A Million Years Of Male Rule


Junior Member
You have to laught at the liberals. A millions years of male rule????

>>"Men should be barred from public office for 100 years in every part of the world. . . . It would be a much kinder, gentler, more intelligently run world. The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."

LOL, I have Toby on ignore. but I suspect the title shoudl be "A million years of males thinking they ruled" :)
US is a typical lib, responds to something he knows nothing about! LOL Nevermind facts, nevermind what anyone says, he knows all.
Things like that are usually said tongue-in-cheek, though I don't doubt that some even at least partly believe it. The hypothesis seems to be that because women are traditionally socialized to be caregivers they are more nurturing, more thoughtful, tend to seek peace instead of conflict, etc., etc., etc. In reality that's a bunch of crap. Women can be every bit as self-interested, backstabbing, incompetent, add your own adjectives, as the men that they accuse.

Look for truly competent, wise (if you can recognize that quality) individuals, regardless of gender, to run things. That's a fantasy, I know. Alternatively, let's follow the recommendations of laughingdogpress.com and let Labrador Retrievers run the world.
la la la la la la la, I can't hear you, Most people give up that method of argument when they reach 7 years old. But libs like to keep it, it is the only thing that works for them.
Things like that are usually said tongue-in-cheek, though I don't doubt that some even at least partly believe it. The hypothesis seems to be that because women are traditionally socialized to be caregivers they are more nurturing, more thoughtful, tend to seek peace instead of conflict, etc., etc., etc. In reality that's a bunch of crap. Women can be every bit as self-interested, backstabbing, incompetent, add your own adjectives, as the men that they accuse.

Look for truly competent, wise (if you can recognize that quality) individuals, regardless of gender, to run things. That's a fantasy, I know. Alternatively, let's follow the recommendations of laughingdogpress.com and let Labrador Retrievers run the world.

sounds good Thorn, but I am not sure I would like butt sniffing as a way of greeting :)
Consider that in the USA women control over half the wealth and all the whoopie, well except for the gay males that is ;)
well sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm sure the entire middleeast is going to step aside and let their women run things there.

Homosapiens have been traced back something like 25,000 years ago. So a million years of male rule sounds a little exagerated. Males have traditionally been in charge because they were the stronger. Not necessarily wiser. with technology women can be on a more even scale with men.

If we turn the country over to these femnists would they immediately go out to conquor the rest of the world to free their fellow women oppressed by the male rulers?

Toby do you know nothing of geologic history? One millions years ago Homonids began to appear and mammals were the dominat group of animals.

Perhaps you are confusing million with billion.