Cancel 2020.2
How MANY cats do you own, and what are their names? My sister and I own two cats, Henry and Emily. Henry, whom I named, has the official full adopted name of Oh! Henry. We call him Henry, for short. I also call him or have called him over the years, Hanky, Hank, Hanky-Poo, Hanker Dankers, Hanky Stanky, Hankins, Boo-Boo, Little Guy, Big Guy, Winky, Winkins, Winky Wanky, Winker Dinkers, and Yankee Doodle Hanky. My sister has recently started calling him Stinky Pants, I call him Stinky NO Pants, Snappy, for short. And I named him Oh! Henry in honor of the famed short story writer, in honor of writer Henry James, and in honor of Henry Aaron, the TRUE all-time home run king. My sister named our female kitty Emily, in honor of an Aunt Emily and in honor of poet Emily Dickinson. My sister only calls her Emily. I have many names I call or have called her over the years, including Emmy Demmy, Emmins, Emmy Demmins, Emily Lou Harris Girl, Emmy, Emmy Lou, Tiny, Tiny Girl (Even though she's bigger than Henry.), Sweet Girl, Sweetie, and Emmy Demmers.
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