A new hero for JPP misogynists to defend and admire?

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster


A leading Philippines presidential candidate is making jokes about an Australian missionary who was raped and had her throat slit during a siege at the jail at which she was working.

Duterte has ridden a wave of discontent in the violence-stricken country to lead in opinion polls, on campaign promises to eradicate crime by shooting criminals, drowning them in Manila Bay or hanging them using fishing wire.

Rodrigo Duterte's remarks and references to Jacqueline Hamill were made during a campaign rally in Quezon City near Manila, and were met with laughter from the audience.

Hamill was one of five missionaries taken hostage and murdered by a gang of inmates during a 1989 uprising in at the jail in the center of Davao City, where Détente was mayor at the time.

Duterte told his audience that he was there when Hamill's body was brought out of the jail. "I looked at her face, and I thought: 'Son of a bitch – what a pity'" Duterte said.

"She was so beautiful," Duterte added. "They raped her, they all lined up. I thought, 'the mayor should have been first.'"

Duterte has refused to apologize for his comments. "This is how men talk," Duterte said in a video he posted himself on Youtube.

JPP cons would laugh too, wouldn't they.

I suspect so, Brother Leon.

They see nothing wrong with misogyny. They prefer to mock those who are disgusted by it as "PC", don't they?

Rodrigo Duterte is the frontrunner in the Philippine election.

Do you suppose he admires Trump and is imitating him?