APP - A question for the MODs only


I posted this in APP; because it was easier then making a thread in OFF TOPIC and trying to thread ban everyone else.

I did this, so this thread wouldn't be nothing more then another complaint session and that the MODs could reply; without having to deal with all the other JPP posters "opinions", clogging up the thread and attempting to divert it's intention.

The thread - The MAP movement aims to mainstream sex with children - was recently closed and I have a question, regarding a suggestion er: an accusation made, that was made by Jack.

He made the accusation that Legion only made the thread to try to INTICE someone into make a Rule 12b violation and I have purposely avoided cutting and pasting the accusations; because they can be seen in the thread mentioned.

Is it your concession that that was Legion's intent or is Jack just trying to stir up shit?

I'm not looking for lengthy explanations; but instead a very simple YES or NO and this can be collectively or individually.

I'm not trying to set any of you up, just to bitch and moan; but instead this is an attempt to possibly curtail any future accusations and you all should know by now that I'm a man of my word, regardless of how you feel about me.

Since I will not reply, on this thread, and there will be no "part deux" from me; I will give you my thanks, at this time. :good4u: