A message about politics from the pulpit


Villified User
I am tired. Not of work or ministry or traveling or life in general. I am tired of hearing about politics! And it's just getting started. Now know up front that this post is not going to endorse any candidate. I rarely discuss politics publicly and never mention it in my sermons but I am greatly bothered by the church's and Christian's responses to the beginnings of "Election '08." Why do we think the presidency can make or break society? I hear pastors and major "religious" spokespersons continually say things like, "This is the most important election in the history of our country!" and "God will remove his covering from America if we continue to elect leaders who do not have a biblical world view." Now please understand...I vote. I lean toward a particular party and I am addicted to a lot of the news programs. I do not shun politics and I am well-informed. But as a Christian, I believe it is pure blasphemy to pin the ultimate progression of our faith and onset of Armageddon on an election. It is wrong, unchristian and in my view, manipulative. Folks, Jesus said the ultimate test of Christian faith is whether or not we live like he lived. Most of us, including myself, have a looooooong way to go (that was not a typo). Unfortunately, the political process is mainly a system set up to serve the elected. Politicians do the best they can do for the most part. I believe many truly want to be public servants. But I do not know of one politician who has or ever will have the power to make or break the message of the Gospel. That's already been done. That election was was won by a 33 year old servant over 2000 years ago...and believe me,he wasn't politicking for the spot ("Let this cup pass from me."). But this particular election was won on a hill called Calvary. The "man with the plan" has spoken. Nothing will ever change it. No one will ever change it, improve it or destroy it. The message of the White House will change every 4 years. The message of the Church House will remain.


I am tired. Not of work or ministry or traveling or life in general. I am tired of hearing about politics! And it's just getting started. Now know up front that this post is not going to endorse any candidate. I rarely discuss politics publicly and never mention it in my sermons but I am greatly bothered by the church's and Christian's responses to the beginnings of "Election '08." Why do we think the presidency can make or break society? I hear pastors and major "religious" spokespersons continually say things like, "This is the most important election in the history of our country!" and "God will remove his covering from America if we continue to elect leaders who do not have a biblical world view." Now please understand...I vote. I lean toward a particular party and I am addicted to a lot of the news programs. I do not shun politics and I am well-informed. But as a Christian, I believe it is pure blasphemy to pin the ultimate progression of our faith and onset of Armageddon on an election. It is wrong, unchristian and in my view, manipulative. Folks, Jesus said the ultimate test of Christian faith is whether or not we live like he lived. Most of us, including myself, have a looooooong way to go (that was not a typo). Unfortunately, the political process is mainly a system set up to serve the elected. Politicians do the best they can do for the most part. I believe many truly want to be public servants. But I do not know of one politician who has or ever will have the power to make or break the message of the Gospel. That's already been done. That election was was won by a 33 year old servant over 2000 years ago...and believe me,he wasn't politicking for the spot ("Let this cup pass from me."). But this particular election was won on a hill called Calvary. The "man with the plan" has spoken. Nothing will ever change it. No one will ever change it, improve it or destroy it. The message of the White House will change every 4 years. The message of the Church House will remain.


What is your take on this writing?...You posted it without comment...please explain!
As with all things religious the interpretation is up to you.

My comment on religion is I do not believe in God, heaven or hell.
but if you want to it is fine with me as long as it does not infringe on my right to not believe.