A poor minimum drags on the median wage rate.


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A poor minimum drags on the median wage rate.

the overwhelming majority of both USA's low and middle-income persons are employees, retirees, or those receiving benefits as surviving family members of such persons, or dependents of all these afore mentioned persons.

Due to employers’ wage differential practices, the minimum wage rate’s effects upon USA’s lowest earning 40 percentile of employees’ wage rates, range from a critical to a substantial portion of their jobs’ wage rates.

Minimum wage’s insufficient purchasing power is detrimental to the purchasing power of the median rate. Our middle-income bracket’s economy cannot be robust, if our minimum wage rate’s purchasing power’s poor.

Respectfully, Supposn
H.R. 582, “Raise the wage act” is a good bill, but opponents of the bill will refrain from mentioning the minimum hourly rate will not be $15 until 7th year after the bill's passage.

In the likely case that it's not passed through and added to our federal statutes, I urge U.S. Congressional members to continue striving and pass a bill that would increase the minimum wage rate by 12.5% of its purchasing power until it attains 125% of its February-1968 purchasing power. Thereafter the rate should be monitored and annually adjusted to retain that purchasing power. …
A poor minimum drags on the median wage rate.

the overwhelming majority of both USA's low and middle-income persons are employees, retirees, or those receiving benefits as surviving family members of such persons, or dependents of all these afore mentioned persons.

Due to employers’ wage differential practices, the minimum wage rate’s effects upon USA’s lowest earning 40 percentile of employees’ wage rates, range from a critical to a substantial portion of their jobs’ wage rates.

Minimum wage’s insufficient purchasing power is detrimental to the purchasing power of the median rate. Our middle-income bracket’s economy cannot be robust, if our minimum wage rate’s purchasing power’s poor.

Respectfully, Supposn

Quit begging and earn your fucking wage, boy.
And ?
The average is rising and the average time at min is 2 months. Raise min and you only drive teen unemployment ip.
And ?
The average is rising and the average time at min is 2 months. Raise min and you only drive teen unemployment ip.

That is the oldest of arguements. It was not true then and it is not true now. Uless of course you can show me any substatial decline in teen employment because of the minimum wage. As of now 29 states have a higher minimum wage than the federal and many of those states are incresing again this year.

Really killed employment did it not? (chuckle)
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A poor minimum drags on the median wage rate.

the overwhelming majority of both USA's low and middle-income persons are employees, retirees, or those receiving benefits as surviving family members of such persons, or dependents of all these afore mentioned persons.

Due to employers’ wage differential practices, the minimum wage rate’s effects upon USA’s lowest earning 40 percentile of employees’ wage rates, range from a critical to a substantial portion of their jobs’ wage rates.

Minimum wage’s insufficient purchasing power is detrimental to the purchasing power of the median rate. Our middle-income bracket’s economy cannot be robust, if our minimum wage rate’s purchasing power’s poor.

Respectfully, Supposn

With regard to where you quoted yourself, thinking that we could return to 1960s purchasing power is rather naive. By the time we opened trade with China in 1970, the developing world was experiencing a steady pace of industrialization. That pace has increased over the last several decades.

Since multiple states and cities have already taken it upon themselves to increase their own minimum wages, there doesn't seem to be any pressing need for an increase in the federal one. If a specific city or state needs an increase, then the people of said area should lobby their local officials to raise it.
… Raise min and you only drive teen unemployment up.
Celticguy, Minimum wage rate does not increase the unemployment rate of unskilled workers:

Reduced purchasing power, (i.e. the “real value”) of the minimum wage enables commercial performance of tasks that previously did not justify the costs of minimum rate wages; paradoxically, it doesn’t reduce the rate of unemployment.
Minimum’s lesser purchasing power provides employment for those who previously couldn’t obtain employment among jobs that justified paying at least the “real” current value of the minimum rate. There are always some that cannot perform in a manner that would justify the minimum wage rate.

When we permit reduction of the minimum wage rate’s purchasing power:
(1) More jobs than otherwise may be created at pay scales of lesser purchasing powers; also, due to employers’ wage differential practices, purchasing powers of other wage rates are also to some extents reduced).
(2) Lesser desirable or able workers are enabled to join the pool of employees and applicants.
(3) Lower rate workers and applicant pool sizes increase, but they exceed the numbers of additional lower rate jobs created.
(4) Unemployment rates for lower rate workers are not reduced.
(5) Additional products and services that previously did not justify the cost of the minimum wage rate, do not justify wages losses of purchasing powers effects upon the nation’s GDP.

Respectfully, Supposn
And ?
The average is rising and the average time at min is 2 months. …
Celticguy, regarding minimum wage rate and wage differentials:

Participants in discussions may thoughtlessly limit their remarks to only to only those employees earning precisely the federal minimum wage rate rather than employees earning the lowest bracket of wage rates. Due to employers’ common practices of wage differentials, the minimum rate affects upon the 40 % of U.S. employees within the lowest wage rate bracket, range from critical to substantial portions of their wage rates. Minimum wage rate discussion ain’t just about the federal $7.25 per hour or only any jurisdiction’s precise rate.

Wage differentials are driven from the lower rather than higher wage rates.
Due to employers’ common wage differential practices, increasing a crew’s wage rates, generally impels their supervisor’s rate should also be increased; but increasing supervisors’ rates doesn’t necessarily require their entire crew’s rates also be increased.

Respectfully, Supposn