a plan for Iraq


Villified User
Make the terrorist come to us.
Put Bush over there in a base away from civilians and just nail the terrorists as they try to come get him ?

Bait is the only thing he might be good for.
Wouldnt that be some justice for this country.

I think we should just send him over there after we are rid of him and the people who want to fight over there can stay and we make Bush president of Iraq and he can stay and fix it like he says he wants to.
I think he is already gone headed to Australia ?

You think he would let word leak out that he was there while he was still there ?
He left. Got to meet him actually. Shook hands with him, Condi, SecDef, SecNavy, General pace.... And I thought I was gonna be picked for a working party tonight.
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He limp wristed the handshake too. I gave him a bone crusher because I figured that what ya do in politics. I guess not now a days.