APP - 'A Protocol for Dying'


I agree and hope to know too. "I am so grateful not to have died suddenly. I'm so grateful I won't lose my mind."

"My dad chose this, and died on Easter Tuesday. Several of us his family were with him. It is a simple and peaceful process. One injection sent him to sleep, into a coma. The second stopped his heart. It was a good way to die, and though I didn't know I was sick then, one I already wanted.

I'm shocked that in 2016 few countries allow this, and enforce the barbaric torture of decay and failure. It's especially relevant for cancer, which is a primary cause of death. Find a moment in your own jurisdiction, if it bans euthanasia, to lobby for the right to die in dignity."

"I know only one thing when I sleep, I know no fear, no, trouble no bliss, blessing on him who invented sleep, the common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. There is only one bad thing about sound sleep. They say it closely resembles death." Stanislaw Lem, Solaris
Sounds like you are scared of dying. Typical left wing proscriptions always wanting the easy way out and looking for the government to do it for them.
Im not sure how I feel about a person's 'right' to choose to die. Or how government oversight should happen.

But I would say it would have to be regulated.

Is it 'dignity' to die by choice instead of naturally?
Sounds like you are scared of dying. Typical left wing proscriptions always wanting the easy way out and looking for the government to do it for them.

ILA, your reply demonstrates why you find it necessary to censor thread comments. Your thinking is so narrow you cannot get outside of yourself and entertain an original thought. You cannot know how I feel about death, but you must manage your world, so you assume something you cannot know. It gives you comfort but limits you, just as you limit conversation.

OT My original reply is below, I felt the piece important, an interesting read, and so as not to introduce myself too much into the piece I edited it out.

People often act surprised when I tell them I want to know I am dying and have a bit of time before lights out. I have known religious people who fear death and I wonder why? If immortality is real then these people are set for a very long time. Of course nothing follows life, but consciousness will have nothing of it. Excellent read below from a dying man.

Imagine thirty fifty years from now, probably none of us will still be alive. Think hard, can you.

"If I was dead, I wouldn’t know I was dead. That’s the only thing I have against death. I want to enjoy my death." Samuel Beckett

PS one of my aunts dying of cancer never once complained about her pain and impending death. Several people noticed that, I wonder how many could imitate her?