APP - A Nuke disaster you haven't heard of....


Shaken, not stirred!
Here's another aspect of the nuclear weapons/energy story that many folk in the USA don't know about......

The High Cost of Uranium in Navajoland

The biggest expulsion of radioactive material in the United States occurred July 16, 1979, at 5 a.m. on the Navajo Nation, less than 12 hours after President Carter had proposed plans to use more nuclear power and fossil fuels. On that morning, more than 1,100 tons of uranium mining wastes -- tailings -- gushed through a packed-mud dam near Church Rock, N.M. With the tailings, 100 million gallons of radioactive water gushed through the dam before the crack was repaired.

By 8 a.m., radioactivity was monitored in Gallup, N.M., nearly 50 miles away. The contaminated river, the Rio Puerco, showed 7,000 times the allowable standard of radioactivity for drinking water below the broken dam shortly after the breach was repaired, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The few newspaper stories about the spill outside of the immediate area noted that the area was "sparsely populated" and that the spill "poses no immediate health hazard."

Kinda of like saying that 100 meteors striking the planet Mars is a "disaster"......
Kinda of like saying that 100 meteors striking the planet Mars is a "disaster"......

:palm: And how on God's green Earth does this idiocy of yours equate with the criminal negligence and incompetence, not to mention sheer disregard and dishonesty, regarding the Navajo people, uranium mines, private industry and the federal gov't?

If you don't have anything of use to add Bravo, just STFU and get back on your bar stool!