A question for fellow cat owners and cat lovers on this iste........

How MANY cats do you own, and what are their names? My sister and I own two cats, Henry and Emily. Henry, whom I named, has the official full adopted name of Oh! Henry. We call him Henry, for short. I also call him or have called him over the years, Hanky, Hank, Hanky-Poo, Hanker Dankers, Hanky Stanky, Hankins, Boo-Boo, Little Guy, Big Guy, Winky, Winkins, Winky Wanky, Winker Dinkers, and Yankee Doodle Hanky. My sister has recently started calling him Stinky Pants, I call him Stinky NO Pants, Snappy, for short. And I named him Oh! Henry in honor of the famed short story writer, in honor of writer Henry James, and in honor of Henry Aaron, the TRUE all-time home run king. My sister named our female kitty Emily, in honor of an Aunt Emily and in honor of poet Emily Dickinson. My sister only calls her Emily. I have many names I call or have called her over the years, including Emmy Demmy, Emmins, Emmy Demmins, Emily Lou Harris Girl, Emmy, Emmy Lou, Tiny, Tiny Girl (Even though she's bigger than Henry.), Sweet Girl, Sweetie, and Emmy Demmers.
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How MANY cats do you own, and what are their names? My sister and I own two cats, Henry and Emily. Henry, whom I named, has the official full adopted name of Oh! Henry. We call him Henry, for short. I also call him or have called him over the years, Hanky, Hank, Hanky-Poo, Hanker Dankers, Hanky Stanky, Hankins, Boo-Boo, Little Guy, Big Guy, Winky, Winkins, Winky Wanky, Winker Dinkers, and Yankee Doodle Hanky. My sister has recently started calling him Stinky Pants, I call him Stinky NO Pants, Snappy, for short. And I named him Oh! Henry in honor of the famed short story writer, in honor of writer Henry James. and in honor of Henry Aaron, the TRUE all-time home run king. My sister named our female kitty Emily, in honor of an Aunt Emily and in honor of poet Emily Dickinson. My sister only calls her Emily. I have many names I call or have called her over the years, including Emmy Demmy, Emmins, Emmy Demmins, Emily Lou Harris Girl, Emmy, Emmy Lou, Tiny, Tiny Girl (Even though she's bigger than Henry.), Sweet Girl, Sweetie, and Emmy Demmers.

The title of this thread should obviously be "..............on this SITE", not iste! I tried to edit the title, but to no avail.
I remembered some more names I have for our sweet little Emily - Emmy Doodle, Emmy Strudel, Emmy Noodle, and Emmy Doodle Strudel Noodle.
We, at the moment, have one cat, a 14 year old orange marmalade tabby, whom we rescued from the aftermath of an hurricane a decade ago.

We have owned many cats over the decades and love them all.
Uh, Steve. (holding head in both hands) So, how much longer will you be here?

How MANY cats do you own, and what are their names? My sister and I own two cats, Henry and Emily. Henry, whom I named, has the official full adopted name of Oh! Henry. We call him Henry, for short. I also call him or have called him over the years, Hanky, Hank, Hanky-Poo, Hanker Dankers, Hanky Stanky, Hankins, Boo-Boo, Little Guy, Big Guy, Winky, Winkins, Winky Wanky, Winker Dinkers, and Yankee Doodle Hanky. My sister has recently started calling him Stinky Pants, I call him Stinky NO Pants, Snappy, for short. And I named him Oh! Henry in honor of the famed short story writer, in honor of writer Henry James, and in honor of Henry Aaron, the TRUE all-time home run king. My sister named our female kitty Emily, in honor of an Aunt Emily and in honor of poet Emily Dickinson. My sister only calls her Emily. I have many names I call or have called her over the years, including Emmy Demmy, Emmins, Emmy Demmins, Emily Lou Harris Girl, Emmy, Emmy Lou, Tiny, Tiny Girl (Even though she's bigger than Henry.), Sweet Girl, Sweetie, and Emmy Demmers.
Uh, Steve. (holding head in both hands) So, how much longer will you be here?

Just answer the question I posed in the opening to this thread, Dumb Little Mr. Meoff. If you're unable to answer the question, please STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS THREAD. Thank you.
We, at the moment, have one cat, a 14 year old orange marmalade tabby, whom we rescued from the aftermath of an hurricane a decade ago.

We have owned many cats over the decades and love them all.

Thank you, Jimmy. And thank you very much for rescuing your 14 year old kitty. I have a new respect for you, and I will NOT torment you any further with dumbass comments directed towards you. You seem to be an honorable person, that's nice to see.
Just answer the question I posed in the opening to this thread, Dumb Little Mr. Meoff. If you're unable to answer the question, please STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS THREAD. Thank you.

It was just a question.
(it's not just me who has reported you as an Outside Agitator)
All 3 of my cats just showed up at my door as kittens- at different intervals.

2 have been with me for 15 years. one is now totally blind but still happy as a lark and is no trouble at all. She is a black and white Sylvester looking cat with the greenest beautiful eyes, and with the sharpest claws in the world, and with the perfect Charlie Chaplain moustache. Her name is Miss Prissy!

I also have a Yellow Brindle Tom that only lives for attention, is huge but still as playful as a kitten named Sonny Boy!

And I have a Blue Point Himalayan (Princess) that thinks she owns the house and is the ruler of the roost! She is affectionate to all in her own strange ways.

They are all adorable. And they all love my little miniature Dachshund (Oscar- Little Britches for short) that thinks he is just as big as the rest, and keeps all of them company.
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All 3 of my cats just showed up at my door as kittens- at different intervals.

2 have been with me for 15 years. one is now totally blind but still happy as a lark and is no trouble at all. She is a black and white Sylvester looking cat with the greenest beautiful eyes, and with the sharpest claws in the world, and with the perfect Charlie Chaplain moustache. Her name is Miss Prissy!

I also have a Yellow Brindle Tom that only lives for attention, is huge but still as playful as a kitten named Sonny Boy!

And I have a Blue Point Himalayan (Princess) that thinks she owns the house and is the ruler of the roost! She is affectionate to all in her own strange ways.

They are all adorable. And they all love my little miniature Dachshund (Oscar- Little Britches for short) that thinks he is just as big as the rest, and keeps all of them company.

Thank you for sharing this, Geeko. It sounds like you love your animals, and they love you in return. Our Henry turned 10 years old on April 29th of this year. We know his exact birth date because he was born at the shelter where he adopted him. We believe Emily is 11 years old, but we're not sure of her exact birth date. Animals truly ARE a blessing, aren't they?
Thank you for sharing this, Geeko. It sounds like you love your animals, and they love you in return. Our Henry turned 10 years old on April 29th of this year. We know his exact birth date because he was born at the shelter where he adopted him. We believe Emily is 11 years old, but we're not sure of her exact birth date. Animals truly ARE a blessing, aren't they?

Thanks Stephen!

I am putting you in a different light, now that I know more about your heart and love of animals- AND MUSIC.

I believe our pets and animals are a reflection of who we are in this world.

Our lovers may get up and that love can just go out the door and it is gone forever, but your pets actually love you and need you more and would never abandon you. They are always there for you!
Thanks Stephen!

I am putting you in a different light, now that I know more about your heart and love of animals- AND MUSIC.

I believe our pets and animals are a reflection of who we are in this world.

Our lovers may get up and that love can just go out the door and it is gone forever, but your pets actually love you and need you more and would never abandon you. They are always there for you!

And I'm putting YOU in a different light, as well. What I often do, and do NOT like about myself, is I tend to form an opinion of a person based SOLELY on their political beliefs. Of course this is narrow thinking at its dumbest. I'm TRYING to work on this, because let's face it, there are so MANY other important things in life besides politics. I sometimes wish I hadn't developed a keen interest in politics after I did some intensive research in October of 2016, on the two primary candidates that year for president. And I sometimes I wish I were painfully ignorant of pretty much ANYTHING political in nature, like I WAS before my research. Too much knowledge of something CAN be a bad thing sometimes.
Thank you, Jimmy. And thank you very much for rescuing your 14 year old kitty. I have a new respect for you, and I will NOT torment you any further with dumbass comments directed towards you. You seem to be an honorable person, that's nice to see.

Thank you, but you don't torment me.

I hope you are enjoying your 'vacation' with us and will come visit when you return to FlaCalTenn and westwall.

Now those are two whom I have tormented for almost a decade for the silliness of their libertarian and anarcho-libertarian craziness.
I’ve owned my last cat, I will never get another as amazing as my Bengal, Prince or my fat cat PT.
We replaced are old cat,Kitty,who passed on.
With 2 sisters from the County pound.
Rosa and Molly.
Rosa is a sweetheart,Molly raises Holy Hell!

Thank you for adopting your two sister kitties from your County pound. You most likely saved their lives by doing so. Nicely done.