A Lot of People Are Searching for How to Delete Facebook and Instagram, and We Would Like Their Clicks There is an exodus of users who are ditching


Let It Burn!

A Lot of People Are Searching for How to Delete Facebook and Instagram, and We Would Like Their Clicks​

There is an exodus of users who are ditching Meta platforms following the decision to end fact checking.

Apparently not everyone is ready to live in a post-truth world. In the wake of Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Meta platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Threads will ditch professional fact-checkers in favor of a Community Notes-style crowdsourcing approach to accountability, searches for deleting Meta accounts have spiked significantly.

Searches for “how to delete Facebook” and “how to delete Instagram” peaked in the days following the announcement that accuracy is no longer a priority for posting on the platforms, according to Google Trends data. Related searches like “how to quit facebook,” “how to delete threads account,” and “how to delete instagram account without logging in” have also achieved breakout trend status, meaning they have seen 5,000% increases or higher in interest, as TechCrunch pointed out.

A Lot of People Are Searching for How to Delete Facebook and Instagram, and We Would Like Their Clicks​

There is an exodus of users who are ditching Meta platforms following the decision to end fact checking.

Apparently not everyone is ready to live in a post-truth world. In the wake of Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Meta platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Threads will ditch professional fact-checkers in favor of a Community Notes-style crowdsourcing approach to accountability, searches for deleting Meta accounts have spiked significantly.

Searches for “how to delete Facebook” and “how to delete Instagram” peaked in the days following the announcement that accuracy is no longer a priority for posting on the platforms, according to Google Trends data. Related searches like “how to quit facebook,” “how to delete threads account,” and “how to delete instagram account without logging in” have also achieved breakout trend status, meaning they have seen 5,000% increases or higher in interest, as TechCrunch pointed out.
I want to see Suckerberg lose money and users on this no fact checking move?!!
