A public service announcement for trumpanzees

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Reminder only 17 day for you report to your churches as America's bestest christian, DJ trump told you too, remember sit very closes to each other to show those lib'rules who is boss!

you don't need no stinking science!
I am an atheist.

But that doesn't mean I have no faith.

My faith is now being tested.

Here is my faith:

I have faith that humanity will overcome adversity and improve the human condition.


We are going to beat this thing.

Not all of us will survive, but humanity shall.

We will get our world back.

This will become history.

Might take a few years, we are surely in for a very rough patch.

We shall prevail.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Hold fast. Do the right thing. Do your part. Humanity will see the end of this.
At home, all shul activities cancelled such as Hebrew school , Jewish activities center around the home, always has especially Passover
No Seder or Passover events with friends? So you'll be celebrating Sedar alone? No challenges with minimal ingredients and limited access to resources? Glad everything is under control....thanks for taking thee time to respond....
Chag Pesach samech...
Don't worry too much about the Christians...you'll be too busy- and they'll be just fine;)
No Seder or Passover events with friends? So you'll be celebrating Sedar alone? No challenges with minimal ingredients and limited access to resources? Glad everything is under control....thanks for taking thee time to respond....
Chag Pesach samech...
Don't worry too much about the Christians...you'll be too busy- and they'll be just fine;)

Our Shul has delivered all Seder foods to families for Seders, we take care of our own community the only thing no community Seder , usually each family has their own Seder

We also have kosher food pantry for those who need it :)

We have learned from history to be a strong community
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Our Shul has delivered all Seder foods to families for Seders, we take care of our own community the only thing no community Seder , usually each family has their own Seder

We also have kosher food pantry for those who need it :)
During the black plague Jews were accused of sorcery

Unlike Christians

Jews were also isolated in the ghettos, which meant in some places that Jews were less affected
Jewish laws that promote cleanliness: a Jew must wash his or her hands before eating bread and after using the bathroom, it was customary for Jews to bath once a week before the Sabbath, a corpse must be washed before burial, and so on.