A radioactive nightmare.

The Ugly Truth

Verified User
Anyone remember Fukushima? Three nuclear reactors in Japan continue to spew radioactive waste into the Pacific ocean. Some have claimed that this could be an extinction level event. The end of all life on the planet, or at least most of it. What do you think? Does anyone have any concrete data on just how much radioactive waste has leaked into the ocean and what the effects might be? Hundreds of tons of contaminated water are being released every day. There are a lot of theories about the effects of this radiation, but one thing is for sure. It doesn't look good.
Anyone remember Fukushima? Three nuclear reactors in Japan continue to spew radioactive waste into the Pacific ocean. Some have claimed that this could be an extinction level event. The end of all life on the planet, or at least most of it. What do you think? Does anyone have any concrete data on just how much radioactive waste has leaked into the ocean and what the effects might be? Hundreds of tons of contaminated water are being released every day. There are a lot of theories about the effects of this radiation, but one thing is for sure. It doesn't look good.

The folks in Deadliest Catch were still out catching crabs and that was the other side of the continent from me so I am guessing we are A-OK for now having both an ocean and a continent between me an your extinction level event.
The folks in Deadliest Catch were still out catching crabs and that was the other side of the continent from me so I am guessing we are A-OK for now having both an ocean and a continent between me an your extinction level event.

LOLOL! You're basing your opinion about real world events on a 'reality' TV show? Damn! You are too stupid to live. I hope you never have children. The gene pool might not survive.
LOLOL! You're basing your opinion about real world events on a 'reality' TV show? Damn! You are too stupid to live. I hope you never have children. The gene pool might not survive.

If this were an extinction level event, then surely they would be dead after 7 years of being soaked to the bone non-stop in this toxic waste. Since they aren't, I win. Feel free to hope though. Hope is all people without guns and Bibles have to cling to.
If this were an extinction level event, then surely they would be dead after 7 years of being soaked to the bone non-stop in this toxic waste. Since they aren't, I win. Feel free to hope though. Hope is all people without guns and Bibles have to cling to.

Yeah. All that radioactive waste being pumped into the ocean will have no effect at all. Right. Keep dreaming.
Yeah. All that radioactive waste being pumped into the ocean will have no effect at all. Right. Keep dreaming.

Except I didn't say it wouldn't have any effect. You, on the other hand, apparently don't even know what you are arguing since you have so many fundamental questions unanswered in your head based on the OP. Someone that ignorant about the basic facts of the situation certainly isn't an honest broker.

Did you even read your article? The "Basic facts" are you linked an opinion piece that takes exception to the scientific conclusion the sea life in question died from global warming to assert with no factual basis that it was really because of Fukashima. You are bootstrapping opinion on to opinion and calling it fact. Like I said before, hope is about the only thing you got going for you.

Here, I will guide you to some clues: Every month the IAEA release the previous month's report on that plant. Workers are on the scene at the plant steadily doing the decommissioning. It will be about two more years before they reach the nastiest of the nasty stuff. The foundation of the reactor is still randomly throwing off high readings which create concerns for the potential of widespread groundwater contamination but there is no proof of that happening as of yet. The radioactive waste water is being captured and stored in above ground tanks to keep it out of the ocean. There is fear that having it in above ground tanks could lead to a disaster, but it hasn't yet.

Now if you want to run around pretending that you have seen one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, feel free. But so far, all you got is a Howdy Doody scarf waving in the air.
I'm not going to address the "It's the End of the World as We Know It" bit, although I do agree that there is definitely going to be a lot of long-lasting environmental damage to both land, groundwater, air, and sea from the Fukushima disaster. Frankly, I'm far more concerned about the massive plastic waste in the ocean, and the micro- and nano-plastic particles that are being consumed by ocean lifeforms, some of which ends up in our own bodies as it works its way up the food chain.

That being said, this is an interesting article on how they are using robotics for part of the clean-up. Enjoy.

I'm not going to address the "It's the End of the World as We Know It" bit, although I do agree that there is definitely going to be a lot of long-lasting environmental damage to both land, groundwater, air, and sea from the Fukushima disaster. Frankly, I'm far more concerned about the massive plastic waste in the ocean, and the micro- and nano-plastic particles that are being consumed by ocean lifeforms, some of which ends up in our own bodies as it works its way up the food chain.

That being said, this is an interesting article on how they are using robotics for part of the clean-up. Enjoy.


The footage is also reaching the public which has lead to some interesting geeky WTF speculation by people very familiar with these plants. Not necessarily conspiracy theories but the robotic cameras capturing things in places where one wouldn't expect to find them and the geeks trying to figure out how the hell it got there. Just simple stuff that you would have to be an ubber insider to understand like how an intact lever from one part of the plant ending up in a pool of melted debris in a totally different part of the plant.
The footage is also reaching the public which has lead to some interesting geeky WTF speculation by people very familiar with these plants. Not necessarily conspiracy theories but the robotic cameras capturing things in places where one wouldn't expect to find them and the geeks trying to figure out how the hell it got there. Just simple stuff that you would have to be an ubber insider to understand like how an intact lever from one part of the plant ending up in a pool of melted debris in a totally different part of the plant.

Cool. My oldest son is a nuclear plant engineer in Louisiana. After Fukushima he led a year-long study group about what went wrong at Fukushima, and what methods they could use to further harden his plant from some similar catastrophe. As you can imagine, he's pretty disheartened at the future of nuclear power. I have a feeling that he and his atomic geek squad have been viewing the vids and doing exactly the same thing.
Cool. My oldest son is a nuclear plant engineer in Louisiana. After Fukushima he led a year-long study group about what went wrong at Fukushima, and what methods they could use to further harden his plant from some similar catastrophe. As you can imagine, he's pretty disheartened at the future of nuclear power. I have a feeling that he and his atomic geek squad have been viewing the vids and doing exactly the same thing.

Nuclear power will be around long after we are gone. NASA is doing a lot of foot work developing compact reactors for moon/Mars colonies. I think for alternative energy to really work, we will probably need something similar to power our homes/neighborhoods at night. The idea of super duper batteries doing that work is a little less realistic.
Did you even read your article? The "Basic facts" are you linked an opinion piece that takes exception to the scientific conclusion the sea life in question died from global warming to assert with no factual basis that it was really because of Fukashima. You are bootstrapping opinion on to opinion and calling it fact. Like I said before, hope is about the only thing you got going for you.
There is absolutely no evidence that it is related to global warming. There is also the FACT that the increase occurred immediately after Fukushima. And what makes you believe that the ones in charge would let us know if it was an ELE? Think about what would happen if they did. Tepco lied about the radiation released, from the beginning. In Japan, it is a crime to talk about this meltdown and the possible consequences outside of official channels. Think about that. Why should this be a crime? What are they covering up?
Yes, I am able to read it. I'll take the time to do so. Fukushima is far from over. The problems with it will last longer than you and I will be alive.

Yet nobody has died from radiation, although you'd never know that if you only listened to eco-nuts. It took a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and a 12 metre tsunami to cause that accident. Nothing would have happened if the barrier surrounding the nuclear plant had been a few metres higher and the standby diesel generators placed on high ground. This type of accident is impossible with 3rd generation reactor technology as they employ a passive reactor shutdown mechanism which requires no external power or human intervention.
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