A question for Iran....


Staff member
What the he** are you doing?!

You do know that while we aren't so good at building nations, we are hella good at tearing them up? Right?

You do know that to simply destroy you beyond recognition we can play war like a video game and don't really have to send anybody there? Right?

Um... Why don't you grow a brain rather than balls? It will serve you better in the end.

That is all.

This has been a public service announcement...

And now back to your regular programming.
What the he** are you doing?!

You do know that while we aren't so good at building nations, we are hella good at tearing them up?

Why would "we" go to war over 15 british sailors?

I don't think the UK has the military power to bring Iran to its knees.
this is going to be resolved. Everyone needs to chill out.

The iranians are already saying they'll release the sailors if the UK admits they were in iranian waters.

Anyone who remembers the Chinese incident in 2001, where they detained some of our pilots, knows exactly how this is going to play out. There will be a diplomatic dance about what the UK will, or won't admit to, and then it'll be over.
You haven't seen how even AOI is reacting then. It's okay Cypress, to see that this could escalate if it is handled incorrectly.
You haven't seen how even AOI is reacting then. It's okay Cypress, to see that this could escalate if it is handled incorrectly.

I agree with Cypress. This will be handled. Its already being handled incorrectly by both sides. But this will not be the fuse that fires off the bomb.

It will be a step up in rhetoric, but it will not start the war. It will merely exacerbate and exemplify out differences. But the war will not begin until we are poised better and have better political grounds for it here the the Homeland.

Listen to the radio. Listen to the neocons blathering on and salivating like Pavlov's dogs over the prospect of getting into another war. They want it bad, but unfortunately for them, this bell doesn't mean food is coming.
I agree with Cypress. This will be handled. Its already being handled incorrectly by both sides. But this will not be the fuse that fires off the bomb.

It will be a step up in rhetoric, but it will not start the war. It will merely exacerbate and exemplify out differences. But the war will not begin until we are poised better and have better political grounds for it here the the Homeland.

Listen to the radio. Listen to the neocons blathering on and salivating like Pavlov's dogs over the prospect of getting into another war. They want it bad, but unfortunately for them, this bell doesn't mean food is coming.
You guys take a joke post and make a stupid serious one out of it...

You guys take a joke post and make a stupid serious one out of it...


Hey now G. You're one of the first to admit that jokes and sarcasm don't translate well to the internets, or the google.

Your pennance: 2 Guinnesses and 6 packs of marlboro reds.
Gas is too cheap anyway, needs to go up to spur alternative energy sources and conservation of gas/oil products.