A perfect depiction of Donald Trump, by Paul Krugman ... way back in 2015


In Yo Face!
AND ............ he got elected President of the United States. Plus, and here's the genius of the whole thing, Evangelical Mike Pence is the Vice President, insuring that Democrats will think twice about impeaching Trump.

"What a revoltin' development this is" (Chester A. Riley)
Pence is a political chameleon, but he aint crazy. Trump probably is on several levels. Pence would be a much better President.
AND ............ he got elected President of the United States. Plus, and here's the genius of the whole thing, Evangelical Mike Pence is the Vice President, insuring that Democrats will think twice about impeaching Trump.

"What a revoltin' development this is" (Chester A. Riley)
Pence is a political chameleon, but he aint crazy. Trump probably is on several levels. Pence would be a much better President.

"Pence would be a much better President."
Yeah, if you want a Cross on every hilltop, the Ten Commandments in every Courthouse, and a Prayer in every school.
Pence is what gets him the most votes. In Indiana that gets you the most votes, nationwide it probably would not work so well. My impression of him in Indiana was he knew how to get votes.
"Pence would be a much better President."
Yeah, if you want a Cross on every hilltop, the Ten Commandments in every Courthouse, and a Prayer in every school.
AND ............ he got elected President of the United States. Plus, and here's the genius of the whole thing, Evangelical Mike Pence is the Vice President, insuring that Democrats will think twice about impeaching Trump.

"What a revoltin' development this is" (Chester A. Riley)

Trump's day is coming ... and the same for Republicans
I gave you a 'Thanks' for your positive attitude. (Course, I want to tender that with "we both thought Hillary was going to win")

Hillary was not my First Choice ... she was my ONLY and BEST Choice.

I also want a Ferrari F488, but I'm happy with all the HP my Corvette has.