A-Rod and Yankees close to deal for $275 million over 10 years


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A-Rod actually reached out to the Yanks via Goldman Sachs completely by passing Boras to strike this deal. If that is the case then Boras or A-Rod shot themselves in the foot by opting out and losing the money he still had coming from the Rangers. But 27.5 mill a year ain't nothin' to sneeze at.
A-Rod actually reached out to the Yanks via Goldman Sachs completely by passing Boras to strike this deal. If that is the case then Boras or A-Rod shot themselves in the foot by opting out and losing the money he still had coming from the Rangers. But 27.5 mill a year ain't nothin' to sneeze at.

Maybe he just wanted to dump Boras?
Maybe we can hear Selig blab on about how this demonstrates parity. That's about half the Devil Rays payroll and I bet they produce more than twice as many runs as A Rod. What a bargain!

I hate that guy.
Maybe we can hear Selig blab on about how this demonstrates parity. That's about half the Devil Rays payroll and I bet they produce more than twice as many runs as A Rod. What a bargain!

I hate that guy.
Wow how utterly non libertarian of you. Free markets everywhere but baseball huh? I know that the Yankees spend loads of cash but so do the Red Sox and the Dodgers. It is the nature of the beast. AND spending as much as they do you will have noticed, and if not Chap will be sure to tell you, that the Yankees have failed to win world series in this decade thus far.
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yeah but they have won more than the next two team combined all time.
Also, Arod is still winding up making more after finding out no huge offer was out there.
Wow how utterly non libertarian of you. Free markets everywhere but baseball huh? I know that the Yankees spend loads of cash but so do the Red Sox and the Dodgers. It is the nature of the beast. AND spending as much as they do you will have noticed, and if not Chap will be sure to tell you, that the Yankees have failed to win world series in this decade thus far.

What's not free market about it. Baseball is a business. They have many rules to make the game more competitive and therefore their product more attractive. It is no different than anyother rule.
As far as the other comments... Yeah the Red Sox, who also have a humongous payroll, have won some too. I am in Tampa. Tell me there is parity in the AL East. There is none and there will be none until they pass a salary cap of some sort.
As far as the other comments... Yeah the Red Sox, who also have a humongous payroll, have won some too. I am in Tampa. Tell me there is parity in the AL East. There is none and there will be none until they pass a salary cap of some sort.
Salary Cap Schmalary Cap!
If you think Baseball only needs the big markets, then there is no need. I think it spells doom over the long haul. I use to be a huge fan of baseball. I started to get back into it a bit being out in SF with the A's.

But here in Tampa, there is really no point. I can stand cheering for a losing team, if there is hope of improvment. But there is no way the Devil Rays are ever going to compete with the Yanks and Red Sox. They MIGHT get lucky 1 year in a generation and actually have a chance for the playoffs.

I still prefer the game to football but the management of it stinks.
And frankly, anybody who cheers for the Yanks or Red Sox and supports the status quo is gay. What thrill is there in it, when the game is decidedly fixed to your teams advantage.