A new conscience of reality


Willin to be Chillin
People on message boards tend to be somewhat secluded in their lives and this their views carry over to political boards where people actually think this is the pulse of the country.

I screwed up my dinner so I am at an In and Out Burger. I love this place, however, it has been a while since I came down to one.

There has to be almost every 'race', nationality on earth on this place. If I was blind folded and had no idea where I was, I would guess.... No where, except everywhere.

In and Out Burger for life!
I'm trippen on the plethora of different cultures and people who are here. The In and Out Burgers I normally go to are mostly all white Americans. This place could literally be a crossroads, not just Mexicans, but of Eastern Europeans, Africans, Middle Easterns.... I don't recall ever being in an American Burger joint and seeing this.
Followed up on that....

Animal fries were okay, burger okay.

Perhaps it is due to time that I don't cherish In and Out as much. To be honest, I rarely go out or order burgers.

Overall, worth the trip and what an experience. I've been to many places in the world and I felt like I took a wee trip tonight.
Yury: "To be honest, I rarely go out, or order burgers."
Yurt: "... what an experience."
Yurt: "I've been to many places in the world and I felt like I took a wee trip tonight."

Jack: Does 'many places' mean 'Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendys'? Because, ... this is like the saddest story I've ever heard.

Followed up on that....

Animal fries were okay, burger okay.

Perhaps it is due to time that I don't cherish In and Out as much. To be honest, I rarely go out or order burgers.

Overall, worth the trip and what an experience. I've been to many places in the world and I felt like I took a wee trip tonight.
Yury: "To be honest, I rarely go out, or order burgers."
Yurt: "... what an experience."
Yurt: "I've been to many places in the world and I felt like I took a wee trip tonight."

Jack: Does 'many places' mean 'Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendys'? Because, ... this is like the saddest story I've ever heard.
Didn't you yell at him for ordering in? Make up your mind;)
If that wasn't you, my bad....
Didn't you yell at him for ordering in? Make up your mind;)
If that wasn't you, my bad....

:) You busted me TOP. I did chastise Yurt for being a Couch Potato.
(I think it was the "I've been to many places in the world", then the waxing poetically about "In and Out Burger")
:) You busted me TOP. I did chastise Yurt for being a Couch Potato.
(I think it was the "I've been to many places in the world", then the waxing poetically about "In and Out Burger")
LOL...Just messing with you....:)
Isn't this place fun?;)
People on message boards tend to be somewhat secluded in their lives and this their views carry over to political boards where people actually think this is the pulse of the country.

I screwed up my dinner so I am at an In and Out Burger. I love this place, however, it has been a while since I came down to one.

There has to be almost every 'race', nationality on earth on this place. If I was blind folded and had no idea where I was, I would guess.... No where, except everywhere.

In and Out Burger for life!

Secluded? What makes you think that?

Lemme guess.....

Lol, I love making threads when I'm high. Good lord, a trip to the heavenly In and Out Burger turned into to this wacky thread.