A question for the Buffalo Bills.

If you guys were going to take a day off,

why would you waste it in Foxborough?

That was a great game today. I usually don't root for the Pats. I lost respect for them after "deflate gate". But I am happy for them today. Beating Buffalo, one of the favorites for going to the Bowl, is no easy task.
That was a great game today. I usually don't root for the Pats. I lost respect for them after "deflate gate". But I am happy for them today. Beating Buffalo, one of the favorites for going to the Bowl, is no easy task.

Every scientific body that was asked to evaluate the merits of deflate gate concluded that the accusations were total nonsense.
None of those opinions were even considered.
The players association agreement lets the league do whatever it wants.
If Goodel had to deal with the baseball players' union, he'd kill himself.
Although frankly, I think that they're getting a liitle soft now too.

I've always hated the NFL as a social club for tacky, nouveau-riche team owners,
and don't even like football that much,
but I loved the Brady era Patriots because they were so entertaining.
So precise. So relentless.

The present team is an atrocity, however, and how a powerful team like Buffalo lost to them
is not easy to understand.

No matter.
Bill got his 300th career win.
I didn't think that he'd ever get it with the group he's got now.

They did make some plays today,
I will admit,
but I don't know from where they came.
My "joy" circuit board is out of order, TOP.

A couple of new resisters and a little solder should fix it, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

A little inspiration...this might encourage you to get up and get the soldering gun...;)