A Question Of Sanity


Junior Member
Czech President questions the sanity of Al Gore. He makes a fine argument.

>>Mr Al Gore may be saying something along these lines: a sane person can't.

>>I don't see any ruining of the planet, I have never seen it, and I don't think that a reasonable and serious person could say such a thing. Look: you represent the economic media so I expect a certain economical erudition from you. My book will answer these questions. For example, we know that there exists a huge correlation between the care we give to the environment on one side and the wealth and technological prowess on the other side. It's clear that the poorer the society is, the more brutally it behaves with respect to Nature, and vice versa.• It's also true that there exist social systems that are damaging Nature - by eliminating private ownership and similar things - much more than the freer societies. These tendencies become important in the long run. They unambiguously imply that today, on February 8th, 2007, Nature is protected uncomparably more than on February 8th ten years ago or fifty years ago or one hundred years ago.• That's why I ask: how can you pronounce the sentence you said? Perhaps if you're unconscious? Or did you mean it as a provocation only? And maybe I am just too naive and I allowed you to provoke me to give you all these answers, am I not? It is more likely that you actually believe what you say.

Watch out Toby, you are talking about the "surprise" candidate for president....to be announced when he picks up his Oscar. :)
Your right Leaning, but the MSM have already picked out Obama as its man and they have the power..........
The cons are reduced to looking for party allies in other countries ?
I don't think that any of "con" candidates attempted to say that all the diplomats of other nations wanted them to be President as a recent candidate for another party did...
Hmm and look were our stature in the world is now....
Yet you were the one who made the point that they shouldn't look for support from the outside.

Plus, I don't think we'd be anywhere different with Kerry, his plan was to add 10,000 more troops and do the same thing Bush was.
Yes, but several years earlier than Bush is trying it....
However, Bush actually changed tactic when he did it. Kerry had no such plan. The only difference between Kerry and Bush was that 10,000 more troops would have been there. There was no push in his plan to clean Baghdad, nothing in it about allowing troops to enter previously politically protected areas...

Kerry had no plan whatsoever for Iraq other than keepin' on keepin' on with more troops there. So...

So far you have said that it was a bad thing to look outside the US for support, even though the candidate you supported did just that... then attempt to equate no plan with an actual different tactic... You aren't batting well today.
Kerry was a candidate, not the president that started this war based on mistakes and or lies. Sort of a different thing....

Don't get me wrong, I was not a Kerry supporteer, just anti bush.
Kerry was a candidate, not the president that started this war based on mistakes and or lies. Sort of a different thing....

Don't get me wrong, I was not a Kerry supporteer, just anti bush.
Not really. He was applying for the job from those that do the hiring. People realized that his whole "plan" for Iraq was just the same with more kids there, it is one of the reasons that people didn't change their votes.

In this "surge" Bush changes tactics. If Moqtada can realize that and fear for his life because of the tactic shift where certain areas aren't under political protection any longer, so can Americans.
Just a surge as Bush put it damo, once the surge is over....
Part of it is accelleration of the training and asserting that the government in Iraq must take charge. It was all in that report y'all wanted Bush to follow. It is going to be fun to keep pointing that out while y'all keep saying that Bush isn't doing what you want.