A Privilege Conspiracy


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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

The Congressional Budget Office, however, has stated in the past that a mandate forcing Americans to buy health insurance would be an “unprecedented form of federal action,” and that the “government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009


Steny Hoyer’s contribution to the Parasite Class is set in stone thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts turning Obamacare into a tax. Consequently, Scummy Joe Biden can concentrate on EOs and regulations to force behavior rather than waste time fighting a battle Democrats already won.

Now, in an executive order that has been largely overlooked, President Biden not only is reversing the Trump policy, he's taking regulatory power a step further.

Titled "Modernizing Regulatory Review," the order shows that for the Biden administration, regulatory power is more than a means of protecting lives and maintaining an even playing field. It's one of the primary means to advance the far-left agenda enacted in other executive actions since Inauguration Day, which base policy on race, gender equality and climate change rather than on what has worked historically to the benefit of everyone, whether rich or poor.

Overlooked Biden executive order could have greatest harmful impact
By Art Moore
Published January 31, 2021 at 12:07pm


Basically, transforming a RIGHT into a PRIVILEGE is an ongoing conspiracy:

conspiracy (noun)
plural conspiracies

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

2. A group of conspirators.

3. Law. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.

EOs and regulations must be sinister. If not sinister why do unconstitutional special privileges lay so much waste to freedom?

Note that this bureaucrat neither invoked law; nor the title President of the United States, to implement his own liberal agenda:



LGBT activists are cheering Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s announcement that he will reverse an order from President Donald Trump and put up “pride” flags at U.S. Embassies around the world.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken Orders LGBT Flags Flown at U.S. Embassies, Will Name Special Envoy for Gay Rights
by Penny Starr
31 Jan 2021


Every piece of garbage the federal government is dumping on the country today began piling up with special privileges misnamed RIGHTS by black race hustlers during the Civil Rights Movement.

The Constitution be damned. The Supreme Court always hand down rulings that gives a special privilege to one group or another at everyone else’s expense. In fact, black Americans always get the most privileges because they have the most media support. In reality, black American numbers alone dictate that every lesser group demanding a special privilege must worship at racism’s alter. Put it this way: Black race hustlers are like a snowball growing larger and larger as it rolls downhill (pun intended).

Black Americans constitute approximately 13 percent of the population. Ambitious blacks feeding at the public trough constitute 3 or 4 percent of 13 percent. In short: A very few blacks exercise an extraordinary amount of influence over America’s domestic and foreign policies, yet black race hustlers never stop whining about white racism. I can understand a poor black’s position. I sure as hell will never believe a word ambitious race hustlers say.

Basically, according to Democrats and their media mouthpieces, it is not a privilege when tax dollars pay for it —— IT IS A RIGHT.

Finally, Scummy Joe Biden & Fellow Scum Bags could not legislate love no matter how many times they tried and failed. Now Biden’s freak show is moving PRIVILEGES into every realm of private sector behavior hoping Americans will finally love Communists, drunks, drug addicts, perverts, and criminals.