A proposed CIA/MI6/Interpol hit-list of treasonous "celebrities"

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For starters, the CIA should add the following celebrities to their assassination schedule - once they start showing up dead for criticizing the current administration and spreading dangerous and misinformative views to the barely-literate public (who, thanks to the popular vote and abolition of literacy tests are the only reason the Democratic party is able to state in office to begin with) - I'm sure that other would be traitors, pedagogues, and other varieties of subversive, left-wing media scum will think twice about opening their mouth... knowing the next time they do, they'll be bleeding out of it from a well-placed sniper shot to the temple:

1. Bill Nye - global warming alarmist propagandist/denialist, misinformant, seditious pedagogue, corporate vaccine propagandist/disinformant

2. Amy Schumer, anti-Republican propagandist, sexual degenerate

3. Ellen DeGeneres - anti-Republican propagandist, sexual degenerate

4. Mark Ruffalo - treasonous actor/pedagogue

5. Mark Hamil - treasonous actor/ pedagogue

6. Rick Ross - treasonous rapper/pedagogue/subhuman nigger

7. Daisy Ridley - treasonous actor/pedagogue

8. Producer of "Law and Order" - treasonous propagandist

9. Producer of "The Purge movies" - treasonous propagandist

10. Hillary Clinton and staff- failed presidential candidate, treasonous anti-republican subversive

11. Jeremy Corbin - dangerous foreign politician, spreader of wrongthink, subversiveness, anti-US, anti-Republican propaganda

12, Miscellaneous Youtube and Twitter celebrities who produce treasonous, subversive, anti-republican, anti-nationalist propaganda

13. Lawrence Krauss - Scientific propagandist, disinformant, sexual pervert, anti-Republican, anti-nationalist degenerate

14. Dan Savage - sexual degenerate, pedagogue, anti-Republican propagandist, traitor

15. John Takei - sexual degenerate, pedagogue, anti-Republican propagandist, traitor

16. Bill Maher - Subhuman kike, anti-Republican propagandist, traitor

17. Michael Savage - Subhuman kike, fake "white nationalist"

17. Nick Fuentes - Spic scum, fake "white nationalist", degenerate "incel"

18. Theodore Beale (Vox Day) - Half-breed native american mongoloid; fake "white nationalist", sexual degenerate, incel "scum"

19. Cathy Aeru - Anti-Republican propgandist/pedagogue, whore, loudmothed, rebellious little woman, subhuman spic-halfbreed slut

20. "Jazz" Jennings - degenerate "transgender" propagandist, spreader of dangerous ideas and propaganda

21, Lacy Green - degenerate propagandist, anti-Republican subversive, misinformant

22. Nathan Larson - degenerate incel/pedophile scum

22. Eminem/Slim Shady - sexual pervert, mentally ill incestuous freak, anti-Trump/anti-Republican propagandist

23. The entire "Game of Thrones" cast - degenerate propagandists, produce horrible show that only ugly and worthless people would enjoy

24. PZ Myers - Degenerate scientific propagandist, Marxist propagandist, anti-Republican, anti-nationalist subversive, sexual pervert, anti-right-wing, anti-nationalist conspiracy theorist

25. Anjem Choudery - subhuman towlhead scum/ anti-nationalist Islamist

26. Perez Hilton/Musto - Sexual pervert / mentally ill freak / degenerate / subversive propagandist

26. Jimmy Kimmel - anti-Republican subversive/propagandist/traitor

29. SNL cast - anti-Republican subversives/propagandists/traitors

30. Phil Mason anti-Republican/anti-nationalist subversive/scientific propagandist/disinformant/denialist

31. David Brock - anti-right-wing propagandist/disinformant

31. Milo Yannapolis - Sexual pervert/pro-pedophile scum/race-mixing freak/fake white nationalist

32. George Soros - anti-right-wing propagandist/disinformantF

33. Bitcoin operators - anti-state, anti-nationalist subservies/anarchists/traitors/enablers of pedophiles/child pornography/etc
33. Pro-gun propagandists who don't respect party or state - gun ownership is for men and women only who have proven themselves loyal to state, government and party, not for degenerates, subversives, and others (e.x. racial demographics with high-crime rates, weak women who aren't fit enough to use one, etc) giving guns to subversives, leftists, and other dangerous groups only serves the interest of rebellion and sedition; political and religious tests, as well as other tests of fitness and might such as IQ should be required for gun ownership; subversives and anti-nationalists with guns should be impriosned or executed

34. People with seditious tattoos - tattoos which don't serve state or party should be banned; since they can be used to promote subversiveness - freaks with non-state, non-nationalist approved tattoos should be short

33. Pro-abortion freaks and propagandists - only men and women of the state and national party get to decide who has an abortion and who doesn't if it serves nationalist interests (e.x. forced abortions of homosexuals and transgenders are good policy, abortions of healthy, white children, or healthy children of other races are not); whores and other degenerates and subversives have no say in the matter unless the state decides it, and the more degenerates who die in illegal abortions, the better off the fitness of the state and tribe; women's "right" to an abortion comes out of the barrell of a gun, and it's the men and women of the state and party who are holding them

34. "Feminists" of the degenerate, illiterate trailer trash variety who don't conform to right-wing nationalism; women's rights are only for those of the right think, not the subhuman mongels of the wrong think; wrong-thinkers deserve to be raped and killed like the diseased vermin and neanderthals that they are, like enemies on any battlefield

33. NPR and BBC staff - produce dangerous and subversive content and wrong-think which isn't beneficial to right-wing nationalist interests (only 1 national media network should exist in a right-wing nationalist state, with loyalty only to party platform and doctrine, with no degenerate or subversive "competing networks" allowed, they should be banned, and the producers of the subversive or dangerous ideas in question should be imprisoned or executed; Fox could become the new nationalist network of the US and other English Speaking Countries (e.x. Canada, Australia, New Zealandm UK, etc) with all public funding from other networks diverted to the new nationalist network; other networks forced to shut down under threat of military force (this means CIA or MI6-sponsored assassinations of media officials who don't comply with nationalist doctrine) - no "frees peach" for degenerates, traitors, subversives, and other subhuman scum and untermensch not loyal to right-wing nationalism, or state above the decadent individuals wants and whims.

34. Southern Poverty Law Center staff - subversive, anti-right wing, anti-nationalist propaganda, dangerous ideas

35. Promoters of degenerate versions of "capitalist/socialist" propaganda which are dangerous and subversive to right-wing nationalism (all businesses and individuals who don't conform to right-wing nationalism should be imprisoned or executed, degenrate businesses such as porn industry shouldn't be allowed to exist at the expense of the ruling party and national fitness; socialist propaganda which promotes "rights" for degenerate or subversive groups should be banned).

35. Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris- scientific propagandist/pedagogue, subversives, spreader of dangerous ideas and misinformation not compatible with nationalist policy, no "scientists" should be allowed to live and spread dangerous ideas and wrongthink to the masses unless it conforms to the authority of right-wing nationalist philosophy; subversive scientists should be imprisoned or shot, scientists or other individuals and organizations which promote dangerous ideas such as atheism should be imprisoned or shot, atheists and atheism and their degenerate subservience shouldn't be allowed to exist in a right-wing nationalist utopia - evolutionist nonsense/propaganda/disinformation should be banned unless it is useful toward right-wing nationalist doctrine (e.x. promotes the evolution and fitness of the right-wing nationalist state and people above other subversives. degenerates, and untermench).

36. Constitutionalist scum- people who promote "Constitution" worship and idolatry over right-wing nationalist state and party interests should be executed for treason; nationalism trumps the outdated Constitution if it doesn't serve the interests of the right-wing nationalist party; the Constitution has been used to promote morality degenerate interests, or loyalty to Constitutional "idols/ideals" over loyalty to state, party, and right-wing nationalist interests; right-wing party exectuives should be the ultimate arbiters, and if the Constitution gets in the way, it should be ignored or amended (e.x. the 1st Amendment should be repealled, no "free speech" for traitors, subversives, and degenerates who aren't loyal to party interests should be allowed to exist). This also applies to framers/founding father idolization (not that the average idiot has even read anything of them or is literate enough to do so) to begin with if it doesn't serve national or party interest; use of the Founders/Constitution/American Flag to promote subversive propaganda/business interests/ideologies, etc should be BANNED - their only use is/should be for the interest or service of right-wing nationalism/not sedition

It won't be "murder" if the bullets come out of the state's guns, so I see nothing threatening about posting this, just a fair warning for traitors, subversives, degenerates, and wrong-thinkers who oppose the authority of right-wing nationalism about what could and should happen unless they submit to the will of the state and their new overlords. Ha ha...

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For starters, the CIA should add the following celebrities to their assassination schedule - once they start showing up dead for criticizing the current administration and spreading dangerous and misinformative views to the barely-literate public (who, thanks to the popular vote and abolition of literacy tests are the only reason the Democratic party is able to state in office to begin with) - I'm sure that other would be traitors, pedagogues, and other varieties of subversive, left-wing media scum will think twice about opening their mouth... knowing the next time they do, they'll be bleeding out of it from a well-placed sniper shot to the temple:

1. Bill Nye - global warming alarmist propagandist/denialist, misinformant, seditious pedagogue, corporate vaccine propagandist/disinformant

2. Amy Schumer, anti-Republican propagandist, sexual degenerate

3. Ellen DeGeneres - anti-Republican propagandist, sexual degenerate

4. Mark Ruffalo - treasonous actor/pedagogue

5. Mark Hamil - treasonous actor/ pedagogue

6. Rick Ross - treasonous rapper/pedagogue/subhuman nigger

7. Daisy Ridley - treasonous actor/pedagogue

8. Producer of "Law and Order" - treasonous propagandist

9. Producer of "The Purge movies" - treasonous propagandist

10. Hillary Clinton and staff- failed presidential candidate, treasonous anti-republican subversive

11. Jeremy Corbin - dangerous foreign politician, spreader of wrongthink, subversiveness, anti-US, anti-Republican propaganda

12, Miscellaneous Youtube and Twitter celebrities who produce treasonous, subversive, anti-republican, anti-nationalist propaganda

13. Lawrence Krauss - Scientific propagandist, disinformant, sexual pervert, anti-Republican, anti-nationalist degenerate

14. Dan Savage - sexual degenerate, pedagogue, anti-Republican propagandist, traitor

15. John Takei - sexual degenerate, pedagogue, anti-Republican propagandist, traitor

16. Bill Maher - Subhuman kike, anti-Republican propagandist, traitor

17. Michael Savage - Subhuman kike, fake "white nationalist"

17. Nick Fuentes - Spic scum, fake "white nationalist", degenerate "incel"

18. Theodore Beale (Vox Day) - Half-breed native american mongoloid; fake "white nationalist", sexual degenerate, incel "scum"

19. Cathy Aeru - Anti-Republican propgandist/pedagogue, whore, loudmothed, rebellious little woman, subhuman spic-halfbreed slut

20. "Jazz" Jennings - degenerate "transgender" propagandist, spreader of dangerous ideas and propaganda

21, Lacy Green - degenerate propagandist, anti-Republican subversive, misinformant

22. Nathan Larson - degenerate incel/pedophile scum

22. Eminem/Slim Shady - sexual pervert, mentally ill incestuous freak, anti-Trump/anti-Republican propagandist

23. The entire "Game of Thrones" cast - degenerate propagandists, produce horrible show that only ugly and worthless people would enjoy

24. PZ Myers - Degenerate scientific propagandist, Marxist propagandist, anti-Republican, anti-nationalist subversive, sexual pervert, anti-right-wing, anti-nationalist conspiracy theorist

25. Anjem Choudery - subhuman towlhead scum/ anti-nationalist Islamist

26. Perez Hilton/Musto - Sexual pervert / mentally ill freak / degenerate / subversive propagandist

26. Jimmy Kimmel - anti-Republican subversive/propagandist/traitor

29. SNL cast - anti-Republican subversives/propagandists/traitors

30. Phil Mason anti-Republican/anti-nationalist subversive/scientific propagandist/disinformant/denialist

31. David Brock - anti-right-wing propagandist/disinformant

31. Milo Yannapolis - Sexual pervert/pro-pedophile scum/race-mixing freak/fake white nationalist

32. George Soros - anti-right-wing propagandist/disinformantF

33. Bitcoin operators - anti-state, anti-nationalist subservies/anarchists/traitors/enablers of pedophiles/child pornography/etc
33. Pro-gun propagandists who don't respect party or state - gun ownership is for men and women only who have proven themselves loyal to state, government and party, not for degenerates, subversives, and others (e.x. racial demographics with high-crime rates, weak women who aren't fit enough to use one, etc) giving guns to subversives, leftists, and other dangerous groups only serves the interest of rebellion and sedition; political and religious tests, as well as other tests of fitness and might such as IQ should be required for gun ownership; subversives and anti-nationalists with guns should be impriosned or executed

34. People with seditious tattoos - tattoos which don't serve state or party should be banned; since they can be used to promote subversiveness - freaks with non-state, non-nationalist approved tattoos should be short

33. Pro-abortion freaks and propagandists - only men and women of the state and national party get to decide who has an abortion and who doesn't if it serves nationalist interests (e.x. forced abortions of homosexuals and transgenders are good policy, abortions of healthy, white children, or healthy children of other races are not); whores and other degenerates and subversives have no say in the matter unless the state decides it, and the more degenerates who die in illegal abortions, the better off the fitness of the state and tribe; women's "right" to an abortion comes out of the barrell of a gun, and it's the men and women of the state and party who are holding them

34. "Feminists" of the degenerate, illiterate trailer trash variety who don't conform to right-wing nationalism; women's rights are only for those of the right think, not the subhuman mongels of the wrong think; wrong-thinkers deserve to be raped and killed like the diseased vermin and neanderthals that they are, like enemies on any battlefield

33. NPR and BBC staff - produce dangerous and subversive content and wrong-think which isn't beneficial to right-wing nationalist interests (only 1 national media network should exist in a right-wing nationalist state, with loyalty only to party platform and doctrine, with no degenerate or subversive "competing networks" allowed, they should be banned, and the producers of the subversive or dangerous ideas in question should be imprisoned or executed; Fox could become the new nationalist network of the US and other English Speaking Countries (e.x. Canada, Australia, New Zealandm UK, etc) with all public funding from other networks diverted to the new nationalist network; other networks forced to shut down under threat of military force (this means CIA or MI6-sponsored assassinations of media officials who don't comply with nationalist doctrine) - no "frees peach" for degenerates, traitors, subversives, and other subhuman scum and untermensch not loyal to right-wing nationalism, or state above the decadent individuals wants and whims.

34. Southern Poverty Law Center staff - subversive, anti-right wing, anti-nationalist propaganda, dangerous ideas

35. Promoters of degenerate versions of "capitalist/socialist" propaganda which are dangerous and subversive to right-wing nationalism (all businesses and individuals who don't conform to right-wing nationalism should be imprisoned or executed, degenrate businesses such as porn industry shouldn't be allowed to exist at the expense of the ruling party and national fitness; socialist propaganda which promotes "rights" for degenerate or subversive groups should be banned).

35. Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris- scientific propagandist/pedagogue, subversives, spreader of dangerous ideas and misinformation not compatible with nationalist policy, no "scientists" should be allowed to live and spread dangerous ideas and wrongthink to the masses unless it conforms to the authority of right-wing nationalist philosophy; subversive scientists should be imprisoned or shot, scientists or other individuals and organizations which promote dangerous ideas such as atheism should be imprisoned or shot, atheists and atheism and their degenerate subservience shouldn't be allowed to exist in a right-wing nationalist utopia - evolutionist nonsense/propaganda/disinformation should be banned unless it is useful toward right-wing nationalist doctrine (e.x. promotes the evolution and fitness of the right-wing nationalist state and people above other subversives. degenerates, and untermench).

36. Constitutionalist scum- people who promote "Constitution" worship and idolatry over right-wing nationalist state and party interests should be executed for treason; nationalism trumps the outdated Constitution if it doesn't serve the interests of the right-wing nationalist party; the Constitution has been used to promote morality degenerate interests, or loyalty to Constitutional "idols/ideals" over loyalty to state, party, and right-wing nationalist interests; right-wing party exectuives should be the ultimate arbiters, and if the Constitution gets in the way, it should be ignored or amended (e.x. the 1st Amendment should be repealled, no "free speech" for traitors, subversives, and degenerates who aren't loyal to party interests should be allowed to exist). This also applies to framers/founding father idolization (not that the average idiot has even read anything of them or is literate enough to do so) to begin with if it doesn't serve national or party interest; use of the Founders/Constitution/American Flag to promote subversive propaganda/business interests/ideologies, etc should be BANNED - their only use is/should be for the interest or service of right-wing nationalism/not sedition

It won't be "murder" if the bullets come out of the state's guns, so I see nothing threatening about posting this, just a fair warning for traitors, subversives, degenerates, and wrong-thinkers who oppose the authority of right-wing nationalism about what could and should happen unless they submit to the will of the state and their new overlords. Ha ha...


If we ever do end up with a Fascist government, just remember that you won't be safe even if you're on the Right.
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