...heaven forbid the cattle farts and second hand smoke don't do you in...lol

I will tell you, whomever takes over for Bush will not withdraw the troops because they too will fear the appearance of defeat at their hands.

You will hear a speech that will sound much like this, "New information that we had not been privy to in the past underlines the importance of ...."
You will be eating crow about 2012...if'n ya are still alive...heaven forbid the cattle farts and second hand smoke don't do you in...lol

This from the side of the fence that has been proven wrong about every goddamn thing they've said.

Real impressive track record of competence there dude.
Well BAC the Bushite types are persistant if nothing else. Their mental peculiarities will not allow them to admit mistakes in their political views.