A scholar of American anti-Semitism explains the hate symbols present during

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
the US Capitol riot

Calls to exterminate Jews are common in far-right and white nationalist circles. For example, the conspiracy theorists of QAnon, who hold “that the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who are plotting against Mr. Trump,” traffic in it regularly.

The anonymous “Q” – the group’s purported head who communicates in riddles and leaves clues on message boards – once approvingly retweeted the anti-Semitic image of a knife-wielding Jew wearing a Star of David necklace who stands knee-deep in the blood of Russians, Poles, Hungarians and Ukrainians and asks with feigned innocence, “Why do they persecute me so?”

Images of long-nosed Jews dripping with the blood of non-Jews whom they are falsely accused of murdering have a long and tragic history. Repeatedly, they have served as triggers for anti-Semitic violence.

More commonly, including in recent days, QAnon has targeted Jewish billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros, whom it portrays as the primary figure shaping and controlling world events. A century ago, the Rothschilds, a family of Jewish bankers, was depicted in much the same way.

‘White genocide’
Another website popular in white nationalist circles displayed photographs of Jewish women and men, downloaded from university websites, so as to help readers distinguish Jews from the “Aryan Master Race.” “Europeans are the children of God,” it proclaims. “(((They)))” – denominating Jews as other without even mentioning them – “are the children of Satan.”

The website justifies rabid anti-Semitism by linking Jews to the forces supposedly seeking to undermine racial hierarchies. “White genocide is (((their))) plan,” it declares, again marking Jews with triple parentheses, “counter-(((extermination))) is our response.”

QAnon followers, the Proud Boys and the other far-right and alt-right groups that converged on Washington imagined that they were living out the great fantasy that underlies what many consider to be the bible of the white nationalism movement, a 1978 dystopian novel, “The Turner Diaries,” by William Luther Pierce.

The novel depicts the violent overthrow of the government of the United States, nuclear conflagration, race war and the ultimate extermination of nonwhites and “undesirable racial elements among the remaining White population.”

“The Turner Diaries"’ denouement coupled with the anti-Semitic images from the Capitol on Wednesday serve as timely reminders of the precarious place Jews occupy in different corners of the United States. Even as some celebrate how Jews have become white and privileged, others dream of Jews’ ultimate extermination.

Anti-Semitism in the time of Trump

In 2018, Trump suggested that George Soros, the Hungarian-born Jewish financier and philanthropist, was behind protests against the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and also, possibly, the arrival of a caravan of Central American migrants at the US border.

In 2019, he claimed that American Jews who vote Democratic, which was about 80 per cent of American Jews in the 2018 midterms, were guilty of “disloyalty”. That same year, Trump also told a Jewish audience in Florida that some Jews don’t “love Israel enough”. And he has repeatedly referred to Israel as “your country” when speaking with American Jews, which has been condemned as an allusion to the old dual loyalty trope.

Trump has repeatedly described Biden as a “servant of the globalists” – a term that, as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has explained, is “used as an ethnic smear and long-running conspiracy theory about Jewish populations not being loyal to the countries they live in and cooperating through secret international alliances”.

Making a single anti-Semitic statement is a one-off, offensive, outlandish story. But make one enough times and it stops being any of those things. Anti-Semitism starts being normalised and then, eventually, normal. And that is what is happening in American politics during the time of Trump.

Anti-Semitism in the time of Trump

In 2018, Trump suggested that George Soros, the Hungarian-born Jewish financier and philanthropist, was behind protests against the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and also, possibly, the arrival of a caravan of Central American migrants at the US border.

In 2019, he claimed that American Jews who vote Democratic, which was about 80 per cent of American Jews in the 2018 midterms, were guilty of “disloyalty”. That same year, Trump also told a Jewish audience in Florida that some Jews don’t “love Israel enough”. And he has repeatedly referred to Israel as “your country” when speaking with American Jews, which has been condemned as an allusion to the old dual loyalty trope.

Trump has repeatedly described Biden as a “servant of the globalists” – a term that, as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has explained, is “used as an ethnic smear and long-running conspiracy theory about Jewish populations not being loyal to the countries they live in and cooperating through secret international alliances”.

Making a single anti-Semitic statement is a one-off, offensive, outlandish story. But make one enough times and it stops being any of those things. Anti-Semitism starts being normalised and then, eventually, normal. And that is what is happening in American politics during the time of Trump.


There's anti-semitism in the Democrat party. G'luck with that! :D

Trump has a Jewish son-in-law. Try again.
Which politicians in Washington today want to end all foreign aid to Israel? Which politicians were against funding Israel to allow them to produce more missiles for their Iron Dome defense system? Which politicians in Washington have come out in favor of various Palestinian terrorist factions?

Just curious...
Hello guno,

the US Capitol riot

Calls to exterminate Jews are common in far-right and white nationalist circles. For example, the conspiracy theorists of QAnon, who hold “that the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who are plotting against Mr. Trump,” traffic in it regularly.

The anonymous “Q” – the group’s purported head who communicates in riddles and leaves clues on message boards – once approvingly retweeted the anti-Semitic image of a knife-wielding Jew wearing a Star of David necklace who stands knee-deep in the blood of Russians, Poles, Hungarians and Ukrainians and asks with feigned innocence, “Why do they persecute me so?”

Images of long-nosed Jews dripping with the blood of non-Jews whom they are falsely accused of murdering have a long and tragic history. Repeatedly, they have served as triggers for anti-Semitic violence.

More commonly, including in recent days, QAnon has targeted Jewish billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros, whom it portrays as the primary figure shaping and controlling world events. A century ago, the Rothschilds, a family of Jewish bankers, was depicted in much the same way.

‘White genocide’
Another website popular in white nationalist circles displayed photographs of Jewish women and men, downloaded from university websites, so as to help readers distinguish Jews from the “Aryan Master Race.” “Europeans are the children of God,” it proclaims. “(((They)))” – denominating Jews as other without even mentioning them – “are the children of Satan.”

The website justifies rabid anti-Semitism by linking Jews to the forces supposedly seeking to undermine racial hierarchies. “White genocide is (((their))) plan,” it declares, again marking Jews with triple parentheses, “counter-(((extermination))) is our response.”

QAnon followers, the Proud Boys and the other far-right and alt-right groups that converged on Washington imagined that they were living out the great fantasy that underlies what many consider to be the bible of the white nationalism movement, a 1978 dystopian novel, “The Turner Diaries,” by William Luther Pierce.

The novel depicts the violent overthrow of the government of the United States, nuclear conflagration, race war and the ultimate extermination of nonwhites and “undesirable racial elements among the remaining White population.”

“The Turner Diaries"’ denouement coupled with the anti-Semitic images from the Capitol on Wednesday serve as timely reminders of the precarious place Jews occupy in different corners of the United States. Even as some celebrate how Jews have become white and privileged, others dream of Jews’ ultimate extermination.


Racism is an indication of self disrespect and insecurity.

The concept of 'live and let live' is lost on racists.
I read the article linked to in the OP at a site called The Conversation.

What a piece of academic crap that was. It's hard to believe that a university professor could write such a worthless piece of tripe.

Let me start by saying, this has nothing to do with the subject thesis the professor is commenting on, anti-Semitism, but rather on his inability to articulate a coherent argument supporting his thesis.

The only reference in the whole article to the Capitol riot and anti-Semitism is this:

One of the many horrifying images from the Jan. 6 rampage on the U.S. Capitol shows a long-haired, long-bearded man wearing a black “Camp Auschwitz” T-shirt emblazoned with a skull and crossbones, and under it the phrase “work brings freedom” – an English translation of the Auschwitz concentration camp motto: “Arbeit macht frei.”

These and related images, captured on television and retweeted on social media...

So, in the entire article, the writer presents a single case where a single participant was wearing a T-shirt with a clearly obnoxious and hateful message that could be inferred to be anti-Semitic. The writer then makes an unsubstantiated claim smearing the whole without any other examples. What related images? He never gets to that. His use of "these" is really a misnomer as it should read "This," a singular example as that's all he's given us. There was one example, not many that "These" implies as a plural.

From that opening, the writer shifts to a polyglot of unrelated examples scattered over history of anti-Semitism. Even then, he's almost nonexistent with examples or references one can use to confirm his claims. The article is worthless. It amounts to a diatribe by a Leftist Professor against the non-Left.

While there are clearly anti-Semites and haters of Jews, this professor adds nothing useful to the conversation.