APP - a proposed change to school entrances and exits

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
school entrances and exits should be monitored until beginning of school classes (late arriving students would only be able to enter the school at the main entrance) and at the end of classes (students that need to stay after the end of classes (say for after school activities) would be accounted for)

all school entrances and exits would be locked during school class hours (exceptions would be made for necessary arrivals and departures, but only at the school main entrance/exit)

a secure fence with only one entrance and exit would be needed to surround the school

surveillance cameras covering both the outside of the school and hallways would need to be installed and monitored during times students are in the school

classroom doors could be locked in the event of an emergency or intruder alert (students caught in the hallways could be admitted by the person in charge of a class that they need to take shelter in)

classroom doors could be opened from inside

in the event of fire or other need to evacuate the school (like a bomb threat), all doors could be unlocked (doors would automatically unlock if there is a power outage)

doors and window glass would need to be bullet resistant

any other ideas for protecting our schools?
America is sounding less and less like the country I grew up in, and more and more like the ultra-conservative societies on our planet.


"Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer
America is sounding less and less like the country I grew up in, and more and more like the ultra-conservative societies on our planet.


"Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

i agree

also, my solution would not prevent another psychopath/sociopath from using a firearm to shoot kids during recess or pe

the real solution is better mental health care and all states reporting potential firearm abusers to the 'national do not sell firearms to' database
Aren't the locked doors generally dismissed as a fire hazard, or can they be easily opened from inside?

Most fire and building codes require egress doors. The door must swing in the direction of egress and all locks must be unlockable using a single motion from inside the room.

Most open using what's called a panic device with a panic bar.

i agree

also, my solution would not prevent another psychopath/sociopath from using a firearm to shoot kids during recess or pe

the real solution is better mental health care and all states reporting potential firearm abusers to the 'national do not sell firearms to' database

I agree, along with making weapons of mass destruction illegal on our streets.
Aren't the locked doors generally dismissed as a fire hazard, or can they be easily opened from inside?

they could easily be opened from within, but if not, they would be rigged to open automatically/electrically, in the event of emergency or power failure

in other words, power would have to be on to keep them locked
A couple of flaws with the premise of this thread.

First, as soon as schools are secured, the malls will be the target of choice.

Second, Lanza shot out the front door, and let himself in. Locking does nothing.
A couple of flaws with the premise of this thread.

First, as soon as schools are secured, the malls will be the target of choice.

Second, Lanza shot out the front door, and let himself in. Locking does nothing.

i suggest bullet resistant windows and doors and an armed policeman stationed at each unlocked entrance/exit

as for malls, shop online :)
America is sounding less and less like the country I grew up in, and more and more like the ultra-conservative societies on our planet.


"Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer
I wonder if those kids are wearing government issue condoms, as well?
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